Children’s Church Reflection (13 Nov 2016)

All around our city there are signs that are put up for us to obey. Some tell us to stop or slow down or beware of something and more. These signs exist to keep us safe and to keep others safe too. But in order for these signs to fulfil their role, they require us to obey them. Obedience is an important lesson for us to learn. God says the same for His instructions. He says we must obey Him. In fact, He even says that if we truly love Him then we should obey His instructions. Obedience to God is therefore an act of worship. This was our focus this Sunday at Children’s Church.

Our Part
We helped the children see how obedience is required with so many things in life. It is needed when we are driving, needed at school, needed when we play sports or games. We then looked at how God calls us to be obedient towards Him. We looked at His commands and the great commandment of the call to love one another. We also emphasised how just to know what to obey is not enough. If we know what to obey then it requires action. Knowledge alone is not enough. Act out obedience. When we obey God, we glorify Him and honour Him and that is a beautiful expression of worship.

Your Part
You as parents would know the importance of obedience and teaching your children about it. Help them to see that God has given us instructions too: love others, be kind, be generous, and so on. Help them see this and practice obedience. Knowing the need to be obedient and then not acting on is disobedience. Help your children understand this great way of worshipping God.

– Greg, Nicole and the Children’s Church team

Children’s Church Reflection (6 Nov)

It was quite a shock this week to hear some of our children walk around and say they “had a weapon”. With a hesitant laugh I asked, “What kind of weapon do you have?” To my relief the reply was: “My tongue.” This Sunday, our children were taught how we worship God with our words and how our tongue can be used for good or bad, similar to a weapon. It is a relief to know that their “weapon” is only a tongue but yet it actually can be far more destructive if not controlled and used with love.

Our Part

The message was how we can use our tongues for good and bad. If it has the ability for good we must use it for good. We are even called to use it in praise. With the power of our tongue, we can declare God’s praises and glory. And so we should. The challenge is how can we praise God with our mouth one moment, and then use the same tongue to speak harshly to others at another moment. The one example used this weekend explained it quite well. Speaking is like squeezing out toothpaste. Once it is out, you cannot put it back in. The same applies to our words: when we speak, we cannot take those words back. So we should speak with love and life, and those words can stay out.

Your Part

Listen to what your children say and how they say it. Remind them that the words they say have a great impact, either good or bad. Remind them of the weapons they carry and to use their tongue for good. But the same applies to you parents. Be the example. Watch what you say and how you say it. And remember that God calls us to praise Him with our words. We can make our praises loud and use our words to exalt who God is.

Our tongues truly are incredible weapons that God entrusts to us to use as we will. When we think of all the good we can do with our tongues, we should see it as such a privilege. So let’s use our tongues to declare God’s love and speak love to others too.

– Greg, Nicole and the Children’s Church team

Bear Much Fruit: Fruit and Gifts

Part of our Bear Much Fruit series. Marcus Herbert explains how God has given us everything we need to bear fruit – the fruit of the Spirit, gifts, opportunities to serve, and much more.


Bear Much Fruit: Calling and Serving

Part of our Bear Much Fruit series. Tebz Ntuli speaks about how we all have a calling, without exemption – and how we are all called to serve.

6 November 2016 at Bedfordview PM.

Bear Much Fruit: Calling and Serving

Part of our Bear Much Fruit series. Tebz Ntuli speaks about how we all have a calling, without exemption – and how we are all called to serve.

6 November 2016 at Bedfordview PM.


Bear Much Fruit: Fruit and Gifts

Part of our Bear Much Fruit series. Marcus Herbert explains how God has given us everything we need to bear fruit – the fruit of the Spirit, gifts, opportunities to serve, and much more.

6 November 2016 at Bedfordview AM.

What Gospel Have You Embraced?

by Greg Mc Alpine
4 November 2016 at The Exchange

Part of the King & His Kingdom series.

What Gospel Have You Embraced?

by Greg Mc Alpine
4 November 2016 at The Exchange

Part of the King & His Kingdom series.

Children’s Church Reflection (1 Nov 2016)

As we continue to discuss and learn how to truly worship God, this Sunday our focus was on worshipping God with our bodies. It is amazing to see how children use their bodies to display their thoughts and emotions. If a child is angry, they stamp on the floor or roll on the ground. If a child is excited, they might spin around or literally jump for joy. Children use their bodies to express themselves and they use their bodies in worship too. Children love the opportunity to learn actions to worship God or to remember a verse from the Bible. Witnessing this made this lesson really fun to teach.

Our Part
The message was simply that we can use all of who we are to worship God. We can jump, clap, dance, spin or run to worship God. We can worship God in our everyday actions that are part of our daily routines. We can also worship God in sitting silently and thinking about God and His wonder. But in all of these ways, we still emphasised that above the many actions or use of our body, we must make sure our hearts are worshipping God. If our hearts are not in a place of worship before God, then our actions can turn out to be just simple exercise.

We looked at some of the Hebrew terms from the Bible that teach us different ways of worshipping God too. You can view these in our curriculum if you like.

Your part
Your part stays the same: enjoy worship with your children. Be the example and also learn from your children. See them dance and move and sing freely – and enjoy it.

Some children created their own songs that are simply amazing. Their lyrics are so honest and heartfelt towards God. Ask your child to sing their song if they made one. Some children made some instruments. Listen beyond the noise and see a heart in worship.

– The Children’s Church team

Bear Much Fruit: Faithfulness in Your Gifts

The 10th part of our “Bear Much Fruit” series. Jonno Warmington speaks about faithfulness in our gifts at Bedfordview PM. Video and picture illustrations are embedded in the post at the Cornerstone Church website at