Tag Archive for: Cornerstone Kids

Children’s Church: A Building Starts with One Brick

To build a building you need bricks. One brick is placed against another, on top of another and as each brick is placed so you build a wall. Walls link to walls and soon you have a building. But the building began with one brick, and then another, and then another. Each brick plays a vital part in the greater building. And so it is with the Church. God’s church is made of people. As people come together and support each other so the church gets stronger and becomes the picture God desires it to be. Each person is important in the church.

Our Part

This was our focus this Sunday at Children’s Church. We told the children how a building needs more bricks and so the church needs people, and they play a role in getting more people. We explained to them how they, in every area of their lives, can tell people about Jesus and help them come to know Jesus and become part of the church. In doing so, they build. Our children can reach people we never can so they play an important part in seeking the lost.

We also looked at how Solomon built a temple for God, one in which the people could meet with God. But how incredible is it now, because of Jesus, that we don’t need a temple any more. We can meet Jesus anywhere and He says that He (Jesus), God the Father, and the Holy Spirit want to live inside of us. So we become a temple. God lives in our children and so our children can show Him to the world.

Your Part

Explain to your children how God is always with them. Tell them how they can play an important part in telling others about Jesus and seeing the church grow. Pray with them for their friends, family, teachers etc. Let them see you telling people about Jesus. God uses us to reach the lost. God uses our children to tell the world about Jesus. Help them build.

– Greg, Nicole & the Children’s Church team

Rise Up and Build!

“The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will rise up and build!”

– Nehemiah 2:20

This was our memory verse for this past Sunday. Linked to our theme this term, this verse tells how the Israelites were determined to rebuild their city wall, and they knew that God would give them success. We might not be building a literal wall, but God is calling each of us to build for His kingdom. Every one of us plays a role in building, be it a relationship, telling people about Jesus, being involved in a local church, outreaching to other churches, or allowing God to lead your life. And the verse thankfully confirms that God will give us success. With this in mind, we told our children to build.

Our Part

This Sunday we spent some time looking at the story of Nehemiah. We looked at his passion to honour God in building a broken city wall. We looked at how he got all of the people to build where they stayed, to do their bit. We emphasised how God gives each of us a call, a call that He will lead us in. We also encouraged our children to persevere when times get tough. God says He will give us success in building and so when times do get hard, we can persevere because of Him.

Your Part

Spend time looking at the story of Nehemiah again with your children. Perhaps try to build something with them and encourage them in the building process to not give up. Ask them where they think they can build in their life: family, friends, church, with God. Give them some ideas. Pray with them asking God to reveal His plans and call for our children and encourage them to walk into that call as God leads. Their call has already started. The key now is to know God’s will and obey, like Nehemiah did.

For those who took home biscuit walls, it is okay to eat those. Some walls do need to fall.

The Children’s Church team

Children’s Church: How to Build

This week at Children’s Church, in keeping with the theme of Building God’s Kingdom, we started to look at how to build. Any builder will confirm that the foundation of the building is absolutely important. The same applies to our lives and the church. What are we building our lives on? What is our foundation? This week we looked at building our lives on God’s Word, the Bible.

Our Part

Our focus this week was to explore the Bible and to remind our children, and ourselves, how important the Bible is to us. We looked at the story of the two houses, one built on the sand and the other built on the rock. Jesus teaches us that to build our house on the rock and be secure when difficulties come means that we need to build our lives on His teachings, His Word, the Bible. We also did a little Bible quiz with the children (don’t worry, there were no failures and no one will be kept back a year!).

Your Part

There are a few great things you can do. Let your children see you reading your Bible. If they see you read your Bible and sense that it is important to you, then they will believe its importance when you tell them. Read Bible stories to them. Read from their Children’s Bible so they know the stories are in their Bible. Try to get your children to act out Bible stories as you tell it to them. It is a fun way for them to remember the story and see it in a different way. Through any means, we need to teach our children that the Bible speaks perfect truth, it is our means of hearing God and knowing Him more. Help your children see the valuable treasure the Bible truly is.

– The Children’s Church team

Children’s Church – 29 January

Scripture teaches us how important the cornerstone is when building. A building can stand strong or straight with a solid cornerstone set in place. As scripture teaches us (Psalm 118), the same applies to Jesus. He is our cornerstone and without him in our lives, we will be weak and will struggle. Our focus on Sunday was on Jesus, our cornerstone, and how we need to know who he truly is.

Our Part
One key focus was looking at some of the titles given to Jesus. Is he just a carpenter, a Nazarene, a wise teacher, a prophet? Or is he the Son of God, the Messiah, the promised Saviour of all mankind? It can be easy to answer this question, but do we live with such conviction? We wanted to teach your children that Jesus is more than just a nice man, or a smart one, or a charismatic leader. Jesus is our King, our Saviour, our Cornerstone… and he wants to be with us and we should want to be with him.

Your Part
Read or re-tell Matthew 16:13-17 to your children. It is the story where Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is. Ask your children the same question and see what they say, and more importantly why they say it. Saying the right thing doesn’t mean one believes it. Our hope is that you get to spend time, many times, talking to your children about who Jesus is. Our teachers really enjoy it but you should enjoy it more, and try it more. And let them know who Jesus is to you and why you believe so.

– The Children’s Church team

Children’s church reflection for 22 January 2017

People love the idea of belonging to something. There is satisfaction found in belonging to a club or a team, be it the Chelsea supporters’ club, a local book club, a social justice group, etc. To belong makes us feel accepted and gives us purpose. This Sunday we looked at the greatest sense of belonging we could ever experience, and that is belonging to God’s kingdom.


We looked at what we are building, continuing with the theme of “Building God’s Kingdom”. In order to be a good builder, you need to know what it is you are actually building, so we explored God’s Kingdom. Scripture describes to us how beautiful God’s kingdom is, how the very look of it is beautiful, how in it we are free from sin and won’t suffer from sickness, hurt, or sadness.

There is so much incredible promise in this kingdom. But the greatest promise is that we get to be with the King. God is the greatest King of all, the King of kings, and we get to spend eternity with Him. We looked at the story of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2) and the dream revealed how God’s kingdom is the greatest kingdom to ever exist. And the great news is that we belong to this Kingdom because of Jesus. What an amazing truth we got to share with your children. They belong, but not just to anything: they belong to the greatest kingdom of all led by the greatest King of all.


Don’t be afraid to speak about heaven or about eternity and what God promises. Many questions are hard to explain or simply cannot be answered yet, but this news of the kingdom we belong to needs to be known. Explain to your children how we belong to that kingdom now and how we play a part in its advancing now. Our children are already ambassadors for God’s kingdom. Help them know how to show their belonging: talk about Jesus, worship Him, be involved in a church, pray.

Because of Jesus, we have freedom in God’s kingdom, we belong and we can approach our King always. Spend time with your children meeting the King.

Download this term’s curriculum here.

– The Children’s Church team

Welcome to Children’s Church 2017!

The Church is compared to many things in scripture to help us understand who the Church is in God’s eyes. We are called an army, a bride, a body, a building and more. In all of these images there is such a need to grasp the unity needed within the Church, the beauty the Church carries, the force it portrays and the great leader, Jesus, who leads it.

This term, our focus is on God’s kingdom and the Church. The lessons teach what God’s kingdom is, how He is building His kingdom and how we are called to be a part of this kingdom and see it advance.

Encourage your children to fully understand that they are as much a part, and an important part, of the body as anyone else. Teach them to know their worth and the value they add to the Church. Let them know that they are called and equipped by God to be a part of His kingdom and play a role in it. How amazing is that? The Greatest King looks at our children and says, “I have an important part for you to play.”

Please note that Children’s Church never feels like it is simply baby-sitting so that you can attend church. No, your children are also at church and are the church already. They are also being envisioned and equipped for the incredible call God has on their life. We count it such a privilege to see them grow in God’s call and purpose for them.

Please spend time each week reminding them of the content we cover, the stories we share, the crafts we do and the lessons learnt. Click here for the curriculum for this term.

We are looking forward to another incredible leg of this journey.

– Children’s Church Team

Children’s Church Reflection (29 Nov)

When slavery was an accepted practice within societies, the only way for a slave to ever find freedom would be to be bought at a price, and then given freedom by their owner. Can you imagine that moment when a lifelong slave was told that they have freedom? They were free to live and do as they wished. Can you imagine the joy that slave must have felt?

Well… we too were once slaves: slaves to our sin. And we had no freedom.

But then Jesus came and wanted to set us free. He paid a price and bought us to be His. In purchasing us, he removed us from being slaves and instead we find new life and freedom in Jesus. Because of this amazing free gift we should respond in worship to God.

Our Part

The message for this past Sunday was to explain the amazing gift of forgiveness and freedom that Jesus paid for us. We have been forgiven and because of this we have a reason to celebrate. Those who are forgiven much will love much. When we consider the forgiveness given to us because of Jesus paying our price, and then experience the subsequent freedom in what Jesus did, the desire to sing his praises and live a life that honours Him becomes an easy response.

Our hope was to remind our children of the beautiful Gospel and teach them that because of the Gospel, we have a reason to worship God.

Your Part

Your part is the best part of parenting. You get to share the beautiful news of the Gospel to your children. Help them understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Help them to learn about their freedom and forgiveness in Him. Let them know that they were so important to God that He chose to pay a massive price to buy them and give them freedom. And out of this, worship with them because our God is worthy.

– Greg, Nicole & the Children’s Church team

Children’s Church Reflection (20 November)

In society today, to meet someone with regards to business, or to see a doctor, or even to meet a friend socially, you generally need to make an appointment. People are so busy that we never feel able to just meet them. Sadly, we sometimes apply this same belief to how we meet with God. We often think that we need to make appointments with God in order to meet with Him. Sometimes we think God is too busy to meet with us and therefore we don’t make the effort to be with Him.

It was therefore important for us to learn this Sunday that God is always available and we can meet with Him at any time, in any place.

Our Part

We looked at how God is always available for us to speak to Him and call on Him. He is never too busy for us. But sometimes we get too busy for God. We looked at the story of Jesus visiting Mary and Martha. As the story teaches, sometimes we act like Martha where we believe that our busyness is a way to worship God whereas Jesus reminds us that He prefers us to respond more like Mary, where we sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to Him.

We looked at the busy life our children live and encouraged them to make time with God more important that their busy lives. Living in a busy city, our children need to learn to worship God above all else and seeing their time with God more valuable than their busy lives.

Your Part

Again, the best part you can play is to be an example. Our children need to see us as parents prioritise our time with God. And make this time family time too. Help your children manage their busy lives and arrange their priorities. Remind them that God is available always. What an incredible truth to live with.

– Greg, Nicole & the Children’s Church team

Children’s Church Reflection (13 Nov 2016)

All around our city there are signs that are put up for us to obey. Some tell us to stop or slow down or beware of something and more. These signs exist to keep us safe and to keep others safe too. But in order for these signs to fulfil their role, they require us to obey them. Obedience is an important lesson for us to learn. God says the same for His instructions. He says we must obey Him. In fact, He even says that if we truly love Him then we should obey His instructions. Obedience to God is therefore an act of worship. This was our focus this Sunday at Children’s Church.

Our Part
We helped the children see how obedience is required with so many things in life. It is needed when we are driving, needed at school, needed when we play sports or games. We then looked at how God calls us to be obedient towards Him. We looked at His commands and the great commandment of the call to love one another. We also emphasised how just to know what to obey is not enough. If we know what to obey then it requires action. Knowledge alone is not enough. Act out obedience. When we obey God, we glorify Him and honour Him and that is a beautiful expression of worship.

Your Part
You as parents would know the importance of obedience and teaching your children about it. Help them to see that God has given us instructions too: love others, be kind, be generous, and so on. Help them see this and practice obedience. Knowing the need to be obedient and then not acting on is disobedience. Help your children understand this great way of worshipping God.

– Greg, Nicole and the Children’s Church team

Children’s Church Reflection (6 Nov)

It was quite a shock this week to hear some of our children walk around and say they “had a weapon”. With a hesitant laugh I asked, “What kind of weapon do you have?” To my relief the reply was: “My tongue.” This Sunday, our children were taught how we worship God with our words and how our tongue can be used for good or bad, similar to a weapon. It is a relief to know that their “weapon” is only a tongue but yet it actually can be far more destructive if not controlled and used with love.

Our Part

The message was how we can use our tongues for good and bad. If it has the ability for good we must use it for good. We are even called to use it in praise. With the power of our tongue, we can declare God’s praises and glory. And so we should. The challenge is how can we praise God with our mouth one moment, and then use the same tongue to speak harshly to others at another moment. The one example used this weekend explained it quite well. Speaking is like squeezing out toothpaste. Once it is out, you cannot put it back in. The same applies to our words: when we speak, we cannot take those words back. So we should speak with love and life, and those words can stay out.

Your Part

Listen to what your children say and how they say it. Remind them that the words they say have a great impact, either good or bad. Remind them of the weapons they carry and to use their tongue for good. But the same applies to you parents. Be the example. Watch what you say and how you say it. And remember that God calls us to praise Him with our words. We can make our praises loud and use our words to exalt who God is.

Our tongues truly are incredible weapons that God entrusts to us to use as we will. When we think of all the good we can do with our tongues, we should see it as such a privilege. So let’s use our tongues to declare God’s love and speak love to others too.

– Greg, Nicole and the Children’s Church team