Comedy Evening with Micheal Smalley at NCCB
This man has something to say and the way he says it will have you doubled over with laughter. The topic was him donating a kidney to his dad who was very ill and needed the kidney or he would be on dialysis for the rest of his life (which is no life at all). This is no laughing matter but as he explains this whole process he has you rolling on the floor. He starts off with being totally disgusted that his father has the audacity to even ask one of his kids for a kidney and feels that it is just going to be him. It turns out that he is the perfect match (6 out of 6 match – which is nearly never heard of).
If anything can go wrong in an operation, it did with him. His antics are hysterical even though the tough time he goes through most certainly is not. He is totally embarrassed by the processes that he has to go through before the op and he goes into the details. He nearly dies a few times in the process while his dad is up and about a few hours later after receiving Michael’s kidney. His recovery is also slow after all the complications but in the end he pulls through and lives to tell his very humorous tale. I left with valuable lessons on life and how to overcome with a sense of humor.