In the 1970s Hennie Keyter was an angry young man, fresh out of military service for the apartheid government of South Africa, unsure of his path in life and deeply uneasy about his faith. When God revealed to him that He had a purpose for him and a calling on his life, at first Hennie was not ready to hear it.
When he finally accepted and understood his mission, a flame was lit in his heart that nothing could have extinguished. But nothing could have prepared him either for the extraordinary spiritual journey he was about to embark on which would take him wherever God wanted him to go: from Malawi, ‘the warm heart of Africa’, to Mozambique at the height of its civil war, where he was sentenced to death and faced a firing squad, from a less than welcoming beginning in Zanzibar, to the United Nations base at Lokichokio on the border between Kenya and Sudan (where on one trip he discovered that he had a price of US$10 000 on his head).
Desiring only to do the will of God and to spread the Gospel, Hennie took up the challenge of taking the Gospel to many of the countries on the African continent and in the Middle East, building up leaders and planting churches in poverty stricken areas, lands devastated by years of conflict and deprivation, and war zones where soldiers seemed to have lost everything, even hope.
At Responding to the Call, Hennie will share with us his story, looking back at his life in the service of the Lord and looking forward to the continuing mission God has for him and for us all.
He’ll also be launching his book His Call, My All. Check out the trailer for the book below:
You can order the paperback here or get the ebook at Amazon here. Hennie will also be launching the book at this event. The book will be selling for R140.
Responding to the Call: Hennie Keyter tells us his story
Sunday, 23 February at 6pm
at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Click here for a map
Phone: 011-616-4073
Email: info@www.cornerstonechurch.co.za