Children’s Church: Encouragement
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Over the course of this term, our children have learned what it means to build God’s Kingdom and what His Kingdom looks like and represents. We looked at how the church is not a building but rather the gathering of God’s people to live for their King and His Kingdom. Understanding this, our focus this week was how we need to help build each other up, and as 1 Thessalonians 5 teaches, we can build each other up by encouraging one another. Simple efforts encouraging each other can lead to God’s Kingdom becoming more as He desires it to be.
Our Part
We had a look on Sunday at the importance of cement. Without cement, bricks cannot be joined together. Cement is a little like the love and encouragement we are called to show one another. It is easy for people to ‘stick’ together when there is a relationship of love and encouragement. We taught the children how the Holy Spirit helps us to give such incredible gifts to people. Just like cement helps a wall become solid and stable to withstand difficulty, so love and encouragement can help people in the church stand strong together.
We looked at Barnabas (known as the Son of Encouragement from the book of Acts) as an example of someone who tried to encourage others.
Some classes may have received encouragement cards to share with others to encourage them. The fact that our children want to encourage others is encouraging in itself.
Your Part
Be an example of encouragement. It is easy to find fault and criticise accordingly, but to encourage can require some effort before it becomes a wonderful habit. Try to make the effort to encourage your children and your spouse and see the life it gives. Help your children to try to encourage from the smallest of gestures to grand efforts.
Mom and dad, you are doing an incredible job in raising your children and helping them know Jesus more. Well done! We love the chance to support you in this wonderful journey. Keep it up.
– The Children’s Church team