The River: Inheritance and Reward pt 1 (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 17 September – Wayne Howcroft speaks about how God has an inheritance for us in Him, as part of our “River” series.

The River: Inheritance and Reward pt 1 (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 17 September – Wayne Howcroft speaks about how God has an inheritance for us in Him, as part of our “River” series.

Children’s Church: Jesus the Vine

The message Jesus is giving in his ‘I Am’ statements carry a clear similarity. If we hunger to feel life, He is the bread that feeds us. If we feel unsure in the dark, He is the light that guides us. If we feel afraid and alone, He is the shepherd who protects us. If we feel lost in life, He is the way, the truth, and the life. The common theme is that we need Jesus and we need Him so that we can experience what life really is.

This Sunday we looked at the last ‘I Am’ statement for the term and the message is the same. He is the vine, we are the branches, and we can only bear fruit in life if we have Jesus.

Our Part
We read through John 15 as Jesus teaches how, just as a branch needs the vine to find nourishment in order to live, thrive and bear fruit, so we need Jesus to live as God created us to live. We explored each part of Jesus’ analogy: the vine, the branch the fruit. We discussed how important He is to us and how much we need Him (which has been the common message this term).

Some groups had fun in our craft creating a tree out of a brown bag while others used balloons to make the vine.

Your Part
Read John 15 with your children. Count how many times Jesus says “abide/remain in me” and how many times he says “bear fruit”. Emphasise the importance of what Jesus is saying and how we can respond. Lead your children in learning to abide in the vine: read scripture with them, speak to Jesus with them, be a part of the church community with them.

We end the term next week by looking at who we are to Jesus. We can’t wait.

The Children’s Church team

The Great Adoption (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 17 September – Nathan Gernetzky continues teaching about the great salvation we have in Jesus Christ. In this talk we look at how we have been adopted in God’s family.


The Great Adoption (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 17 September – Nathan Gernetzky continues teaching about the great salvation we have in Jesus Christ. In this talk we look at how we have been adopted in God’s family.

Children’s Church: I Am The Way, The Truth, The Life

This past Sunday we looked at one of the most important ‘I Am’ statements made by Jesus. In John 14:6 Jesus says that He is the way, the truth and the life, and no one can come to the Father except through Him. We had fun this Sunday in trying to help our children understand what Jesus means in this verse.

Our Part
We sent our children treasure hunting. We confidently told them several times where the treasure could be found. Sadly, despite the supposed honesty of our instructions, our children were misled and the treasure proved harder to find. We also asked our children to guide a blindfolded partner through a tricky obstacle course. The problem here was to discern your partner’s voice from the many others shouting out directions and instructions.

Our children are being told many “truths” day after day. Life Orientation teaches some values, parents teach too, whilst television and media can teach other values. Some of these are great truths but too many “directions” from other sources can be misleading, as our games emphasised. Our belief in what can lead us to salvation – good works, money to the church, church attendance – can also be wrong. Jesus’ statement then brings all the surety we need. Jesus alone is the way, He alone is the truth, and He alone is the life. He is the only way to the Father. We need Jesus.

Your Part
Spend this week exploring John 14:6 with your children. Discuss with them some of the other ways or truths that our children may think of following. Then, talk about Jesus. Talk about what Jesus did, and how He proved to be our way and truth and life. In the future, keep this verse on hand to remind our children when they feel lost or unsure that Jesus alone is our answer.


Our team returned from the Big Weekend in Lesotho and have incredible stories to share of all the things God did with the leaders and children there. Thank you for your prayers. Check out a video of our time there below.

The Children’s Church team

The River: The Reach of the Gospel (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 10 September – Craig Herbert speaks about the opportunities we have, as a church and as individuals, to reach the nations with the gospel.


The River: The Reach of the Gospel (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 10 September – Craig Herbert speaks about the opportunities we have, as a church and as individuals, to reach the nations with the gospel.

The River: Salvation and Inheritance pt 2 (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 10 September – Nathan Gernetzky finishes off our River series with part 2 of Salvation and Inheritance.


The River: Salvation and Inheritance pt 2 (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 10 September – Nathan Gernetzky finishes off our River series with part 2 of Salvation and Inheritance.