There are so many voices in our lives today that are trying to lead us: our voice, the world’s voice, our friend’s voice, the enemy’s voice, and God’s voice – to name a few. It must be so difficult for our children to try and determine the truth for life now and their future. Who should our children listen to? Who should they trust?
Jesus says that He is the gate for the sheep (John 10:9). Continuing with last week’s lesson on Jesus being our shepherd, we continued to unpack this metaphor who is Jesus is to us, and how, because of who He is, we can trust His voice above all others.
Our Part
We looked at three stories this Sunday: Jesus healing Jarius’s daughter, Jesus calming the storm, and Jesus freeing the man with evil spirits. In all three stories, as soon as Jesus speaks, what he commands happens: the daughter comes back to life, the storm stops, and the man is freed of the evil spirits. Jesus’ voice has such authority that storms, death, and evil will obey Jesus. We can trust His voice. His voice speaks truth. We can follow Jesus.
Our craft and games this Sunday aimed to show how we need to learn to hear Jesus’ voice. We aimed to show that Jesus alone is our way to God, our Father.
Your Part
This picture Jesus gives of himself is so practical to understand. We showed a video of how sheep would only listen to their shepherd’s voice. Help your children with meeting Jesus, with getting to know Jesus, and learning how to hear His voice. Again, reading scripture is key for this. Pray with your children. Show them what it means to trust Jesus.
We continue with the next ‘I AM’ statement next week.
– The Children’s Church team