Children’s Church: The Bread of Life

In John 6 we read how Jesus feeds 5,000 people and performs many miracles that amaze them. He soon has many followers who are ready to crown him as their king, but Jesus sees their heart in why they are following him. Most of them simply want more miracles and more food. They want their bellies to be filled with more bread. That is why Jesus says He is the bread of life and if any want life to the full, they need to eat of Him.

That sounds both confusing and challenging. Therefore many of His followers abandon Him after that. Jesus’ statement “I am the bread” led the people from wanting to crown Him king to rejecting Him in a moment.

Our Part
We looked at what Jesus meant when He said “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). As much as we long for food every day to fill us, we must desire Jesus even more. We wanted our children to see that there can wrong motives for “following” Jesus: forced by family, wanting blessing etc. We wanted them to hear how Jesus promises that He is all we need for a full life: He is the bread of life. With Him in our lives, we will never hunger or feel lacking in life.

To help the lesson, some sites baked some bread which was both creatively made and tasted delicious.

We also gave each child a reading plan for the next few weeks. To know Jesus more they need to read about Him. Please support and join them in this reading plan.

Your Part
Look at the curriculum and re-emphasise what the lesson taught. Read the story again in John 6. Ask your children why the want to follow Jesus.

We have a Lesotho Big Weekend coming up in September. Please pray with your children for this time.

We are looking forward to the next “I Am” statement from Jesus.

The Children’s Church team

Faith and the Word

Keir Tayler ends our week of “Encountering God” on Sunday night, 6 July at Bedfordview, speaking on how faith and the Word work together.


Faith and the Word

Keir Tayler ends our week of “Encountering God” on Sunday night, 6 July at Bedfordview, speaking on how faith and the Word work together.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 6 August – Marcus Herbert looks at Matthew 22:15 and its importance for our context today.


Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 6 August – Marcus Herbert looks at Matthew 22:15 and its importance for our context today.

The River: The Power of the Gospel pt 1 (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 6 July – Nathan Gernetzky shares on the power of the gospel, as part of our “River” series.

Apologies for the poor audio quality. This was due to a power failure.


The River: The Power of the Gospel pt 1 (Rosebank)

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 6 July – Nathan Gernetzky shares on the power of the gospel, as part of our “River” series.

Apologies for the poor audio quality. This was due to a power failure.

Leaving Woundedville

Keir Tayler speaks at the Exchange business breakfast, about “leaving Woundedville”.

3 August 2017 at The Exchange.


Leaving Woundedville

Keir Tayler speaks at the Exchange business breakfast, about “leaving Woundedville”.

3 August 2017 at The Exchange.

Encountering God Session 3: The Glory of God in Miracles

Keir Tayler speaks of the Glory of God when it comes to miracles.

3 August 2017 at Encountering God.