This past weekend we began the third term of 2017. This term we are looking at the ‘I AM’ statements made by Jesus as seen in the Gospels. As a church, we really desire to magnify Jesus and make much of Him in our lives. We are so excited to get to point to Jesus and get to know Him better in the coming ten weeks.
Our Part
This Sunday we began by explaining what “I AM” means. Our children found it fascinating that God would speak to Moses through a burning bush (that did not burn up). We read in that engagement how God reveals to Moses that Moses must say, “I AM has sent me”. It is here we first read of the title ‘I AM’. Exodus 3:14-15 says “I AM who I AM… This is my name forever”. This name speaks of God’s sovereignty; His eternal existence; His many characteristics and abilities. He is our all-powerful God.
Over the next few weeks, we will learn how Jesus reveals his divinity by teaching us who he is through his ‘I AM’ statements.
Your Part
As we said, we want to fix our eyes on Jesus and draw nearer to him. We want to see who He wants to be to us and how we should respond to Him. Please feel free to download the curriculum and spend each week revealing more of Jesus to your children.
We feel so convicted by our children’s education, their health, their future security, their choices, their abilities etc. We need to sense the greatest gift we can impart to our children and that is teaching about Jesus and praying they fall in love with him.
– The Children’s Church team