Telling Others about Jesus

Over the course of this term, we’ve aimed to answer big questions about who Jesus is. Every week a new question was asked and the truth to that question discovered. What we hope to have done is teach our children more about how wonderful Jesus is and the need for them to keep seeking him and growing in knowing him. But there is more. Our focus this week is that because Jesus is so incredible, we cannot keep him for ourselves. We need to tell others about him too.

Our Part

As a church, we have a proclamation that says: To know Christ and to make Him known. We discussed this with our children. We looked at what Jesus said at the Great Commission. We looked at the instructions he gave the disciples: to wait for the Holy Spirit to anoint them to reach the world and share the good news of what Jesus did for all. This Sunday we encouraged our children to desire to tell others about Jesus. To help explore this practice, we used candles and sweets (not together) to help emphasise the need to share this wonderful news.

Your Part

Help your children think of ways to share the gospel. Children don’t fear offending people like we adults do. They would be happy to tell others about Jesus. Help them to meet people (be it family or friends), help them pray for the unsaved, help them with their testimony and how they can share it. Remind your children often of the Great Commission. And be the example as always. We long to see great evangelists birthed in our children.

– The Children’s Church team

The River Surrender (Bedfordview PM)

Sunday evening, 18 June – Shane Rielly continues our “River” series and speaks about Surrender.


The River:Healing

Sunday morning, 18 June – Marcus Herbert continues our “River” series and speaks about healing.


Our relationship with the Holy Spirit (Rosebank)

Sunday morning, 18 June 2017 -Our relationship with the Holy Spirit – Last week we looked at the story of the Old Testament and the promise of the Messiah to come in the power of the Holy Spirit. This talk is about our relationship with the Holy Spirit as Christ followers

The River: Surrender (Bedfordview PM)

Sunday evening, 18 June – Shane Rielly continues our “River” series and speaks about Surrender.

The River:Healing

Sunday morning, 18 June – Marcus Herbert continues our “River” series and speaks about healing.

Breaking Bread with our Kids

As Christians, sons and daughters of God, we need to make an effort in remembering what God has done, both throughout history and in our personal lives. We often see in Scripture how God commands the people to teach all God has done to the generations to come, so that His wonders will never be forgotten. Jesus taught something similar when he broke bread with the disciples, asking them to use the breaking of bread to be a means of remembering him and all that he did.

Our Part
So this weekend at Cornerstone Kids we taught about the need to remember Jesus, and one of the ways we need to remember him is by the breaking of bread. We looked at the scriptures, we looked at the symbolism and we explained the act of breaking bread together. Across the sites we invited parents to join with their children in breaking bread.

It was such a beautiful picture seeing families together, parents and children, breaking bread together, praying together in remembering what Jesus did for us. Some children were too young to be involved or still unsure of what breaking of bread meant, but we do pray that their time will come to celebrate Jesus too in this act.

Your Part
Thank you to the parents who were involved. You play such a key role in being your child’s example. For those who did break bread, please break bread regularly at home together, remembering Jesus and praying together. It is a wonderful thing to do and is commanded in Acts 2.

Please keep speaking to your children about their relationship with Jesus. We cannot take it for granted that their lives will be plain sailing as children. We need to lead them and mentor them in their relationship with Christ. Actively journey with them in this awesome life with Christ.

Children’s Church team

Our Working Relationship with the Holy Spirit (Bedfordview PM)

Sunday morning, 11 June – Shane Rielly continues our “River” series and speaks about our working relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Our Working Relationship with the Holy Spirit (Bedfordview PM)

Sunday morning, 11 June – Shane Rielly continues our “River” series and speaks about our working relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Our Working Relationship with the Holy Spirit (Bedfordview AM)

Sunday morning, 11 June – Craig Herbert continues our “River” series and speaks about our working relationship with the Holy Spirit.