The Exchange – 7 April, 2017 (RSVP)

We’re excited about our new series, “Life Stories” at The Exchange. We need to know that God has called us to the workplace and intends to do amazing things through us. We know this because he has already done it through so many of us already. As we hear the “Life Stories” of ordinary people who have been used by God, we’ll be inspired and encouraged to know God will work through us as well.

At our last Exchange we heard Casper Versluis’ story. Come and hear Bill Taylor at our next Exchange.


If you’re not eating, you don’t need to RSVP.


Key Women: I AM (part 1)

Julia Taylor opens up the new series at Key Women: I AM: The Seven Statements of Jesus, as part of the theme for 2017 – to know Jesus and to make Him known.

22 February 2017 at Bedfordview Key Women.


Key Women: I AM (part 1)

Julia Taylor opens up the new series at Key Women: I AM: The Seven Statements of Jesus, as part of the theme for 2017 – to know Jesus and to make Him known.

22 February 2017 at Bedfordview Key Women

The River: Kingdom Culture pt 1 – Bedfordview PM

Within our “River” series, Shane Rielly begins to talk about “Kingdom Culture” – the need for the Holy Spirit and the community that follows.

19 February 2017 at Bedfordview AM.


The River: Kingdom Culture pt 1 – Bedfordview PM

Within our “River” series, Shane Rielly begins to talk about “Kingdom Culture” – the need for the Holy Spirit and the community that follows.

19 February 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

Children’s Church: A Building Starts with One Brick

To build a building you need bricks. One brick is placed against another, on top of another and as each brick is placed so you build a wall. Walls link to walls and soon you have a building. But the building began with one brick, and then another, and then another. Each brick plays a vital part in the greater building. And so it is with the Church. God’s church is made of people. As people come together and support each other so the church gets stronger and becomes the picture God desires it to be. Each person is important in the church.

Our Part

This was our focus this Sunday at Children’s Church. We told the children how a building needs more bricks and so the church needs people, and they play a role in getting more people. We explained to them how they, in every area of their lives, can tell people about Jesus and help them come to know Jesus and become part of the church. In doing so, they build. Our children can reach people we never can so they play an important part in seeking the lost.

We also looked at how Solomon built a temple for God, one in which the people could meet with God. But how incredible is it now, because of Jesus, that we don’t need a temple any more. We can meet Jesus anywhere and He says that He (Jesus), God the Father, and the Holy Spirit want to live inside of us. So we become a temple. God lives in our children and so our children can show Him to the world.

Your Part

Explain to your children how God is always with them. Tell them how they can play an important part in telling others about Jesus and seeing the church grow. Pray with them for their friends, family, teachers etc. Let them see you telling people about Jesus. God uses us to reach the lost. God uses our children to tell the world about Jesus. Help them build.

– Greg, Nicole & the Children’s Church team

The River: Kingdom Culture pt 1

Within our “River” series, Craig Herbert begins to talk about “Kingdom Culture” – the need for the Holy Spirit and the community that follows.

19 February 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

The River: Kingdom Culture Part 1

Within our “River” series, Craig Herbert begins to talk about “Kingdom Culture” – the need for the Holy Spirit and the community that follows.

19 February 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

Rise Up and Build!

“The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will rise up and build!”

– Nehemiah 2:20

This was our memory verse for this past Sunday. Linked to our theme this term, this verse tells how the Israelites were determined to rebuild their city wall, and they knew that God would give them success. We might not be building a literal wall, but God is calling each of us to build for His kingdom. Every one of us plays a role in building, be it a relationship, telling people about Jesus, being involved in a local church, outreaching to other churches, or allowing God to lead your life. And the verse thankfully confirms that God will give us success. With this in mind, we told our children to build.

Our Part

This Sunday we spent some time looking at the story of Nehemiah. We looked at his passion to honour God in building a broken city wall. We looked at how he got all of the people to build where they stayed, to do their bit. We emphasised how God gives each of us a call, a call that He will lead us in. We also encouraged our children to persevere when times get tough. God says He will give us success in building and so when times do get hard, we can persevere because of Him.

Your Part

Spend time looking at the story of Nehemiah again with your children. Perhaps try to build something with them and encourage them in the building process to not give up. Ask them where they think they can build in their life: family, friends, church, with God. Give them some ideas. Pray with them asking God to reveal His plans and call for our children and encourage them to walk into that call as God leads. Their call has already started. The key now is to know God’s will and obey, like Nehemiah did.

For those who took home biscuit walls, it is okay to eat those. Some walls do need to fall.

The Children’s Church team

The River pt 4: Evidence of the River in the Gospels – Bedfordview PM

Shane Rielly talks about how we can recognise the life of God flowing by looking at the Gospels and our own lives.

12 February 2017 at Bedfordview PM.