The River Pt 4: Evidence of the River in the Gospels – Bedfordview PM

Shane Rielly talks about how we can recognise the life of God flowing by looking at the Gospels and our own lives.

12 February 2017 at Bedfordview PM.

The River pt 4: Evidence of the River in the Gospels

Marcus Herbert talks about how we can recognise the life of God flowing by looking at the Gospels and our own lives.

12 February 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

The River pt 4: Evidence of the River in the Gospels

Marcus Herbert talks about how we can recognise the life of God flowing by looking at the Gospels and our own lives.

12 February 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

Key Women: To Know Jesus and to Make Him Known

Adele Herbert shares on the theme of 2017’s Key Women: To know Jesus and to make Him known. 8 February at Key Women, Bedfordview.

Key Women: To Know Jesus and to Make Him Known

Adele Herbert shares on the theme of 2017’s Key Women: To know Jesus and to make Him known.

8 February at Key Women, Bedfordview

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Children’s Church: How to Build

This week at Children’s Church, in keeping with the theme of Building God’s Kingdom, we started to look at how to build. Any builder will confirm that the foundation of the building is absolutely important. The same applies to our lives and the church. What are we building our lives on? What is our foundation? This week we looked at building our lives on God’s Word, the Bible.

Our Part

Our focus this week was to explore the Bible and to remind our children, and ourselves, how important the Bible is to us. We looked at the story of the two houses, one built on the sand and the other built on the rock. Jesus teaches us that to build our house on the rock and be secure when difficulties come means that we need to build our lives on His teachings, His Word, the Bible. We also did a little Bible quiz with the children (don’t worry, there were no failures and no one will be kept back a year!).

Your Part

There are a few great things you can do. Let your children see you reading your Bible. If they see you read your Bible and sense that it is important to you, then they will believe its importance when you tell them. Read Bible stories to them. Read from their Children’s Bible so they know the stories are in their Bible. Try to get your children to act out Bible stories as you tell it to them. It is a fun way for them to remember the story and see it in a different way. Through any means, we need to teach our children that the Bible speaks perfect truth, it is our means of hearing God and knowing Him more. Help your children see the valuable treasure the Bible truly is.

– The Children’s Church team

The River pt 3: Evidence of the River – Bedfordview PM

Craig Herbert talks about how we can recognise the life of God flowing.

5 February 2017 at Bedfordview PM.

The River pt 3: Evidence of the River – Bedfordview PM

Craig Herbert talks about how we can recognise the life of God flowing.

5 February 2017 at Bedfordview PM.

The Exchange Life Stories: Hennie and Zelda Cronjé

Hennie and Zelda Cronjé share with us their testimony of God’s life flowing through their business.

3 February 2017 at The Exchange.

The Exchange Life Stories: Hennie and Zelda Cronjé

Hennie and Zelda Cronjé share with us their testimony of God’s life flowing through their business.

3 February 2017 at The Exchange.