The River pt 3: Evidence of the River

Marcus Herbert talks about how we can recognise the life of God flowing.

5 February 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

The River Pt 3: Evidence of the River

Marcus Herbert talks about how we can recognise the life of God flowing.

5 February 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

Rooted in the River

At Rev this term (term 1 – 2017) we’re looking at how our present series, The River, can be practically applied in our lives.

The River focuses on Ezekiel 47 in the Bible. In this passage of scripture we are asking the same question the angel did of Ezekiel: have you seen this? This very much echoes what Jesus says in the gospels: He who has ears to hear, let him hear. God has made promises to us. He has promised that where his river flows – his Kingdom, his rule, his authority, his presence, his love, his holiness – there will be abundant life; salt water turned to fresh; transformation of our hearts; and fish of all kinds (diversity of people). He has promised that there is abundantly more in Him, and we must expect abundantly more from him.

But we need to get into that river, and not just go knee-deep or ankle-high, but get right into it so it sweeps us up.

We’ll be looking at six different roots in our lives that gets us practically into this river:

1. Jesus’ cross

2. Jesus’ Word

3. The Holy Spirit

4. Church

5. Jesus’ blood

6. Baptism

After the Looking Up camp in January, with the theme “Game Over”, we want to take our call and life and relationship with God seriously. So we’re being passionate and intentional about applying this.

Children’s Church – 29 January

Scripture teaches us how important the cornerstone is when building. A building can stand strong or straight with a solid cornerstone set in place. As scripture teaches us (Psalm 118), the same applies to Jesus. He is our cornerstone and without him in our lives, we will be weak and will struggle. Our focus on Sunday was on Jesus, our cornerstone, and how we need to know who he truly is.

Our Part
One key focus was looking at some of the titles given to Jesus. Is he just a carpenter, a Nazarene, a wise teacher, a prophet? Or is he the Son of God, the Messiah, the promised Saviour of all mankind? It can be easy to answer this question, but do we live with such conviction? We wanted to teach your children that Jesus is more than just a nice man, or a smart one, or a charismatic leader. Jesus is our King, our Saviour, our Cornerstone… and he wants to be with us and we should want to be with him.

Your Part
Read or re-tell Matthew 16:13-17 to your children. It is the story where Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is. Ask your children the same question and see what they say, and more importantly why they say it. Saying the right thing doesn’t mean one believes it. Our hope is that you get to spend time, many times, talking to your children about who Jesus is. Our teachers really enjoy it but you should enjoy it more, and try it more. And let them know who Jesus is to you and why you believe so.

– The Children’s Church team

Eddie Bakker: No Ordinary Life

As a young man, Eddie Bakker had many ambitions. He was successful and deeply convinced that he would become very rich. This was his dream. He was sure it would become reality. His life, however, took a totally different turn. Come and hear Eddie’s story on Sunday night as he encourages you to know this: God has an extraordinary life prepared for you.

Eddie leads a church in Germany, which he planted many years ago out of South Africa. He is also part of the NCMI translocal team.
This message is also based on Eddie’s book, No Ordinary Life.

Eddie Bakker: No Ordinary Life


As a young man, Eddie Bakker had many ambitions. He was successful and deeply convinced that he would become very rich. This was his dream. He was sure it would become reality. His life, however, took a totally different turn. Come and hear Eddie’s story on Sunday night as he encourages you to know this: God has an extraordinary life prepared for you.

Eddie leads a church in Germany, which he planted many years ago out of South Africa. He is also part of the NCMI translocal team.
This message is also based on Eddie’s book, No Ordinary Life.

The River pt 2: The King and His Kingdom

Marcus Herbert speaks about how we need to have one pursuit and one pursuit only: Christ.


The River Pt 2: The King and His Kingdom

Marcus Herbert speaks about how we need to have one pursuit and one pursuit only: Christ.

29 January 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

The River Life Group discussion: Sunday, 29 January 2017

This last Sunday we kicked off our new series “The River”, which looks at Ezekiel 47 in the Bible. God promises that where his river flows – his Kingdom, his rule, his authority, his presence, his love, his holiness – there will be abundant life for all. But we need to get into this river to have it.


This week (starting 29 January) we’ll be looking at the following scripture and discussing it, in light of our current series.

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10b

1. “I…”
What is the significance, and implication, of Jesus making this promise?

2. “…came…”
What is the significance of Jesus having come?

3. “…that they may have…”
What must we do to have eternal life, the life Jesus speaks of?

4. “…life and have it abundantly.”
How is Jesus’ promise of life different to the promises of the world?

5. What is our response after hearing this promise?

Life Groups Logo


We have Life Groups all over Johannesburg. Here’s how to find one:

1. See the Life Groups board at your site (it’s usually marked pretty well, or ask an elder to show you where it is).
2. Chat to an elder / deacon / leader about a Life Group in your area.
3. Call 011-616-4073 for details of Life Groups in your area.
4. Email and ask for details.

See here for more details on what Life Groups are about.

Eddie Bakker at Bedfordview PM (29 January)

God has an extraordinary life prepared for you.