Our Children are the Church of Today
An important truth for people to understand, young and old, is that our children are the church of today, not just of the future. As our children engage in their relationship with Jesus, as they worship Him, learn about Him and tell others about Him, they are living out the call of the church. They meet together as believers and encourage each other. So they too are the church, the church of today, and their role in this beautiful body is so important.
Our Part
Our desire this past Sunday was to help the children understand that they are part of the church. As scripture teaches that the church can be compared to a body, and we are the many parts, so our children make up parts of the body. They have a role to play for God’s Kingdom advancing. They too are anointed by the Holy Spirit, they too receive gifts to serve and they too are called for mission.
We looked at Jesus’ teaching on the giving of talents: how some used them while others buried theirs. Our children are given talents by God and they are encouraged to grow in them and be led by God to display them for His glory. We taught how the smallest of parts to the biggest are all equally important and needed in the church and loved by God.
Your Part
It is exciting to believe that among the many children that we meet at Children’s church there are church planters, evangelists, worship leaders, teachers, healers and more. We look forward to seeing all that God has for them as they grow in Him. But it begins today. Their call has begun. Pray with your children. Pray for the church together. Encourage them to be involved in church in many ways. Help them find their value in being part of the body. We love having them part of the body.
This coming Sunday is the last of the term. The children will have a recap of the term’s message. Remember that you can still download the curriculum to look at yourself.
We look forward to the new term.
– The Children’s Church team