Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church #Uptown2017

Excited for 2017 and what God is going to do in and with us at Cornerstone Church Uptown in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.

Children’s church reflection for 22 January 2017

People love the idea of belonging to something. There is satisfaction found in belonging to a club or a team, be it the Chelsea supporters’ club, a local book club, a social justice group, etc. To belong makes us feel accepted and gives us purpose. This Sunday we looked at the greatest sense of belonging we could ever experience, and that is belonging to God’s kingdom.


We looked at what we are building, continuing with the theme of “Building God’s Kingdom”. In order to be a good builder, you need to know what it is you are actually building, so we explored God’s Kingdom. Scripture describes to us how beautiful God’s kingdom is, how the very look of it is beautiful, how in it we are free from sin and won’t suffer from sickness, hurt, or sadness.

There is so much incredible promise in this kingdom. But the greatest promise is that we get to be with the King. God is the greatest King of all, the King of kings, and we get to spend eternity with Him. We looked at the story of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2) and the dream revealed how God’s kingdom is the greatest kingdom to ever exist. And the great news is that we belong to this Kingdom because of Jesus. What an amazing truth we got to share with your children. They belong, but not just to anything: they belong to the greatest kingdom of all led by the greatest King of all.


Don’t be afraid to speak about heaven or about eternity and what God promises. Many questions are hard to explain or simply cannot be answered yet, but this news of the kingdom we belong to needs to be known. Explain to your children how we belong to that kingdom now and how we play a part in its advancing now. Our children are already ambassadors for God’s kingdom. Help them know how to show their belonging: talk about Jesus, worship Him, be involved in a church, pray.

Because of Jesus, we have freedom in God’s kingdom, we belong and we can approach our King always. Spend time with your children meeting the King.

Download this term’s curriculum here.

– The Children’s Church team

The River Pt 1: The Big Picture (Bedfordview PM)

Craig Herbert opens up our new series on “The River”, where we will be studying Ezekiel 47 and trusting God on his promises of abundant life.


The River Pt 1: The Big Picture

Marcus Herbert opens up our new series on “The River”, where we will be studying Ezekiel 47 and trusting God on his promises of abundant life.


The River pt 1: The Big Picture (Bedfordview PM)

Craig Herbert opens up our new series on “The River”, where we will be studying Ezekiel 47 and trusting God on his promises of abundant life.

22 January 2017 at Bedfordview PM.

The River Pt 1: The Big Picture

Marcus Herbert opens up our new series on “The River”, where we will be studying Ezekiel 47 and trusting God on his promises of abundant life.

22 January 2017 at Bedfordview AM.

The River

Welcome to Children’s Church 2017!

The Church is compared to many things in scripture to help us understand who the Church is in God’s eyes. We are called an army, a bride, a body, a building and more. In all of these images there is such a need to grasp the unity needed within the Church, the beauty the Church carries, the force it portrays and the great leader, Jesus, who leads it.

This term, our focus is on God’s kingdom and the Church. The lessons teach what God’s kingdom is, how He is building His kingdom and how we are called to be a part of this kingdom and see it advance.

Encourage your children to fully understand that they are as much a part, and an important part, of the body as anyone else. Teach them to know their worth and the value they add to the Church. Let them know that they are called and equipped by God to be a part of His kingdom and play a role in it. How amazing is that? The Greatest King looks at our children and says, “I have an important part for you to play.”

Please note that Children’s Church never feels like it is simply baby-sitting so that you can attend church. No, your children are also at church and are the church already. They are also being envisioned and equipped for the incredible call God has on their life. We count it such a privilege to see them grow in God’s call and purpose for them.

Please spend time each week reminding them of the content we cover, the stories we share, the crafts we do and the lessons learnt. Click here for the curriculum for this term.

We are looking forward to another incredible leg of this journey.

– Children’s Church Team


Marcus Herbert speaks on revivals in South Africa in expectation of a new revival in Johannesburg.

15 January 2017 at Bedfordview AM.


Marcus Herbert speaks on revivals in South Africa in expectation of a new revival in Johannesburg.

15 January 2017 at Bedfordview AM.