Bear Much Fruit: Faithfulness in Your Gifts

30 OCTOBER 2016

The 10th part of our “Bear Much Fruit” series. Jonno Warmington speaks about faithfulness in our gifts at Bedfordview PM. Video and picture illustrations are embedded (for podcast listeners – they are at the website).

Download the recordings below or subscribe to the podcast.


Below is the video used in this message.

Jonno also made use of a picture of a watch.


Children’s Church Reflection – 23 October

We continued this week with our series, A Heart of Worship. Our focus was on how everything that has breath is called to worship God. We checked and yes, our children and teachers do have breath – and so they are called to worship God. Why? We worship God because He deserves it.

Our Part
As mentioned, our hope this week was to show what scripture teaches us about worship, and one of the key lessons is that everything that has breath must praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6). We have approximately 23,040 breaths a day. To apply this scripture another way, we are called to worship God with every breath we have and that means that we can worship Him all of the time. Our children learnt that they can worship God from morning to evening, whether they are eating or doing homework, when they are on the sports field or about to go to sleep. They can worship God all of the time.

Your part
Do your children see you as a worshipper or is that only seen on Sunday mornings at Church? Have your children ever seen you worshipping God? Be the best example to your children, not because it benefits your children but rather because it benefits you to worship God. Your relationship with God will grow and that is our emphasis too with our children – to see that their relationship with Jesus grows. Create times and ways for you to worship with your children. Allow God to be acknowledged in all that you do. Find joy in worshipping God and let that be seen by your family so that they can want it too.

Don’t forget the memory verses each week and to keep collecting your medical sticker.

– The Children’s Church team

Bear Much Fruit: Godly Character pt 2 (Bedfordview PM)

The 9th part of our “Bear Much Fruit” series. Shane Rielly shares on the subject of “godly character” at Bedfordview PM.


Download here.

Bear Much Fruit: Godly Character pt 2 (Bedfordview PM)

23 OCTOBER 2016

The 9th part of our “Bear Much Fruit” series. Shane Rielly shares on the subject of “godly character” at Bedfordview PM.

Download the recordings below or subscribe to the podcast.


Shane Rielly


Bear Much Fruit: Godly Character pt 2 (Bedfordview AM)

The 9th part of our “Bear Much Fruit” series. Nathan Gernetzky shares on the subject of “godly character” at Bedfordview AM.

Download here.

Bear Much Fruit: Godly Character pt 2 (Bedfordview AM)

23 OCTOBER 2016

The 9th part of our “Bear Much Fruit” series. Nathan Gernetzky shares on the subject of “godly character” at Bedfordview AM.

Download the recordings below or subscribe to the podcast.


Nathan Gernetzky


Bear Much Fruit: Godly Character

The 8th part in our Bear Much Fruit series by Marcus Herbert. 16 October 2016 at BEDFORDVIEW AM.


Keir Tayler speaks on miracles. 16 OCTOBER 2016 at BEDFORDVIEW PM

The Klopperpark Building Project


We’re so excited about how quickly our Klopperpark site is growing. We have such a fantastic community that is flourishing in their walk with Jesus and our call to the wider community of Klopperpark.

One of the things that we’ve desperately needed is a building to call our own. Up until now, we’ve been sharing facilities with Hope Centre, which falls under the umbrella organisation of Ukwakha Isizwe (our social upliftment partner). Hope Centre has been doing some incredible things for the people in the area, helping to establish Pebbles Klopperpark, establishing a homework centre, Klopper Friday Club, a feeding scheme, and several other initiatives. But now, thanks to wonderful contributions from our Cornerstone family, we’ve just finished getting a suitable structure up for our Klopperpark site. Check out the photos:

We’re so grateful for this, but we know it’s not done yet. Now comes the hard, and expensive part: the inside. From sound systems to the bathrooms to chairs to paving, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Therefore, we’d like to open up the opportunity to our wider Cornerstone family to donate to the Klopperpark building project. If you feel that’s something you’d like to do, here are the details:

EFT transfers:

First National Bank
Branch: Bedford gardens
Branch Code: 252155
Account: 60963039992

If you would like to donate in cash form to this project, please put it in an envelope and mark it KP BUILDING PROJECT.

For more information, contact Bill through the office at 011-616-4073 or email

An update from Waldo and Anika and their church plant in Paarl

It’s been some weeks since Waldo and Anika Kruger embarked on their adventure to Paarl to plant a church. We thought we would get an update from them as to how they have settled in and how things are going.

Waldo, Anika, Janno and Lize are all safely in Paarl and getting settled into their new home and town. They have a beautiful view of the mountains from their garden. Let’s keep them in our prayers!

Janno, their eldest son, started at a new nursery school last week and is enjoying it, making new friends quickly. On his first day at his new school, Janno was showing a bit of anxiety about all the changes. Waldo prayed for him that he would be brave and have a “lion heart”. Then, surprisingly, the name of his class is the “Lion Class!” Janno was so happy about this, telling his parents how God answered their prayer, and that has given him so much confidence in all the new changes. It’s wonderful how God works in the little things as well as the big things!

Their business is now in full swing and they’re renting office and desk space with lots of other entrepreneurs, which is really great as they are meeting people who are interested in the fact they’ve come to plant a church.

They’ve just launched a Wednesday prayer meeting, and the couple who sold them their house decided to join them for that meeting last week, which was great. This Sunday, Waldo is preaching at Destiny Church (led by Winton and Ingrid van der Merwe) who are in our NCMI partnerships.

Waldo, Anika, Janno and Lize are all safely in Paarl and getting settled into their new home and town. They have a beautiful view of the mountains from their garden. Let’s keep them in our prayers!

Waldo, Anika, Janno and Lize are all safely in Paarl and getting settled into their new home and town. They have a beautiful view of the mountains from their garden. Let’s keep them in our prayers!

Prayer points

Here are a few things they would like us to pray for.

1. That they will make fantastic, God-ordained contacts in their town – contacts like Paul made in his ministry trips.
2. That God would continue to give them vision and strategy for this church plant.
3. That they would meet like-minded people
4. That they would minister to the local people in a relevant way – people that truly make up the town of Paarl and surrounds.
5. Business is slow. Anika and Waldo are sharing the load, but they need more clients.

Please continue to keep them in prayer and contact them with prophetic words, encouragement, etc!

Here’s a video of Waldo and Anika recently posted on the NCMI Facebook page.