Building on the Rock

by Mary Geddes

At our last Exchange, Casper Versluis condensed the big subject of “Building on the Rock (the Holy Spirit and a People of God) into a 45-minute talk, which gave the attentive listeners a lot to chew on before breakfast. Here are a few of the points that he made:

He reminded us that Christians need to live in a radically different way from this world’s norms.

In order to live differently, it is essential for us to experience the Spirit in all aspects of our lives.

In the Old Testament, the people kept losing, then regaining the presence and closeness of God. Jesus’ coming changed that forever – the Holy Spirit could now dwell in each believer’s heart – the counsellor that Jesus promised he would send in his place.

We believers live in an interesting place – between the two resurrections. We choose to live a radical, alternative life, but we need constant spiritual renewal throughout our lives.

A bond has developed among the regular early birds who attend The Exchange. The camaraderie makes a person keen to arrive in time, i.e. about 6 am, to get a hot cup of coffee (or  tea, hot chocolate, whatever you prefer…) and have time to reconnect with other regulars and welcome first-timers.

People from various walks of life gather as equals to glorify God, to support and counsel each other and to enjoy friendship… and let’s not forget the lure of a hearty breakfast!

A willing team of staff, Life Team and volunteers start work before the crack of dawn and the tantalising scents of bacon, eggs and toast give us all a good appetite to help us start our work day well.

Here are some pictures from our time together.

Children’s Church – Term 4 begins

This Sunday, you may have arrived at Cornerstone thinking you somehow landed up at a casualty ward with all of the doctors and nurses roaming around. Well, you were at the right place, and those incredible doctors and nurses were our Children’s Church teachers prepared to teach on this term’s topic, The Heart of Worship. The idea is that we need to check our heart and body to see how with everything, we can worship God.

Our Part
This week we started off looking at why we worship God. We looked at who He is, what He has done, and we realised that He is worthy of our worship. As the term unfolds, we will look at how we can worship God with a true, real worship that scripture teaches us and that God deserves.

Your Part
Firstly, try to download the curriculum to use at home. We only see your children for two hours a week, and so you need to continue with the lesson throughout the week. Speak to your children about worship, about why we do it and why we worship God. Look at scripture in the Bible. Try to read a Psalm together as a family and talk about it. And don’t forget to remember the memory verse.

This term each child will receive an “immunisation chart” and each week they will receive a sticker to check off what they have learnt. Even our Grade 7s are excited about the idea of collecting stickers.

Enjoy the term. There are some new teachers leading this term. Try to meet them.

We are looking forward to the journey!

– The Children’s Church team


16 OCTOBER 2016

Download the recording below


Keir Tayler

Bear Much Fruit: Godly Character

16 OCTOBER 2016

Download the recordings below


Marcus Herbert


Overcoming Giants

9 OCTOBER 2016

Download the recording below


Craig Herbert

The Importance of Seeing Clearly

9 OCTOBER 2016

Download the recording below


Marcus Herbert

Faith is Resting (Bear Much Fruit)

2 OCTOBER 2016

Download the recordings below


Ryan Peter Strydom


2 OCTOBER 2016

Download the recordings below


Craig Herbert


(Right-click and choose ‘save target as’)
Please note: Due to a technical error, the audio quality on this recording is not the best.

The Holy Spirit and a People of God

by Casper Versluis
30 September 2016 at The Exchange

Part of the King & His Kingdom series.

Spiritual Victories: The Sword of Truth

by Sonja Long
28 September 2016 at Key Women Bedfordview