Bear Much Fruit: Song of Songs

7 AUGUST 2016

Download the recordings below


Marcus Herbert


Nathan Gernetzky


Children’s Church reflection for 7 August 2016

This Sunday at Children’s Church, as we continue discovering who God is and who He has called us to be, we looked at how God is our faith. Without faith we find that we cannot be in relationship with God. It is therefore vital that we fully grasp the faith we need and the faith we are given by God. The privilege we as the teachers had is that we got to speak to children and, as Jesus emphasises, there is such great faith in children. Their will and desire to believe in a living, all-powerful God who loves us unconditionally is the perfect foundation for us to teach them more truths about our awesome God. We encourage you not to take for granted or downplay the faith your children have.

Our Part

Our emphasis came from Hebrews 2 where we are told to keep our eyes on Jesus, the perfecter of our faith. Across the sites we are teaching a series on bearing much fruit and we are clearly hearing God’s desire for us, His church, to return to intimacy with Him and, out of that place of intimacy, we can bear much fruit. This is the same emphasises God is making to our children. Our games, the stories and the craft (making binoculars at some sites) all encouraged us to remember to keep our eyes on Jesus. One of the biggest points we wanted to make was that when life gets tough, and it will get tougher for our children, only God is faithful to stay true to us and strong enough to help us. We are called to therefore keep our faith in Him.

Your Part

Your children watch you constantly and a lot of their learning comes from observation (mostly observing you). So who are your eyes on mom and dad? Our kids were taught how the distractions of this world (money, fame, objects etc.) are not worthy of our faith. Instead we are to keep our eyes on Jesus, who is always faithful and always seeking to care for us. Challenge yourself to fix your eyes on Jesus. Whatever situation you and your family are facing, let your children see and hear you declare that you will keep your eyes on Jesus. When times get tough for your children, our prayer is that their first response would be to put their faith in Jesus and rely on Him. And when we lack faith, God will give us more faith.

Help your children grow in their faith by reading the Bible more with them, point out God’s promises and His miracles, look at prophecies made over your family and your children and remind your children of all God has done. Our children will surely believe it.

The Bible is full of stories of people who become heroes because of their faith in God. We pray our children become the next generation of heroes for God’s kingdom.

– Children’s Church team

The King & His Kingdom: Building on the Rock

by Greg Mc Alpine
5 August 2016 at The Exchange
Part of the King and His Kingdom series

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 (Right-click and choose ‘save link as’)


Children’s Church Reflection for 31 July 2016

This Sunday was the second week of our new curriculum, ‘God is my God’. Before the reflection, a big well done must be given to our teachers across the sites. The heart and passion our teachers are displaying for the themes and focus of each Sunday lesson has been astounding. Your children will notice a group of explorers waiting for them in the midst of make-shift environments as they are led to seek for God as explorers themselves. Khaki, hard hats, binoculars, garden plants acting as forests are some of the ways our children are being introduced to the fun of seeking God.

Our Part

This Sunday the focus was on “God is my Love”. Our little explorers would have been encouraged to try and measure several things such as lengths of slides or the width of a window or the height of a plant, etc. However, they were then asked to measure God’s love. Although we can measure the tallest mountain and the length of the longest river, God’s love is immeasurable. What an incredible truth to tell our children. Someone loves you with so much love that that amount of love cannot even be measured. That someone is our one and only God who, as we learnt last term, wants to be called Father.

The next task was to try to understand a little bit of God’s love. We looked at how God reveals His love, how God’s love is unconditional, how God wants us to embrace His love, and how we are to show the world God’s love too.

Your Part

Firstly, it is of great benefit that you download our curriculum and use it to re-emphasise what we only have two hours to share with your children. Secondly, spend time asking your children about what they are learning, thinking about and understanding. Remind them and yourself of the memory verse. Importantly, as life happens, keep reminding them how much God loves them and how they are to love others too. This is our hope: to receive from God but then give to the world. Imagine if our children actually understand how much God loves them. Poor self-esteem, fear of not being accepted, feelings of insecurity would all vanish as they hold onto the absolute truth that they are so passionately loved by our all-powerful God.

Memory verses have been laminated and the expectation is that they can join onto a keyring which can be attached to your child’s school bag. It will be really exciting to see our kids explain these verses to their classmates.

We cannot wait to continue this exploring with your kids.

– The Children’s Church team

“Continue” Living a Godly Life

by Joe Muthee
31 July 2016 at Bedfordview PM

Bear Much Fruit: Intimacy

by Marcus Herbert
31 July 2016 at Bedfordview AM

Bear Much Fruit

by Marcus Herbert
24 July 2016 at Bedfordview AM

Equipping Courses – 2017, Term 3

Register for our term 3 Equipping Courses

A Fierce Battle. A Glorious Saviour.

by Nathan Gernetzky
17 July 2016 at Bedfordview AM

Thinking About Being Rich Towards God

by Craig Herbert
10 July 2016 at Bedfordview PM