
by Tyrone Daniel
12 April 2015 at Bedfordview PM

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by Tyrone Daniel
12 April 2015 at Bedfordview AM

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The Power of the Resurrection (Resurrection Sunday)

by Marcus Herbert
5 April 2015 at Bedfordview AM

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Looking Up Party

with Tyrone Daniel
Friday, 17 April 2015 at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview | 7:30pm
For high-schoolers and early 20-somethings

Spread the word! It’s always great to get input from Tyrone.

It’s going to be awesome. ’nuff said.

NCMI City Celebration

We’re looking forward to a great time of connecting and celebrating Jesus as churches across Gauteng, as well as fantastic apostolic input from Tyrone Daniel, at our NCMI City Celebration on 26 April at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview.

Kicks off at 5pm.

NCMI City Celebration
26 April | 5pm
Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Benard Rd East (Parking on Malan Road)
Morninghill, Bedfordview
Click here for a map

011-616-4073 |

Kaleidoscope 2015

We all carry the image and likeness of our creator, carrying a beauty distinctly our own. And each one of us is loved by God. Endlessly. Furiously. Unreservedly.

We all have our story. What is your story?

At this year’s Kaleidoscope we heard testimonies and stories from those who have walked difficult roads – and yet found God as their source of all joy.

Special guest, Debbie Kirsten, also shared her story. A successful journalist and also a mother of three, she has recently released a new book, Chai Tea and Ginger Beer, in which she explains her highs and lows with her husband (and former cricketer), Gary Kirsten. Debbie doesn’t hesitate to share her honest opinions of the pressurised circuit of cricket and also explains the reality of managing their family.

Download the recordings and / or videos

The Power of the Blood (Good Friday)

by Marcus Herbert
3 April 2015 at Bedfordview AM

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The Power of Forgiveness

by Marcus Herbert
29 March 2015 at Bedfordview AM

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The “Power Of” miniseries

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” – Romans 1:16.

God’s gospel is powerful and cannot be shaken. His kingdom is everlasting. His reign is eternal. He is the beginning and the end. As we wrap up our My Heart // My Love series we will be looking at the powerful aspects of the gospel that change our hearts and challenge the hearts of all who hear it, bringing everlasting salvation to those who come to faith in Jesus.

The “Power Of” miniseries will culminate on Good Friday (3 April) and Resurrection Sunday (5 April) as we celebrate our Lord’s once-for-all victory over sin, death, and the devil.

The Power Of Christ

by Marcus Herbert
22 March 2015 at Bedfordview AM

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