School of the Prophets

We had the privilege of hosting the NCMI School of the Prophets from 16 – 20 March at Bedfordview. We enjoyed five days of studying, exploring, and practicing prophecy.

As God’s people we have been called to prophesy. But what does this mean? How does this work? How do we make sure that we are representing the heart of God? These questions, and more, were answered at this event.

The manual has been adapted from the series of talks, available below.

Prophecy is hearing and doing what God says. The Church today needs to understand what New Testament prophecy is and realise the responsibility of prophecy on the Church. We have been called, by God, to prophesy and to be his Voice in this age.

Download the recordings:

Sons and daughters of the Most High God

by Mike Hanchett | 19 March 2015 | NCMI School of the Prophets

Seeing and Entering the Kingdom

by Zach Lombard | 20 March 2015 | NCMI School of the Prophets

Renewing our Mind

by Chanelle Rossouw | 18 March 2015 | NCMI School of the Prophets

How do you facilitate the gifts of the Spirit in the Church?

by Greig Garratt | 18 March 2015 | NCMI School of the Prophets

Prophets In The Church

by Gill Patterson AM 17 March 2015 at NCMI School of the …

Where do you fit into the Prophetic?

by Chanelle Rossouw | 16 March 2015 | NCMI School of the Prophets

Prophesying in the Valley

by Gill Patterson | 16 March 2015 | NCMI School of the Prophets

Developing a Prophetic Culture

by Mike Hanchett | 16 March 2015 | NCMI School of the Prophets

Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. Pt 4 (REST)

by Shaun Mackay
8 March 2015 at Bedfordview PM

[easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]

NOTE: Much of the material in this message was adapted from The Busy Christian’s Guide to Busyness by Tim Chester.

Going & Growing (Importance of Local Church)

By Craig Herbert
8 March 2015 at Bedfordview AM

[easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]

Download the notes

Work Eat Sleep Repeat: Part 3

By Waldo Kruger and Spha Ndawonde
01 March 2015 at Bedfordview PM

[easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]


By Marcus Herbet
01 March 2015 at Bedfordview Am

[easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]

Download the notes

Growing In A Local Church

By Marco Broccardo
01 March 2015 at Rosebank Am

[easy_media_download url=” Marco-growing-in-a-local-church.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]

Who Do You Think You Are?

By Tony Sivewright
22 February 2015 at Bedfordview PM

[easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]

Belonging to a Local Church Part 2

By Marcus Herbert
22 February 2015 at Bedfordview AM

[easy_media_download url=” Local-Churh-part-2.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]

Download the notes

Perfect Love

By Paul Firth
15 February 2015 at Yeoville AM

[easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]

Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat: Part 2

By Shane Rielly and Phill Quinn
15 February 2015 at Bedfordview PM

[easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″]