Dear friends,
Greetings from Montenegro.
These photos (below) are sign of a little seed planted for the future of our church. Young brother Daniel’s decision to commit his life fully to the Lord Jesus brought lots of joy to all of us and I just wanted to share it with you. Quite often you hear about our needs and problems, and this is something I believe you will receive more from us in the future.
Since the end of the year 2013 we, as a family and as the church, have been passing through hard times. We experienced church split. People whom I’ve ministered to 15 years, left me for different reasons. We as a family lost our love ones, who passed away. We lost friends, who believed the lies about us. We lost supporters, who were helping us financially.
But, thank God, and thank you dear friends who are still with us, still believing the best for us, even in the time when we are weak, and trusting us that we haven’t lose our focus, even if we are going through hard times.
Thank you for your good and positive attitude about us, thanks for your prayers and actually thank you for everything you are doing for us. Thank you for letting us know that we are not alone.
Friends, we are right now witnessing a clear picture of what is going on in our midst. We have been going through long and bloody war. One of the battles is over. Gunpowder dust has lifted up and finally we are able to see the results of war.
Some are dead. Some are wounded . But some are still standing on their feet and they are ready to fight.
After all, we are encouraged in the Lord and this are positive smoke signals from the country of Montenegro, and in the time that is ahead of us, you will be hearing from us, what the Lord is doing here. Please continue to pray for us. We regularly lift your names to the Lord and we bless you, your families and the ministry.
Much love from me and my family.
Yours in Him,
Jovica Bacvanski