Testing your Faith in Lesotho

We regularly make trips into Lesotho to work with the churches we have partnerships and relationships with there. Check out our trips for 2014 post for details of when we’re going to Lesotho this year (our next trip is in June).

Odette dos Santos went on our recent Lesotho trip to Maputso and tell us how it went, the challenges there, and what impacted her:

What are some of the challenges the people and churches are facing there?

Unemployment and housing are big issues there. It’s difficult to build and have adequate buildings and houses. The church that we work with needs a bigger property and a building to meet in.

Also, many of the men feel inadequate – they feel that they can’t live up to what’s expected of them in their role as Christian men at home, as part of a church, and in the the community.

Plus many of the youth have huge challenges with peer pressure and their relationships. It’s difficult to hold up Biblical values.

Who do you think would be able to make a significant impact in this area?

Looking at the many challenges, people who are passionate about these things (or who do these things) should really think of going on the next trip:

  • Youth workers (youth and leadership development)
  • Children’s church teachers
  • Women (to encourage and minister to women)
  • Builders/handy-men/skilled labourers

What was your highlight of the trip?

The hospitality of the family that we stayed with as well as their welcoming and humble hearts towards us. Also, the women’s group: their hunger for a closer relationship with God as well as for God’s word. Their reaction to being validated as a “beautiful” and “specific” part of God’s creation i.e. Having a specific purpose in God’s kingdom was especially encouraging.

Will you go again?

Yes. I feel that these trips often “test” our faith in how God can use us to reveal Himself to others. Also, I believe that there is a lot of potential, at this specific church in Lesotho, for us to equip, encourage and mentor on an ongoing basis.

What would you say to others about going on such a trip?

It’s really quite simple: just be obedient and available to wherever you feel God calling you. He will do the rest. It is amazing what God can do through you when you have this kind of attitude!

The Church (NCMI JHB City Celebration, May 2014)

By Tyrone Daniel
4 May 2014 – Sunday PM at Bedfordview at the NCMI City Celebration
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140504-PM-TD-The-Church.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Unity in the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

By Cliff Cherry
4 May 2014 – Sunday AM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140504-AM-CC-Unity-in-the-Light-of-the-Gospel.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

What’s the Big Deal About Sin?

By Waldo Kruger
27 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Rosebank
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/27042014-AM-Rosebank-WK-Whats-the-big-deal-about-sin.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]


By Hennie Keyter
27 April 2014 – Sunday PM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140427-PM-HK-Restoration.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Romans 8

By Marcus Herbert
27 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140427-AM-Bedfordview-MH-Romans-8.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Easter 2014: Resurrection Power

By Marcus Herbert
20 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140420-MH-Easter-2014-Resurrection-Power.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Easter 2014: Good Friday

By Marcus Herbert
18 April 2014 – Friday AM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140418-MH-Easter-2014-Good-Friday.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Here is the video that was shown in this message:

Easter Weekend 2014 Details

This weekend we celebrate the death and resurrection of our King, Jesus. Why not break bread with your family and friends at some stage this weekend, and in your Life Groups this week? (For a resource on breaking bread and why we do it, check out our DEVOTE: Breaking Bread booklet.)

If you’re coming to visit or are a part of Cornerstone, here are the arrangements for the weekend:

  • Bedfordview will be having a Good Friday meeting at 9am. Bring hot cross buns to share!
  • All the sites will celebrate Resurrection Sunday at the usual Sunday morning meeting times of the respective site. Check out the different sites here. Uptown will also start its new series on sex and relationships on Sunday morning.
  • Bedfordview’s Sunday morning meeting will also be a family meeting (kids join us in the meeting – Cornerstone Kids will not be running).
  • There will be no evening meeting at Bedfordview.

If you’re visiting, check out the closest Cornerstone Church site in your area.

The Glory of His Love

By Waldo Kruger
13 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Rosebank
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140413-Rosebank-AM-WK-The-Glory-of-His-Love.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]