Face to Face pt 3

By Mark Meeske
13 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140413-Bedfordview-AM-MM-Face-to-Face-pt3.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

My Heart // My Love

Our new theme

We’ve had a fantastic season studying Jesus’ discipleship process with his twelve disciples. Our tag line for The Twelve series was “Preparing for the mission with Jesus’ disciples.” As we’ve come to the end of this series we’ve become aware that God wants to change our perceptions of mission and evangelism. In short: Evangelism needs to move from an event to a lifestyle.

We’re still working through God’s challenge to us at the beginning of this year – the challenge of seeking and saving the lost. Christ’s life can be summarised in that phrase. But if we’re honest, seeking and saving the lost is not our culture. Our culture is more about maintenance, self-centredness, and “I”.

The reality is this: if we don’t care for the lost and the fact that people are not being born again, we’ve got sick hearts. That’s why we want to focus on the heart in this next term with a theme called My Heart // My Love.

When our heart is moved with the Gospel our heart has a love for our city and the nations of the world. Inward to outward. We’re trusting God to change hearts. We’re desperate to see revived hearts which care for the lost – hearts which know, deeply, the benefits of the Gospel; hearts that urge us to pray for others and trust for real opportunities where we can share this wonderful liberating Gospel. This sharing is a lifestyle.

How we’ll be doing this

The My Heart // My Love preaching series will take place across the sites and we’ll also be running Equipping Courses on evangelism on Wednesday Nights at Bedfordview. Elders and some of the deacons will be taking teams out to practically engage people with the Gospel. We want to provide some practical learning opportunities like Jesus did with his twelve disciples.

With Easter and voting day (7 May) the term will be structured a little differently in the beginning. We’ll let you know how the dates are going to work out so keep your ear to the ground about that.

As always, thank you for your partnership, friendship and passion. It’s such a wonderful privilege serving our King together with you.

– Marcus and the elders

All Sites Celebration – 13 April

We’re having our first All Sites Celebration of 2014 on Sunday, 13 April at Bedfordview!

Kicks off at 5pm!

All Sites Celebration is when we all get together from across Johannesburg and celebrate.

If you’ve never been to Bedfordview before, here’s the address and a map:

Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Benard Road East,

Seven Signs in John – the Sixth Sign

By Waldo Kruger
6 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Rosebank
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140406-Rosebank-WK-Seven-Signs-in-John-Pt-2.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

RT Kendall & Michael Eaton (19 – 23 May)

It was amazing having RT Kendall and Michael Eaton, renowned Bible teachers, with us at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview for the week of 19 – 23 May 2014.

RT Kendall and Michael Eaton are excellent at making theology accessible and stimulating for everyone.

“R.T. Kendall… is a man of deep commitment to the Bible and wants others to know it, love it and understand it as he does.” – Billy Graham

On the right are the freely available recordings of all the sessions. RT Kendall spoke on the Sermon on the Mount while Michael Eaton expounded on 1 Peter.

The Whole Counsel of God

You can also download The Whole Counsel of God series by Dr Michael Eaton. This is an excellent 45 hours of preaching and teaching as Michael takes us through some of the following topics:

  • What is “the whole counsel of God” and what do we do with it?
  • The teaching about God
  • Creation
  • The teaching about man
  • The person of Jesus Christ
  • Salvation
  • Working out your salvation
  • The doctrine of the Holy Spirit
  • The doctrine of scripture
  • The doctrine of the church
  • The doctrine of last things


By Francois van der Merwe
6 April 2014 – Sunday PM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140406-PM-FVDM-Pentecost.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Our new look website

Welcome to our new look website! If you’re interested in knowing the changes or may be a little lost, here’s everything you’ll want to know.

1. Everything is pretty much where it was

We haven’t changed much in terms of where things are – we’ve added a few more options to the menu that make it easier to navigate, but the messages and resources and the things most people regularly use are located in the same place. So don’t worry, it’s all there 🙂

2. It works better across devices

The new theme works better on smartphones and tablet devices than the previous theme. For the geeks out there, it’s now a ‘responsive’ design. It also just looks nicer and we can do more cool things with it.

3. The ‘I’m New’ page is new

We’ve updated how the I’m New page works – it now provides five easy steps, with links, for people who are new to Cornerstone to get to know who we are and get involved.

4. You can now search for Cornerstone sites by area

The new Sites page makes finding a site in your area easier and quicker and is going to work great as new sites get added.

5. Resources will grow

With the new theme and coding available to us, organising the resources and messages is going to be easier and better – meaning that in the weeks to come you will be able to search by topic and other methods, and also download some song recordings. So keep coming back to see the new changes and resources going up! This is going to be an area we’ll be building a great deal as we go forward.

We’re excited about making the website a better tool for the Gospel in Johannesburg and helping guys to find us easily and get involved!

The Exchange (4 April)

The Exchange on 4 April


At our next exchange meeting we will look at the sixth letter to the churches in the book of Revelation, the letter to the church in Philadelphia. It was a church, seemingly weak in power, in the face of great persecution, yet faithfully enduring and committed to the Word of God and gripped by the character of Jesus. We will look at the opportunities they were awarded to serve Jesus and His promised protection they enjoyed.

The Exchange
Friday, 4 April
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Click here for a map
6:00am: Coffee
6:30am: Prompt Start

Join our Exchange LinkedIn Group

Join our LinkedIn group where we will inform of upcoming events and have a space to discuss topics relating to The Exchange and the marketplace.

To join, click here and then click on the yellow JOIN button at the top right. (You may need to log in to LinkedIn.)

Alternatively, log in to LinkedIn, search for “The Exchange, Johannesburg”, click on it when it pops up and then click on JOIN.

Looking forward to connecting on LinkedIn!

The Twelve study booklet


Download The Twelve study guide – a collection of edited transcripts of our preaching series on the twelve disciples, including study questions. This is based on a series where we looked at the lives of Jesus’ disciples and focused on how Jesus discipled them, with the view of applying Jesus’ discipleship process into our context today.

Printed copies available on demand for R30 a copy – contact the office to order.

Why we need the Holy Spirit

By Shane Rielly
30 March 2014 – Sunday PM at Bedfordview

[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140330-PM-SR-Why-we-need-the-Holy-Spirit.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]