Short update from Keir and Callie Tayler in Poland

Here’s a short update from Callie Tayler, currently in Poland on an apostolic trip with her husband, Keir:

We’ve been in four towns already where several churches gather to hear the Word.  We’ve been so very blessed to see the changes since we were here two years ago and how they have grown and implemented New Testament church principals.

The first town was Swidnik and they were all so excited to have us back and to tell Keir what has happened to them and how they are praying every day for revival in Poland.  It was a great time of heart connections and I was amazed at how much they love and respect Keir.

The next day we travelled an hour and a half to Radzin where the church was full and expectant. Many miracles have happened in this small church in its nine years and again God has proved himself faithful. A man who was crippled first gave his heart to Jesus and left his crutch behind as he was totally healed. A woman with terrible calcification in her neck and shoulders was laughing for joy as she could swing her arms and move her neck. Another lady was healed of breathing problems. And there was another testimony where a chronic disease was healed where a lady was going for an MRI scan free from excruciating pain and so it went on.  How exciting it is to see our Lord through His Spirit operate in people’s lives and set them free from these bondages.

We then went to the town of Parcewz. A vibrant expectant gathering of three churches awaited us. God’s presence was evident and they were so happy we had come back to minister as the prophetic Word given them two years ago was evident in the church.  Again God confirmed his Word with salvations and people being baptised in the Holy Spirit and healed in many different things – legs, backs, feet etc. It was a glorious time.

From there we have moved to Hrubieszow for two nights. We are expectant for the Holy Spirit to move here as many people are oppressed and downcast.   It is a lot of moving and ministering and sleeping in some very strange places but worth every minute when I see how much they love the presence of God.  They are fervent in praying and excited in God!!!

Our dearest love to you all,

Another update, sent Friday 8 November

Jesus went about to all the towns and villages teaching and proclaiming the gospel and healing Matt 5 23. As Jesus did so we follow His example.

Poland has been just like that. Sometimes there are a few churches gathered together to hear the Word of life and other times we are sent to the villages and smaller churches that have never had someone from Africa come and share the love of Jesus with them .

At all times we count it such a privilege and the Holy Spirit comes and changes lives sets the captives free and heals those who are oppressed.

Our last visit was to the city of Hrubieszow to a fairly small church. After ministering the Word at two sessions God confirmed His Word with healings. A woman with a goiter in her throat could swallow and talk again and a woman with scholiosis could lift her arms and jumped up and down as the pain instantly departed from her back and legs. She came up and took my face and said “I will never forget you”.

I felt so humbled as she was an extremely poor lady living in a shelter for women. All the time as we travel into towns cities and villages we are reminded that Jesus sees every person as precious in His sight and we are to see them with His eyes.

A couple of ladies had healings in their eyes and one man had terrible pain in all his joints and stomach and the pain left.

Sometimes it is hard as we sleep in tiny beds with very thin mattresses and we move around to different churches constantly with ministry every day but it is all about advancing His Kingdom one place at a time so we count it a joy.

We are in a city now called Radom and ministering twice into a church of about 100 people. Last night a pregnant lady came to the front to repent and give her heart back to Jesus. She wept and wept and people lined up for healing.

We go to a village church tonight in Stratowice, and then back to Radom for Sunday meetings. Our internet exposure is very erratic and where we are based now we cannot get so I do this letter so when we do connect again it can go to you all.

Our love in His service, Keir and Callie

Quick update from Mark Meeske in Indonesia

Update from Mark Meeske, currently doing apostolic work in Indonesia:

He shared last night and God came in power. There were healings and the Spirit refreshed and empowered many. They are trusting for more of that and they’re all very excited.

He says there are 300 folk there and they are hungry for more of God and being encouraged in a big way. Worship is awesome.

Keep praying for Mark and feel free to encourage him via SMS. If you have any prophetic words for them, SMS him as well.

Hark! in the Park – 1 December

It’s that time of the year when we start winding down and spend more time with family, friends and those we love. Christmas Carol evenings are always a wonderful opportunity to get the kids out and enjoy a magical evening. Hark! In the Park, taking place on Sunday, 1 December, is one opportunity for you to invite friends and family and do just that.

The event features an exquisite market and plenty to do for the whole family, with exciting kids’ rides, a farm yard, jumping castles and more. The festivities kick off at 4pm with Carols by Candlelight starting at 7pm. Food will be on sale.

Entrance is free and the event is in support of local social initiatives overseen by the Ukwakha Isizwe Foundation – which includes hArt Ghontjie, a project that seeks to encourage and uplift underprivileged youth; hArt Educare, which aims to benefit, support and educate underprivileged youth; and the hArt Day Centre (in Primrose) which provide young children the opportunity to receive early childhood development. Other initiatives include Joshua House, a home for abandoned babies, and the Russell House foster home.

Bring your singing voices and enjoy a wonderful Christmas family outing!

Hark! in the Park
Cornerstone Church Bedfordview (click for a map),
Parking at Malan Ave, Morninghill
When: Sunday 1 December
Time: 4pm. Carols start at 7pm
Fun for the whole family!

The Prophetic

TITLE: The Prophetic
PREACHER: Adele Herbert
DATE: 3 NOVEMBER 2013 – Sunday AM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

A Marketplace Mandate

TITLE: A Marketplace Mandate
PREACHER: Trevor Hartley
DATE: 1 NOVEMBER 2013 – Friday AM

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Trevor Hartley at The Exchange

The Apostolic: Week Three

TITLE: The Apostolic: Week Three
PREACHER: Hennie Keyter
DATE: 30 OCTOBER 2013 – Wednesday PM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

The Apostolic: Week Two

TITLE: The Apostolic: Week 2
PREACHER: Keir Tayler
DATE: 23 OCTOBER 2013 – Wednesday PM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Responding to the Holy Spirit

TITLE: Responding to the Holy Spirit
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 29 OCTOBER 2013 – Sunday AM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

All Those Sins are Washed Away

by Ryan Peter

One of the hardest things to believe in Christianity is that, quite simply, all our sins are forgiven and washed away through simply asking God to forgive us.

We complicate this endlessly. But the Bible is emphatic — our sins are washed away by the blood of the Lamb.

If they are washed away when you become a Christian, they are washed away as you live as a Christian.

Listen to this: THEY ARE WASHED AWAY. If you sin and sin and sin and sin constantly, doing the same thing, these are WASHED AWAY by the Blood of the Lamb. You can sin now and ask for forgiveness and then sin in the next moment and then ask for forgiveness. God doesn’t count your sins, He washes them away. We count them. He doesn’t. When God looks at you He sees you as righteous because you are in Christ.

Your sins are washed away. Washed away, washed away, washed away.

It’s so hard to really believe it, isn’t it? We want to constantly add conditions. Are you sorry enough for your sins? Are you determined to stop doing them? Did you repent properly? Did you do all the acts of penance correctly?

The promise is that Jesus washes away our sins if we ask. It’s really simple. When I first decided to believe in Christ I asked God to forgive me of my sins and he did so. I didn’t have to worry about all this other stuff. I simply repented and that was that. Why should I have to worry about it now?

His mercies are new each morning. His steadfast love never fails. (Lamentations 3:22, 23.)

Originally published at

The Exchange – 1 November

The Exchange on 1 November

with Trevor Hartley

It’s The Exchange next Friday, 1 November. Trevor Hartley will be sharing on the topic, Business and God’s Kingdom.

Trevor is a Leadership and Performance Practitioner whose passion for talent and organisational development has led him to be invited to speak at a number of well known organisations and institutes and to participate on a number of key talent development initiatives globally.

He began his career as a Chartered Accountant at Deloitte, where he transitioned to the Learning and Development field with his last position at the organisation being a National Learning Manager. After leaving Deloitte, he became a founding member of a niche learning and development company. During this time, Trevor also lectured at a well-known brand communications university on innovation and entrepreneurship. He then joined the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) to take up the position of Corporate Academy Product Director.

After that, he joined LeadStrong, a world class leadership, talent and business consultancy with an international influence and best practice experience in leading industries. The organisation’s vision is to be a catalyst for ‘unearthing potential’ while elevating the lives of the individuals, teams and communities that it partners with. See for more.

We’re looking forward to hearing Trevor’s talk on how business and God’s kingdom work together. See you next Friday!

The Exchange
Friday, 1 November
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Click here for a map
6:00am: Coffee
6:30am: Prompt Start
Followed by a delicious breakfast

Join our new Exchange LinkedIn Group

Join our new LinkedIn group where we will inform of upcoming events and have a space to discuss topics relating to The Exchange and the marketplace.

To join, click here and then click on the yellow JOIN button at the top right. (You may need to log in to LinkedIn.)

Alternatively, log in to LinkedIn, search for “The Exchange, Johannesburg”, click on it when it pops up and then click on JOIN.

Looking forward to connecting on LinkedIn!