What Life Team is Like: Nicola Pilkington

Thinking about – or know someone who’s thinking about – doing Cornerstone’s Life Team next year? Nicola Pilkington was part of the Life Team in 2009. Here’s what it was like for her.

I joined Life Team on a whim, completely unsure how fundamentally God would change my life. The only thing that I had planned on was being open to what God had for me.

I learned what it means to be a part of the body of Christ; to be involved and make a contribution that is valuable. Not to simply go to church and expect to receive. For it is in my contribution that I often learn and receive the most.

On that same note, we travelled a lot (a definite highlight), we got to see churches that have much and churches that have very little –  the common thread being their indubitable love for Jesus.

I learned how to relate to people of different backgrounds and to be as much of a blessing as I can be. I got opportunities to lead worship and to preach. I got to see what I was good at and was not.

Cornerstone is such a safe environment that allows for mistakes to be made and to be lovingly put on the right track. God used so many people to teach me and to impart foundations in my mind and spirit that will never leave me. On my team and amongst the church I made friends that taught me what being friends actually meant.  Our hearts were knitted and we loved each other in a way that I had never experienced before.

Ultimately Life Team taught me how to serve. Service has such a negative connotation but it is out of that place that one is able to lead. We have a saying amongst all the Life Teamers: “Once a Life Teamer, always a Life Teamer.” Essentially we are saying that we will never forget how to serve. From setting up every Wednesday for prayer meeting, to waking up at 4am to set up for the Breakfast Exchange, to cleaning toilets in the heart of Tanzania and planting grass in Viljoenskroen… Oh and we painted! Everywhere we went we painted! It sounds crazy but we learned to love serving because we learned to see the purpose behind it.

At the end of the day, we saw a man get out of a wheel chair, we (awkwardly) led people to Jesus for the first time, we saw lives being surrendered to Jesus and we learned how radical is this God that we serve!

Looking Up – 13 September

Looking Up,
for high-schoolers and those in their 20’s, is happening next Friday (13 September) at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview! Things will kick off from 7pm.

Food will be on sale. Map and details below. It’s going to be fantastic!

Looking Up Advertising Media

You can download the advertising media for the event at these links:
Looking Up Slide (16:9)
Looking Up Slide (HD – 16:10)
Looking Up Poster (A3)
Looking Up Poster (A4)

Address and details:
Cornerstone Church Bedfordview

Benard Road East,

Tel: 011-616-4073 (for info)
Email: info@ncmigauteng.co.za
Click here for a map

Gear Up 2013 – 28 September

GEAR UP 2013 is a full-day youth event for those between 13 & 20 years old. It’s happening on Saturday 28 September from 9AM – 2:30PM. Contact info to register (includes lunch and supper).

GEAR UP 2013

Saturday, 28 September
9am – 2:30pm
Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Click here for a map
Register at info. Call 011-616-4073 or email info@www.cornerstonechurch.co.za

Cost is R50, includes lunch and supper.

How Our Relationship with God is Tested

TITLE: How Our Relationship with God is Tested
PREACHER: Paul Firth
DATE: 8 SEPTEMBER 2013 – Sunday PM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Live a Life Worthy of Your Salvation

TITLE: Live a Life Worthy of Your Salvation
PREACHER: Leanne Mackay
DATE: 8 SEPTEMBER 2013 – Sunday PM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

There Is So Much More

TITLE: There Is So Much More
PREACHER: Hennie Keyter
DATE: 8 SEPTEMBER 2013 – Sunday AM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

The Exchange: Paradigm Feedback

TITLE: The Exchange: Paradigm Feedback
DATE: 6 SEPTEMBER 2013 – Friday AM

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(Right-click and choose ‘Save Target As’)

What Life Team is Like: Brett & Robyn Riskowitz

Thinking about – or know someone who’s thinking about – doing Cornerstone’s Life Team next year? Brett & Robyn Riskowitz led the Life Team in 2010. Here’s what it was like for them.

“Life Team was a year of dynamic spiritual growth for my us. Although it was physically and emotionally challenging at times, what we experienced surpassed any difficultly we endured. From seeing people set free from the demonic, to being healed, to people giving their lives to Jesus, it was certainly a year of God’s glorious power working in and through us.

“For anyone who is keen to develop their calling in God and experience the love of a spiritual family (the rest of the team), Life Team is most definitely the thing to do.”


Faith and the Working of Miracles

TITLE: Faith and the Working of Miracles
PREACHER: Keir Tayler
DATE: 1 SEPTEMBER 2013 – Sunday AM

Download MP3 message audio
(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Key Women – 3 September


September 2013’s Key Women is happening on Tuesday, 3 September we continue the Living Beyond Yourself – Fruit of the Spirit series. Avril Potter will be sharing on “goodness and faithfulness.”

Spring is here so dress for the occasion!

Key Women
Living Beyond Yourself – Discovering The Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness and faithfulness
When: Tuesday, 3 September
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Time: 8:30am at Bedfordview Side Hall

Come dressed for Spring!

Find out more about Key Women here.