Feedback on Lance and Tanya’s Trip to Portugal

by Lance de Ruig

Tanya and I went to Portugal from 24 July to 4 August to visit Mark and Nattie Bouffe in Porto. Mark and Nattie were elders at Cornerstone Church for many years and took over the church in Porto seven years ago.

The church has grown by 60 people in the last six years and is currently at 90 people. Portugal is battling incredibly financially; the church is full of educated, unemployed people. There are qualified architects, graphic designers, teachers, people involved in commerce, psychologists and many others who simply cannot find work. But through this difficult situation the Gospel is being preached and people’s lives are being changed.

The week before we arrived they had a baptism meeting and baptised a number of people, including a 12 year old and a 92 year old. The church is seeing regular salvations, baptisms, and the growth of leaders. Tanya and I had the privilege of ministry in the church on two Sundays as well as running a youth camp for them for a week.

It was a wonderful time of the continued building of our relationships and encouraging the church!

Sharing Your Faith in the Workplace – The Exchange

TITLE: Sharing Your Faith in the Workplace – The Exchange
PREACHER: Mark Meeske
DATE: 2 AUGUST 2013 – Friday AM

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TITLE: Opportunities
PREACHER: Shane Rielly
DATE: 4 AUGUST 2013 – Sunday PM

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The Purpose of Trials

TITLE: The Purpose of Trials
PREACHER: Colette Meeske
DATE: 4 AUGUST 2013 – Sunday PM

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Revelation: Scene Four – Part Three

TITLE: Revelation: Scene Four – Part Three
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 4 AUGUST 2013 – Sunday AM

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Last week we looked at the beasts in Revelation 13. The first beast which rises from the sea represents pagan government while the second best, which rises from the earth, represents false religion. False religion tries to stick as close to the truth as it can but is always a degree or two off. It uses deception, false signs and wonders. It’s important to note that we’ve attached all kinds of sci-fi and myth and fantasy to what these beasts mean, but they’re simply about pagan government and false religion uniting against the saints.

This section we’re dealing with right now, Revelation 11:19 to 15:4, is all about “seven visions of victory”. By the end we see how all these weapons of the enemy fall to pieces and God’s people are victorious in Jesus. We see in Revelation 12 that the enemy first tries to destroy Christ but fails and is cast down to earth. Now in his cast-down state, he is waging war against you and I and he uses these beasts of pagan government and false religion to wage his war. In many countries people are dying for Christ under pagan government. When that meets false religion all hell breaks loose. Those who follow these two beasts and are caught up in them, refusing to believe in the Gospel, are represented by the number ‘666’ – a code for the height of human evil.

The Illuminati and those kinds of secret societies are not the beast. This scripture shows us that behind the governments of the world there are controlling forces like mammon (the love of money) which takes a lot of people captive.

But in line with that there’s a third weapon that the enemy uses against us and that is the harlot (or Babylon).

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Nelspruit Trip – A Report-Back from Hennie Keyter

Last week, Hennie and Rita Keyter and Andrew and Jill Mildenhall spent time with the leaders in Nelspruit that partner with NCMI. Here is a report-back from Hennie on how things went:

There was a Lowveld Connect on the Friday evening. We’ve been going to Nelspruit fairly often and it’s exciting to see how the Connect times there have more than doubled. On Saturday night there was a men’s evening and more than 150 men arrived. It was great to see the men coming through.

Nelspruit is very exciting. The church there (Church Unlimited) has moved to two morning services and an evening service. It’s great to see the young people coming through in the evening and we had a great time with them all.

Continue to pray for Nelspruit!

Key Women – 6 August


August’s Key Women is happening on Tuesday, 6 August as we continue the Living Beyond Yourself – Fruit of the Spirit series. Colette Meeske will be speaking on “patience and self-control”.

Key Women
Living Beyond Yourself – Discovering The Fruit of the Spirit: Patience and self-control
When: Tuesday, 6 August
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Time: 8:30am at Bedfordview Side Hall

Find out more about Key Women here.

All Sites Celebration – 11 August

With both sadness and joy, we’ll be sending Shaq and Claire Muetheno to Cape Town as they embark on a new adventure in the Gospel with the planting of Red Harbour Church at our All Sites Celebration on 11 August at Bedfordview.

We’ll also be celebrating Paul and Monica joining our eldership team.

It’s going to be a fantastic evening! Bring supper to share!

All Sites Celebration
11 August at 5pm
at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview.
Click here for a map

Terry MacAlmon – 15 August

American songwriter, recording artist and worship ministry leader, Terry MacAlmon will be with us at Bedfordview on Thursday, 15 August for an evening of worship. Terry has been with us before and he is well known for having written many worship songs, including I Sing Praises, which you can check out on the video below.

There is no cost to the event but we will be taking up an offering for Terry. We’ll start worshipping from 7pm.

Terry MacAlmon – The Glory of His Presence

at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
on Thursday, 15 August at 7pm
Benard Road East, Morninghill, Bedfordview
Click here for a map

Tel: 011-616-4073

Kaleidoscope 2013 – 3 – 5 October

We’re excited about Kaleidoscope Women’s Conference 2013, this year’s iteration of our annual women’s conference. The theme for 2013 is the Holy Spirit.

It’s taking place from Thursday, 3 October to Saturday, 5 October at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview.

Cost is R100 for all the sessions. Register at the door (online registrations are closed).

Session times:

Thursday, 3 October: 7pm
Friday, 4 October: 9am – 1pm & 7pm
Saturday, 5 October: 9am – 1pm

Kaleidoscope 2013 advertising media

If you would like to advertise Kaleidoscope 2013, you can download and use the following media items:

Kaleidoscope 2013 bookmark (functions as a pamphlet)
Kaleidoscope 2013 poster
Kaleidoscope 2013 slide (XD – 16:9)
Kaleidoscope 2013 slide (HD – 16:10)
Kaleidoscope 2013 video (at Vimeo – click the ‘download’ link below the video)

Kaleidoscope Women’s Conference 2013: The Holy Spirit

3 – 5 October, 2013
Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Benard Road East, Morninghill, Bedfordview
Click here for a map

Call 011-616-4073 or email for more details.