Work Out Your Salvation

TITLE: Work Out Your Salvation
PREACHER: Gregg McAlpine
DATE: 30 JUNE 2013 – Sunday AM

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Key Women – 2 July

July’s Key Women is happening on Tuesday, 2 July as we continue the Living Beyond Yourself – Fruit of the Spirit series. Adele Herbert will be speaking on “gentleness”.

Key Women
Living Beyond Yourself – Discovering The Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness
When: Tuesday, 2 July
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Time: 8:30am at Bedfordview Side Hall

Jesus the Centre of Our Faith

TITLE: Jesus – the Centre of Our Faith
PREACHER: Jonno Warmington
DATE: 23 JUNE 2013 – Sunday PM

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Hear What God is Saying and Do It

TITLE: Hear What God is Saying and Do It
PREACHER: Ryan Peter
DATE: 23 JUNE 2013 – Sunday PM

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Apostolic Christianity

TITLE: Apostolic Christianity
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 23 JUNE 2013 – Sunday AM

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Help in Times of Difficulty

TITLE: Help in Times of Difficulty
PREACHER: Lance de Ruig
DATE: 16 JUNE 2013 – Sunday PM

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The Veil Has Been Torn

TITLE: The Veil Has Been Torn
PREACHER: Wesley Fuller
DATE: 16 JUNE 2013 – Sunday PM

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Our Life’s Purpose

TITLE: Our Life’s Purpose
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 16 JUNE 2013 – Sunday AM

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Shaq and Claire Planting in Cape Town

We’re very excited at Cornerstone to announce that the Muetheno family (Shaq and Claire) are going to be planting a church in Cape Town! In fact, it’s already got a name: Red Harbour Church. We’ll be having a farewell party for them on 11 August at 6pm at Bedfordview.

Planting a church has been on Shaq and Claire’s heart for a very long time. In fact, they were first stirred to do so eight years ago, but weren’t exactly sure what to do about it. In 2006 they went on the church planters course which they say was a real breakthrough in confirming that this is what God wanted them to do.

“Initially, we thought we were going to plant in Rosebank. In fact, we had our sights set on the same venue that Cornerstone Church Rosebank is in now,” says Shaq. But after chatting to Marcus and several members of the apostolic team, it didn’t seem as if the time was yet right to plant. They felt it was better that they spend some time in a different church to gain more experience in ministry. That’s when they joined Cornerstone.

“When we initially joined Cornerstone, we saw it as a time of transition – a time of equipping and gaining experience for our church plant, which we thought would be soon. But God had his own plans,” says Shaq.

So why Cape Town?

“We laid the idea of planting a church down but the desire was always there,” says Claire. “God started to fan it into flame again two years ago. Many might recall a prophetic word from New Frontiers about the “suddenlies” of God coming from Cape Town and Johannesburg. That prophetic word grew on Shaq’s heart.”

God spoke quite personally to the both of them, especially through 2 Samuel 3.

“He said to us that he will appoint a place and a time and he’s done just that. Through scripture and through a dream, God really confirmed this on our hearts,” Claire says.

They are very excited and have already sold their house, looking to relocate soon.

“Everyone has a story and a voice,” says Shaq. “We want to go out there and tell the story of Jesus.”

As a church we’re partnering with them in this plant – keep your ears open to ways we can support them. Also, chat to them and see what you can do to help with this plant.

Keep up to date with Red Harbour Church at

If Anyone Thirsts

TITLE: If Anyone Thirsts
PREACHER: Waldo Kruger
DATE: 9 JUNE 2013 – Sunday PM

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