The Darkness of Spiritual Silence – The Exchange

TITLE: The Darkness of Spiritual Silence
PREACHER: Anton Tjabring & Richard Sherman
DATE: 10 MAY 2013 – Friday AM

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Developing a Kingdom Culture

TITLE: Developing a Kingdom Culture
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 5 May 2013 – Sunday AM

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The Exchange – 10 May

Hidden Treasures

Beyond Spiritual Silence
with Anton Tjabring

This Friday (10 May) is The Exchange as we continue with our series, Hidden Treasures. Anton Tjabring will be sharing on the topic, Beyond Spiritual Silence.

Sometimes Christians find themselves in the darkness of spiritual silence. This is when the heavens seem silent and we feel that God no longer directs us. We’re not conscious of any sin, we pray and read the Scriptures daily, but nothing we do seems to bring guidance for the next step forward.

Is this where you are at the moment? Take heart – there are treasures to be found even in this darkness.

You can also now download Hennie Cronjé’s talk at last month’s Exchange, Loss of Finance, here.

The Exchange

Friday, 10 May
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
6:00am: Coffee
6:30am: Prompt Start
Followed by a delicious breakfast

Love Joburg with Keir Tayler – 19 to 26 May

Keir Tayler is part of the NCMI translocal team (who we partner with) and has a very strong gift of healing and evangelism. Keir and his wife, Callie, lead the translocal ministry of Hand-in-Hand International.

We’re delighted to have Keir spend some time with us at Cornerstone as we look to strengthen our muscles in evangelism and fulfil our calling to love Joburg together.

Here are the dates of our training time with Keir:

Love Joburg with Keir Tayler – 19 to 26 May, 2013

Sunday, 19 May (9:30am): at Rosebank‘s morning meeting

Sunday, 19 May (6pm): at Bedfordview‘s evening meeting

Wednesday, 22 May (6pm): at Wednesday Night Life, Bedfordview

Thursday, 23 May (7pm): at Uptown‘s evening meeting

Sunday, 26 May (9am): at South Side‘s morning meeting

Sunday, 26 May (6pm): at our All-Sites Celebration at Bedfordview

All Sites Celebration – 26 May

We’re having an All Sites Celebration on 26 May at our Bedfordview site from 6pm. Keir Tayler will be with us as part of our Love Joburg training. It’ll be the last evening that he’ll be with us.

Keir Tayler is part of the NCMI translocal team (who we partner with) and has a very strong gift of healing and evangelism. Keir and his wife, Callie, lead the translocal ministry of Hand-in-Hand International.

You can read more about when and where Keir will be with us in this post.

All Sites Celebration

26 May at 6pm
at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview.
Click here for a map

All Sites Church Picnic – 28 July

We’re excited about our All Sites Picnic this Sunday! The pleasantries shall commence from 11am at Bedfordview.

The day will be filled with tons of fun and games like egg & spoon races, three-legged races, sack races, doughnuts on a string, apple bobbing, tug o’ war and much more!

Bring your own picnic. There will also be braai fires available. Bring extra meat to share!

It’s going to be awesome pants! Pull through!

NOTE: Because of the picnic, there will be no evening meeting at Bedfordview.

Loss of Finance – The Exchange

TITLE: Loss of Finance (The Exchange Hidden Treasures)
PREACHER: Hennie Cronje
DATE: 5 APRIL 2013 – Friday AM

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Music is “Creation” Too

by Ryan Peter

This last Sunday I was commissioned to lead the music and singing for South Side and I arrived somewhat early – which was all fair and well for me as it gave me some time to reflect and enjoy the wonderful Autumn morning. I sat by a tree (pictured above) and enjoyed its yellow-orange leaves shower over me, while the sun warmed me up and the chirping of the many birds all around were my soundtrack.

This is the kind of guy I am. I love nature. Creation. Sunrises and falling leaves and blossoms and mysterious, starlit evenings. It’s moments like this when my heart lights up in gratitude and worship. When my restless body finally gets what it needs to settle down – beautiful views, sounds and smells. When my voice shuts up and a greater voice speaks.

I thought to myself, “Now, if only I could bring this creation – all this beauty – into our morning worship.”

Then it hit me. Well, music is also a part of God’s own creation! I’m doing just that!

It seems to me that I’m often distracted by the sheer business of music. Most of my music ‘career’ has been about cool bands and cool hair. Thankfully I grew out of that several years ago. But even still, getting the music right for a Sunday morning; choosing the right songs; working on the dynamics of those songs; keeping up with trends; making sure I get all the cues right… all this business of music makes me forget the beauty of music in itself, its very nature, the fact that God created this stuff. I didn’t invent this. Playing music is, indeed, God-glorifying – it works toward this end just like all of creation works toward this end.

As the heavens tell of the glory of God (Psalm 19:1) so music tells of the glory of God. That’s if we’d let it. If we would get the business of it out of the way – the preferences of style, taste, and skill.

I do believe that sometimes we rely too much on music in church to make ‘things happen’ (whatever that may mean). I do believe that the lyrical content of much of our modern church music is pretty lame and sometimes even damaging to people’s relationship with God. But I have to admit, when sounds and notes go together, the very nature of that… the very nature of music… tells the glory of God. And that makes music joyful for me again, because when eternity comes, we’re really not going to care at all about the business of music. And that’s why we fill our church meeting places with these notes and the sounds of voices that echo the many facets and many stories of a relationship with the same person, Jesus Christ.

Walking Out God’s Purposes

TITLE: Walking Out God’s Purposes
PREACHER: Tyrone Daniel
DATE: 28 APRIL 2013 – Sunday AM

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NCMI Johannesburg City Celebration – 28 April

NCMI Johannesburg City Celebration is a time for churches in Gauteng to connect and worship together. Join us on 28 April at Cornerstone! For more details, click here.

NCMI Johannesburg City Celebration
at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
from 5pm