Rosebank has Launched!
On Sunday we launched our new site, Cornerstone Church Rosebank at the Rosebank Scout Hall. It was a fantastic morning with lots of visitors and a great celebratory atmosphere. There were jumping castles for the kids and many people in the community indicated how happy they were that we’re now in Rosebank. One couple has even been waiting since December for the launch.
Here are some quotes from people that were there on Sunday:
“It was a great vibe; great response. I’m very excited about what’s going to happen there.” – Nick Wienand
“It was such a peaceful. joyful time, and there was lots of excitement in the air. Marcus preached from Luke 4 and it was fantastic. Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert and then returns in the power of the Spirit and starts his ministry. It was raw Gospel and all about living Jesus to the world, overcoming the devil and living by the Spirit. Worship was also awesome!” – Waldo Kruger.
“Wow, it was packed. What an awesome vibe!” – Shannon Strydom
“It was great when a couple phoned me and told me how happy they were that something was happening in that community. We’re trying to be community focused with the scouts and partnering with them and we really want to make a positive influence in Rosebank. On Sunday it was very community orientated and that was really fantastic.” – Craig Herbert
“It was fantastic. Fun was had by all. Great worship time.” – Francois vd Merwe
Calling Life Groups to help
Now that the launch has happened, the real work begins. In order to keep a momentum at the site, we’re asking Life Groups to look at pulling through on Sunday mornings (9:30am) and committing to help for three or four weeks – to welcome people and support that community. The support is really needed and very much appreciated! Speak to Waldo or Craig for details. Check out the Rosebank page for address details etc.
Photos at Facebook.