Updated Bible School Venues

Wednesday Night Life Bedfordview

It’s Wednesday Night Life at Bedfordview tonight – 6pm: Prayer, a meal and Bible Study. Here are the venues for the Bible studies:

DNA – The Lounge
Love Joburg: Follow up – Reception
Love Joburg: Training – Reception
Christology – Balcony
2 Timothy – The House – Front Room
Training: AV – Admin Block – Upstairs
Training: Sound – Toddlers Room (only tonight)
Training: Coffee – Fresh Ground Coffee Shop
Leadership – Downstairs Office
Children’s Ministry Training (From 6 Feb) Pebbles Classroom
Finance Course (From 6 Feb) – Toddlers Room
Paradigm Shift (From 13 Feb) – Pebbles – Upstairs

Ukwakha Isizwe December Newsletter


UPDATE: We’ll be having a #YOLO WRAP PARTY at UPTOWN on Friday, 1 March at 7pm – just to hang out after the series is finished.

From 3 February to 24 February, #YOLO will be happening every Sunday night at Bedfordview, kicking off at 6pm.

#YOLO is going to be about five things:

Hang out with mates over some coffee at the Fresh Ground Coffee Shop.

The first night – 3 Feb – will ask the question, Whose song are you singing?

We’ll be covering the question, Who do you think you are? on 10 Feb

What story will you tell? That will be the question for 17 Feb.

Who do you love? The last night – 24 Feb.

The series is aimed mainly at 20-somethings. Pull through, it’s going to be fantastic!


A Devotion to the Word

TITLE: A Devotion to the Word
PREACHER: Mark Meeske
DATE: 27 JANUARY 2013 – Sunday AM

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DEVOTE: Teaching

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”
– 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV

In Acts 2:42 we see the Christian life as one of devotion to the Apostle’s Teaching (the Word of God), Fellowship, Communion and Prayer.

This booklet is about the Apostles’ Teaching. The goal of the booklet is to help us grow to love God’s Word in a deeper way. We want to be inspired again to read and devote ourselves to the Bible. Our desire is not to make intellectuals but people who are skilled at handling the Scriptures so they can know God better.

Each of the booklets in our DEVOTE series are specifically designed for Life Group discussion and teaching, but also work well for personal study.

Download the booklet in your preferred format below:

Download the other booklets in this series

The Exchange: Hidden Treasures

Hidden Treasures

New series for The Exchange

The Exchange for 2013 kicks off next Friday (1 February) and will begin with a new series calledHidden Treasures.

During this time we will come to understand why God allows for us to be led into difficult times and how we can discover the “hidden treasures” that are only found in the dark.

We will learn how we can discover the meaning behind our difficulty, how to respond in faith, how to adjust our attitudes and how to see that grace is always enough.

Our first focus will be on finding confidence in confusion and will be presented by Casper Versluis.
The Exchange

Friday, 1 February
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
6:00am: Coffee
6:30am: Prompt Start
Followed by a delicious breakfast

Cornerstone Church YOLO Series

Our YOLO series is running for 4 weeks from the beginning of February.

Key Women for 2013

Key Women is moving to a new time slot – 8:30am on the first Tuesday of every month at Bedfordview. It will now only take place in the morning (no more afternoon slot) to create more space for the ladies to get to know each other.

Key Women is also launching at South Side. It will be taking place on the first Saturday of every second month in a home in the afternoon (3pm). There is also an additional theme of “chocolate” which sounds tempting!

The theme for Key Women 2013 is Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit: Living Beyond Yourself. As Col Meeske explains, the theme is about developing a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and then living out his character in our every day lives, impacting the world beyond ourselves.

“Women need to see just how key they are in God’s mission to the world. Every woman has a part to play and has a purpose for their lives. We are key in unlocking the presence of Jesus into the environments we find ourselves in – no matter where we are,” she says.

The Bedfordview meetings will now take place at the Fresh Ground coffee shop.

“All are welcome – regardless of age or culture. As per Titus 2, older women can teach the younger women how to love their husbands and their families, while the younger women can teach the older women how to be less conservative and to risk a bit more,” Col says.

Mums & Munchkins will also be joining Key Women on the first Tuesday for every month, to facilitate the ladies all getting to know each other better.

The last year has seen some great fruit at Key Women and 2013 promises to be even better.

Key Women
When: First Tuesday of each month or first Saturday of every second month
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview (Tuesdays) or Cornerstone Church South Side (Saturdays)
Time: 8:30am at Bedfordview; 3pm at South Side

All Are Welcome

TITLE: All Are Welcome
PREACHER: Lance de Ruig
DATE: 20 JANUARY 2013 – Sunday PM

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