Why Lead Worship? – Part 4 – God is Serious About Shepherding

Written by Jonno Warmington

I argued in my previous post that the particular trait David exhibited which was ‘after’ God’s own heart was that he was first and foremost a shepherd. He was commended because he dealt well with God’s most loved possession – His people.

If His people are God’s prized possession then the shepherding and leading of His people is naturally an important thing to God. This is why He places such an emphasis on the care with which the role must be handled. In fact, scripture says that those who would lead His people will be held to account for those they lead (Heb 13:17, Ex 34:10). It is also why scripture doesn’t pull any punches in its harsh treatment of false shepherds. Ezekiel 34 gives us a good picture of a God who sets Himself against false shepherds who would use the flock to their own benefit, requiring a reckoning for their abuse. It also shows us how He will rescue His sheep from these false shepherds. A shepherding role is not something to be taken lightly but when we are motivated by love in obedience to God we are taking on His own heart! We love what He loves.

I believe that this is an important part of what made David a worshipper that pleased God. He loved God and proved it by how he loved and led God’s people.

If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.
– 1 John 4:20-21 ESV

So what does all this have to do with “leading worship”? Well, quite frankly, I believe it points to the role that must be adopted by anyone who would step up to lead a gathering of the local church in any of the things that we gather to do – including worshipping God in song. We must first take on the role of a shepherd.

Developing Your Child’s Sporting Ability – 3 November

 Developing Your Child’s Sporting Ability with Top Sports and Conditioning Specialists

Cornerstone Church is hosting a workshop on how parents can develop their child’s athletic ability. The event features international, top sports and conditioning specialists with a focus on children ages 3 to 13.

Cornerstone Church Bedfordview is hosting “Developing Your Child’s Sporting Ability” on Saturday 3 November, a workshop providing practical advice to parents with children ages 3 to 13. The event includes international, top sports and conditioning specialists on how parents can develop their child’s athletic ability.

The event is a free community initiative organised by Samantha Quinn, a physiotherapist who specialises in golf and other sports injuries.

“The age group of 3 to 13 years is a delicate but vital stage in child development and it can often be overlooked. Each of the speakers are passionate professionals in their fields and the point of the workshop is to encourage parents, provide valuable tools and insights, help parents with the challenges of developing their children mentally and physically in sport, and dispel myths surrounding development and supplements that parents must contend with,” she says.

Those scheduled to speak are:

Dave Benstead-Smith – “Physical literacy”

Benstead-Smith is an internationally respected biokineticist. He will be talking on developing a child’s “physical literacy”, covering topics such as the importance of functional movements, when to specialise in one sport and how to recognise athletic gifting in a child.

Theo Bezuidenhout – “How to encourage your child to play sport and perform well (while not driving them crazy)”

Bezuidenhout is a very respected professional sports psychologist. He works with many professional golfers, heads up the World of Golf and works at the High Performance Centre in Pretoria. He will be speaking on how to encourage children to play sport without becoming overbearing, which tends to drive children away from sport rather than encourage them.

Dr Peter Baxter – “Should I be giving my child sports enhancing products?”

Baxter is a sports doctor and will be talking about the use of sports enhancing supplements (like creatine) all the way through to the use of banned substances like steroids.

Developing Your Child’s Sporting Ability will be happening at 9am to 12pm on Saturday, 3 November at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview, Benard Road East, Morninghill. For more information contact 011-616-4073 or email info@cornerstonechurch.co.za.

Excellent child-care will be made available for parents at the event.

Developing Your Child’s Sporting Ability
Saturday, 3 November
9:00am – 12:00pm
Hosted at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview

For more information email info@www.cornerstonechurch.co.za or call 011 616 4073

Tanzania EQUIP (Sep 2012) Report-Back



A team from Cornerstone recently spent nine days ministering in Tanzania for the Tanzanian EQUIP time. The team also met up with Keir Taylor to encourage and minister to our friends in this part of the world. Being an EQUIP, there was also a lot of training, especially some training with the church in Makumi.

Check out some of the photos above. There are a lot more at the Facebook page.

Lesotho Trip Report-Back



On the weekend of 14 – 16 September, Mark Meeske, Dave Campbell and the Cornerstone Life Team went on a ministry trip to visit the churches in Lesotho that we work with there. They had a really great time encouraging and teaching the churches.

It was a cold weekend of snow with some Life-Teamers even getting snowed in after the team split into three to minister in various places. The snow prohibited the team from doing some ‘door knocking’ in some of the areas but altogether it was a wonderful time of building up our friends that we partner with in Lesotho.

Check out some of the photos.

The Three Prodigals

TITLE: The Three Prodigals
PREACHER: Terry Krueger
DATE: 16 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Sunday AM

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Life Groups: Being Part of a Life Group

TITLE: Life Groups: Being Part of a Life Group
DATE: 12 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Wednesday PM

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In this final part of this series we will talk about what being part of a Life Group is all about and re-iterate its importance in the life of the priesthood.

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Life Groups: Leading a Life Group Meeting

TITLE: Life Groups: Leading a Life Group Meeting
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 12 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Wednesday PM

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In Part 6 we covered the way in which newcomers are brought into the life of Cornerstone and what believers in the church expect from the leaders. We also covered some practicalities in leading a Life Group and these will be expounded on in greater detail for this final part of this series.

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Meet the Campbells!

Dave and Sarah Campbell will be on eldership at Cornerstone until the end of this year. They’ve come all the way from New Zealand with their four children – Braden (8), Gracie (6), Luke (4) and Emily (1). It’s quite exciting having them as a part of the team for the next while.

Dave and Sarah hail from Horsham Downs Community Church (HDCC) in New Zealand. Many of you might know Bruce Benge who has visited us several times and is a good friend of Marcus and the team. Bruce leads HDCC where Dave and Sarah have been elders for the last four years.

Cornerstone is something of a different context for the Campbells in a number of ways which opens up some great opportunities for learning, which is partly why Dave and Sarah are here. They’ve embarked on something of a working holiday where they will be on eldership at Cornerstone while also enjoying what our beautiful country has to offer and visiting many of the churches here.

They’ll be visiting all the sites in the next while so if you see them, grab your chance to enjoy a good coffee with them and enjoy their much-loved New Zealand sense of humour! Dave really likes photography so that’s one way to get him talking!

Faith, Hope and Love

TITLE: Faith, Hope and Love
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 9 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Sunday PM

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TITLE: Generosity
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 9 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Sunday AM

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