Keeping the Common Touch
TITLE:Keeping the Common Touch
PREACHER: Trevor Howcroft
DATE: 5 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Friday AM
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TITLE:Keeping the Common Touch
PREACHER: Trevor Howcroft
DATE: 5 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Friday AM
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TITLE: Life Groups: Practical Expectations for Deacons
PREACHER: Glenn van Rooyen & Shaun Mackay
DATE: 5 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Wednesday PM
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In part 5 of this part of the series for leaders and potential leaders we looked at shepherding in more detail. Now we will focus more on practical issues, starting with the practical expectations of deacons.
Following up newcomers
Who is the church?
We are the church. So when we say we are Cornerstone church, we are a body of believers who call ourselves Cornerstone Church. We aren’t some organisation, we’re a people.
At some point in our personal histories we decided that this was going to be our spiritual home. But what was it that made us decide that? Was it the coffee? The music? The boys and girls? Location? There are many reasons why people come to a church. But what keeps us here is important and it’s important how we welcome anyone new in and let them know who it is we are.
TITLE: The Father’s Love
PREACHER: Richard Preston
DATE: 2 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Sunday PM
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TITLE: Creating a Resting Place
PREACHER: Richard Preston
DATE: 2 SEPTEMBER 2012 – Sunday AM
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TITLE: Life Groups: Our Discipleship Shepherding Wineskin
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 29 AUGUST 2012 – Wednesday PM
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In Part 4 we showed the qualifications and functions of a deacon. In this part we will look at shepherding in more detail.
The motivation for shepherding
Matt 9:35—38
35 And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them.” That’s our saviour. But it’s amazing how differently it’s been with leaders throughout the ages, where rather than being moved by compassion they’ve seen the crowds and sought to take advantage of them.
When Jesus feeds the five thousand and the four thousand (Matt 14: 13 – 21; 15:32) the Scriptures re-iterate how he was moved by compassion.
TITLE: Life Groups: Being a Contributing Part of the Body
PREACHER: Mark Meeske
DATE: 29 AUGUST 2012 – Wednesday PM
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In part 4, we looked at what the priesthood of all believers is about. In this part, we’ll be looking at how one integrates and functions in the Body of Christ.
What defines the Church?
The church isn’t an organisation or a building but is a group of people. So, we are the church. When we say we’re going to church we mean we’re going to be with God’s people, a local group of God’s people, not that we’re going to a building.
Essentially, two words define the local church (a local group of people): Integrated and Functioning.
Last Friday, the Uptownies held an Open Mic Night – an evening where anyone could come and showcase their talents. The idea behind the event was to initiate our new venue as a place in which we can relax and have fun and be a source of life in our community.
So we declared the mic open and sat back to enjoy what would come of it. It was wonderful to see so many budding artists and performers looking for an opportunity to express themselves and it was great fun to cheer them on: poets, dancers, saxophonists, singers and rappers. Our venue was packed out with Uptowners, visiting Bedfordviewers and students from the Braamfontein community.
The Life Team put on a dance best described as “mixtape”; Liziwe Fihlani from the Johannesburg Youth Orchestra performed a sax solo; and a young performer known as Kooch, hailing all the way from Cape Town, also put in an appearance. And these were just some of the highlights.
Draco, a rapper that used to work with Andy Sherman and who enjoys radio play was our guest performer. He was supplemented by our own Jonno Warmington and the Christ Revolution Dance Crew.
We finished off a highly successful evening with Jon Hing performing his famous MJ impersonation. It was a super event and we’ll certainly be doing it again!
with guest speaker Jedd Schroy from Paradigm Shift
A handout might enable the poor to survive one more day, but can they be given tools to escape poverty for good? Paradigm Shift is a ministry equipping South African churches by training them to provide business training, micro loans, mentoring and discipleship to the urban poor as an ongoing church-based outreach. By empowering South African churches to provide the poor in their communities with economic development and discipleship, the Paradigm Shift programme equips South African church volunteers to provide long-term solutions to the poverty around them.
Jedd Schroy is the Executive Director and co-founder of Paradigm Shift. Before Paradigm Shift, Jedd was a branch manager for a US-based Fortune 500 financial services company, served as the Director of Development for the National Association of Evangelicals and worked at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation in Washington DC. Jedd is an entrepreneur, having started and managed his own business. He is also an author and has been a guest speaker for the Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business’ MBA programme. Jedd has worked, studied and served in more than thirty countries.
The Exchange
Friday, 12 October
At Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
6:00am: Coffee
6:30am: Prompt Start
Followed by a delicious breakfast
Contact us or click here to find out more about The Exchange.
TITLE: Saved by the Gospel, for the Gospel
PREACHER: Waldo Kruger
DATE: 26 AUGUST 2012 – Sunday PM
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TITLE: Priesthood of All Believers
PREACHER: Mark Meeske
DATE: 26 AUGUST 2012 – Sunday AM
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