by Ryan Strydom

The third part of Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage at Bedfordview was that part of the course that dealt with the subject of sex. Mark Gungor, the host of the series, got a bit serious about how the mainstream media, from talk show hosts to Hollywood to the newspapers we read, effectively punt so many lies around sex that are patently false. The trouble is that so much of what we’re told is just not true, with even liberal circles beginning to realise that things such as porn are having a major negative effect on the lives of men, women and on marriages across the world.
Gungor raised some good points that just made common sense. If couples want good sex lives it makes sense for them to focus on each other (especially the men), not on porn or the millions of other things that the media encourages. In the end he gave some advice on how couples can have better sex lives – namely, how the husband can focus on his wife. At least those were the most important points that I took out of the evening!
Loved the food, once again. Looking forward to the final evening this coming Sunday which includes a romantic dinner.
Note: There is childcare for ages 3 and up.
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
Dates: Sunday evenings of 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: R200 per couple for all the evenings. Cost includes snacks and a romantic dinner for the last evening.
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview – Benard Road East, Bedfordview, Johannesburg
Info: Email or call 011-616-4073
Register: You can register for this event in the following ways:
• At the info desk at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview and paying in cash.
• By filling out the form here and sending your EFT payment confirmation to