Revelation 3v14-22: The Letter to the Church at Laodicea

TITLE: Revelation 3v14-22: The Letter to the Church at Laodicea
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 5 AUGUST 2012 – Sunday AM

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Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, Part 2

by Ryan Strydom

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

The second part of Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage at Bedfordview started off with Mark and Colette Meeske asking select couples a few questions to see how well they know each other. It was great fun as we saw some of the couples answer the questions horribly wrong or brilliantly on target! They were light-hearted questions that included the colour of each others’ toothbrushes, what fruit best describes their spouse, and even what fruit best describes their sex life. It was really fun to witness, especially if you weren’t up on stage answering the questions!

We then headed into the second part of the Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage DVD as Mark Gungor (the host of the series) continued to explain the differences between how men and women think. This time he focused specifically on how women can change how they analyse men’s motivations and how changing their approach helps to enrich a marriage. It was, as expected, quite funny!

The food was once again enjoyable and made me wonder what we will expect when we reach the final evening, which ends off with a romantic dinner.

There are two evenings left of Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage (the series ends on 19 August) but there is still space for anyone to join in half-way through. The cost is R200. Check out all the details below.

Note: There is childcare for ages 3 and up.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
Dates: Sunday evenings of 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: R200 per couple for all the evenings. Cost includes snacks and a romantic dinner for the last evening.
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview –  Benard Road East, Bedfordview, Johannesburg
Info: Email or call 011-616-4073

Register: You can register for this event in the following ways:
• At the info desk at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview and paying in cash.
• By filling out the form here and sending your EFT payment confirmation to

Put Your Family Before Your Career

TITLE:Put Your Family Before Your Career
PREACHER: Louella Humphrey
DATE: 3 AUGUST 2012 – Friday AM

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Life Groups: Living in the Kingdom from House to House

TITLE: Living in the Kingdom from House to House
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 1 AUGUST 2012 – Wednesday PM

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Life Groups

Part 1: Living in the Kingdom from House to House

 Why We Meet the Way We Do

It’s always been God’s desire that we co-labour with Him. We see this when we look at Jesus’ ministry. For three and a half years as he goes around from village to village, city to city, he calls a group of twelve to Himself, trains them and sends them out to continue His work.

But how should they continue His work? After he has faced the cross and overcomes and is resurrected, He tells them to wait. Simply to wait. He promises that they are going to receive something that will let them be His witnesses even to the ends of the earth (Matt 28: 19, 20).

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Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, Part 1

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage


Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage launched this last Sunday at Bedfordview, a DVD course that will run every Sunday evening until 19 August. The first week was highly enjoyable and it certainly lived up to its name!

The food was great and the facilities were kitted out nicely, with each couple given a little corner of their own to snuggle up with each other. Mark Gungor, the host of the series, delved into The Tale of Two Brains and humorously highlighted the differences between how men and women think.

The great thing about the series is that it isn’t an intense marriage course that will have you delving in constant introspection and cause you to be frustrated as you try and navigate your way through another formula for marriage that promises to make everything perfect and wonderful. Rather, it helps us take a lighter view of things so we don’t try and aim for an idealistic (and unreachable) perfection but rather just enjoy this wonderful thing called marriage – and enjoy each other.

You can still come through for the rest of the course and it’s highly recommended. The cost is R200 per couple which includes some great snacks for each of the evenings and a romantic dinner on the last evening. It’s also a great opportunity to pay and invite friends to a marriage series that’s for everyone. Please let us know in advance, however, so that catering can be sorted out – call 011-616-4073 or register here.

Note: There is childcare for ages 3 and up.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
Dates: Sunday evenings of 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: R200 per couple for all the evenings. Cost includes snacks and a romantic dinner for the last evening.
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview –  Benard Road East, Bedfordview, Johannesburg
Info: Email or call 011-616-4073

Register: You can register for this event in the following ways:
• At the info desk at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview and paying in cash.
• By filling out the form here and sending your EFT payment confirmation to

Revelation Chapter 3:7-13: The Letter to the Church at Philadelphia

TITLE: Revelation Chapter 3:7-13: The Letter to the Church at Philadelphia
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 29 July 2012 – Sunday AM

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The Power of Dreams

TITLE:The Power of Dreams
PREACHER: Bill Taylor
DATE: 6 JULY 2012 – Friday AM

Please note that due to a technical problem the quality of the recording is not good.

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TITLE: Forgiveness
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 22 July 2012 – Sunday PM

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Revelation: What Have We Been Saved Into?

TITLE: Revelation: What Have We Been Saved Into?
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 22 July 2012 – Sunday AM

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All-Sites Celebration: Uptown Shows Us Up (Again!)

by Ryan Strydom


We were once again all shown-up by Uptown when it comes to busting the moves at last night’s All-Sites Celebration, with the Uptown guys giving us all a good lesson in partying!

It was a brilliant time together as we celebrated the amazing things God has been doing in Cornerstone and the fantastic promises He has for us as we look forward. After a wonderful time of singing and dancing, we prayed into the new areas we believe God is opening up for us – Yeoville and Rosebank. For both of these areas we’re trusting to see venues open up and sites firmly established.

Prayers also went towards seeing all the sites – not just Bedfordview – develop into resource centres as leaders are raised up and sent to plant churches and pioneer for God. We’re a church in the city and that is becoming a greater reality. All-Sites Celebration is a time when we really begin to feel that reality coming through and I was grateful for an evening of connecting with Cornerstone guys from all over Jozi.