Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage launched this last Sunday at Bedfordview, a DVD course that will run every Sunday evening until 19 August. The first week was highly enjoyable and it certainly lived up to its name!
The food was great and the facilities were kitted out nicely, with each couple given a little corner of their own to snuggle up with each other. Mark Gungor, the host of the series, delved into The Tale of Two Brains and humorously highlighted the differences between how men and women think.
The great thing about the series is that it isn’t an intense marriage course that will have you delving in constant introspection and cause you to be frustrated as you try and navigate your way through another formula for marriage that promises to make everything perfect and wonderful. Rather, it helps us take a lighter view of things so we don’t try and aim for an idealistic (and unreachable) perfection but rather just enjoy this wonderful thing called marriage – and enjoy each other.
You can still come through for the rest of the course and it’s highly recommended. The cost is R200 per couple which includes some great snacks for each of the evenings and a romantic dinner on the last evening. It’s also a great opportunity to pay and invite friends to a marriage series that’s for everyone. Please let us know in advance, however, so that catering can be sorted out – call 011-616-4073 or register here.
Note: There is childcare for ages 3 and up.
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
Dates: Sunday evenings of 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: R200 per couple for all the evenings. Cost includes snacks and a romantic dinner for the last evening.
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview – Benard Road East, Bedfordview, Johannesburg
Info: Email info@www.cornerstonechurch.co.za or call 011-616-4073
Register: You can register for this event in the following ways:
• At the info desk at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview and paying in cash.
• By filling out the form here and sending your EFT payment confirmation to info@www.cornerstonechurch.co.za