Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning Live with Richard Preston | 30 Jan | 9:00am

Join us LIVE at 9:00am this Sunday as we worship Jesus together and have Richard Preston share with us.

Richard & Zelda Preston lead Storehouse Church in Port Elizabeth and are on the NCMI team.

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One Sunday: Seeing Heaven Opened

Marcus shares with us our Vision as a church for the year, Seeing Heaven Opened! We look at the life of Jacob and how he didn’t earn favour but God’s grace gave him favour.

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Cornerstone Church One Sunday Morning Live | 23 Jan | 10:00am | Vision 2022

Join us LIVE at 10:00am for One Sunday as we worship Jesus together with all of our sites from across Johannesburg as part of our Vision Weekend for the beginning of 2022.

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Marcus Herbert: Sin Crouches at The Door

Marcus shares with us on the dangers of Sin and striving to live a life that is pleasing to God in response to the goodness of God. – 16 January 2022

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Behold Your King: Living For The Kingdom

Greg wraps up the Behold Your King series as he shares with us on what Living for Gods Kingdom means. – 09 January 2022

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Behold Your King: Belonging

David shares with us how we belong in the Kingdom of God and what the implications of that are. – 02 January 2022

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Behold Your King: The Kingdom

Josh shares with us on The Kingdom as we continue with our series Behold Your King. – 26 December 2021

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Behold Your King: Christmas Day Service

Greg shares with us the gifts Jesus brings and how we get to celebrate Christmas with these in mind. – 25 December 2021

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Behold Your King: The King

Hennie shares with us who Jesus is. If there is a Kingdom then there should be a King, and that’s who Jesus is. He is The King of Kings. – 19 December 2021

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Acts – Season 1: Stephen Martyred and The Jerusalem Church Scattered

Jonno wraps up season 1 of our Acts series as we look at the Jerusalem church scattered and the gospel moving beyond Jerusalem. – 12 December 2021

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