Every Sunday evening from 29 July to 19 August, Cornerstone will be running Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage – a humorous DVD series that challenges the way we think about marriage, our spouses and ourselves; and reminds us that marriage can indeed always be better.
Many of us have approached marriage in the wrong way – expecting perfection from our spouses and from marriage itself. Here’s what the Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage website says about this topic:
“Ever walk past a mirror and are shocked or mortified by what you see? Your hair standing up in a weird way, your slip showing, your fly open, egg stuck in your teeth? Mirrors can be real lifesavers. Had it not been for that mirror, you may have gone the entire day looking ridiculous.
“Marriage is a mirror. By living so closely with another human being, you start to get a picture of what you really look like. You start to see where you need to adjust and change. This is why marriage is so effective at making people’s lives more rich and productive—if they adjust to the needed changes.
“Unfortunately, many expect marriage to be something that makes them look better, not something that reveals where they don’t look so good. Additionally, rather than see where we need to change, we opt to project our own negative images on our spouses and point out where they need to change: She is so irritating….he is such a lazy slob….I don’t want to act this way, but she brings out the worst in me.”
Read more at the Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage website.
It’s going to be a great series with plenty of laughs as Mark Gungor, the host of the series, in a tongue-in-cheek way talks about the differences between men and women and the way we approach marriage incorrectly.
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
Dates: Sunday evenings of 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: R200 per couple for all the evenings. Cost includes snacks and a romantic dinner for the last evening.
Where: Cornerstone Church Bedfordview – Benard Road East, Bedfordview, Johannesburg
Info: Email info@www.cornerstonechurch.co.za or call 011-616-4073
Register: You can register for this event in the following ways:
• At the info desk at Cornerstone Church Bedfordview and paying in cash.
• By filling out the form below and sending your EFT payment confirmation to info@www.cornerstonechurch.co.za
NOTE: There will be childcare for ages 3 and up.