Uptown’s Rom Com Night – 27kg’s of Popcorn Consumed!

By Denise Sherman

Guys and girls may have very different views on “romance” – but one thing is for sure, male or female, we all love free stuff and eating (and if you don’t – you should check your pulse).

Combine free popcorn, coffee, movies and students and you have a recipe for success. Passers by at Grove were certainly interested when they tried to buy popcorn, only to be told it was free. Their smiles got even bigger when we told them we’d be screening two movies – also for “mahala”. Personally I think the free coffee was also a big draw card. Caffeine is its own food group in the diet of a student.

I know the Uptown guys were a little…um… bitter about having to endure a “Romantic Comedy” movie night, but it really worked out well. People gathered as the evening progressed, watching the movies, mingling and munching on popcorn. I had to chuckle at the animated audience response to particular characters. They were very supportive of the “underdog”.

In between movies and even after, people stuck around – enjoying themselves, and getting to know new people.

A big thank you to all the tireless workers, popcorn makers (27kg’s!), coffee pourers (1000 cups) and general friendly faces. These events are a great way for us to develop relationships and build our profile as a community focussed church in the city.

MEN Part 3: Leadership in my Community

TITLE: MEN Part 3: Leadership in my Community
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 29 April 2012 – Sunday PM

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Dreaming a Dream

TITLE: Dreaming a Dream
PREACHER: Alexis Wadman
DATE: 29 April 2012 – Sunday AM

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MEN Part 2: Leadership in my Household

TITLE: MEN Part 2: Leadership in my Household
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 22 April 2012 – Sunday PM

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Revelation Chapter 2:18-29: The Letter to the Church in Thyatira

TITLE: Revelation Chapter 2:18-29: The Letter to the Church in Thyatira
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 22 April 2012 – Sunday AM

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MEN LEAD: Health and Fitness

Written by Ryan Strydom

The MEN evening last night was fantastic, with a focus on Health and Fitness. Lots of guys were getting into it and enjoying it, with testosterone flying around left, right and centre.

There were a few challenges to do – for example, Crossfit had a few competitions going where guys had to see how many push-ups, clean and jerks or squats they could do in 30 seconds, while Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) experts were showing how the sport works and running competitions where guys could check how many punches they could do in a minute, etc.

Meanwhile, men could also get their blood pressure checked and have some quick blood tests done, while guys could try out some health food and grab some free vitamins. In short, there was a ton of things to see and do. There was even some hip-hop dancing going down.

Marcus spoke about family, marriage and singleness – being a husband, being a father and then being a single guy. One of the Crossfit guys, who used to be a bouncer (and was involved with everything that usually comes with that lifestyle) gave his testimony on how Jesus has changed everything for him.

Marcus’ talk included this spoken word video below, which is worth a watch! I love the last line: “You don’t fall out of love as much as you fall out of repentance.”

Next weekend’s MEN LEAD event will incorporate the outdoors and all the gadgets and things we can get relating to that sort of lifestyle. If the past events are anything to go by, this one is going to be great!

Lesotho Equip 2012

From 4 – 6 May a team will be travelling to Maseru in Lesotho to minister there. The focus will be on the youth, but all are welcome and encouraged to participate. The cost for the trip is R550 and you can contact the church office or Casper Versluis to make arrangements to take part.


Dates: 4 – 6 May
Cost: R550 per person
Contact: The church office on 011 616 4073 or Casper Versluis on 072 503 0228

MEN Part 1: The Heart of the Matter

TITLE: MEN Part 1: The Heart of the Matter
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 15 April 2012 – Sunday PM

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Revelation Chapter 2:12-17: The Letter to the Church in Pergamum

TITLE: Revelation Chapter 2:12-17: The Letter to the Church in Pergamum
PREACHER: Mark Meeske
DATE: 15 April 2012 – Sunday AM

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Why Lead Worship? – Part 3 – Why David? Looking at God’s Heart

Written by Jonno Warmington

In my last post in this series I asked what it was exactly about David that was ‘after’ or ‘according to’ God’s heart. In answering this question we obviously need to look at both God and David and look for some similarities in their character. I believe a clue to at least a portion of the question is tucked away in the use of this phrase elsewhere in the Old Testament.

In the first 11 verses of Jeremiah 3, Israel and Judah are accused of spiritual adultery and prostituting themselves to other gods… then God calls and commissions Jeremiah:

“Go, and proclaim these words toward the north, and say:
“Return, faithless Israel…
I will take you, one from a city and two from a family,
and I will bring you to Zion.
And I will give you shepherds after my own heart,
who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.”
– Jeremiah 3:12-15 ESV.

There is actually quite a lot more in the Old Testament that talks about God as a Shepherd of His people – the most famous probably being Psalm 23.

Over in the New Testament Jesus calls himself “The Good Shepherd” and dedicates a good chunk of John 10 to this teaching about himself. Jesus uses more shepherding language as he approaches Jerusalem in Luke 13:34 saying, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!”

Now, when we look at David, we know he was a shepherd as a young boy but there’s actually a lot more to it than just that. When it comes to the Bible’s teaching on worship and David’s leadership a commonly used portion of scripture is this one from Psalm 78:

“He chose David his servant
and took him from the sheepfolds;
from following the nursing ewes he brought him
to shepherd Jacob his people,
Israel his inheritance.
With upright heart he shepherded them
and guided them with his skilful hand.”
– Psalm 78:70-72 ESV

I’ve often heard and, in turn, used this portion of scripture to introduce the concept of two aspects to leadership and service in a local church: the heart and the hands of service. These are important concepts for us to understand (and we’ll come back to these in a later post) but we often get caught up on those points and miss out on something that is actually the main key to this scripture. I believe that this key is also vital to understanding the Biblical heart of “leading worship” and, in fact, to the heart of any kind of leadership and service in the church.

David is saying that from when he was a young boy right through to being the king of Israel his job description didn’t change, just who he was looking after. He went from shepherding sheep to shepherding people.

We always teach about the importance of an upright or integrous heart and skilful hands in service but miss the actual point of this verse. The integrity and skill are the ‘hows’. The ‘what’ of the scripture is shepherding!

So what makes David a man after God’s heart? I don’t believe scripture honours David with this acclaim because he was a great leader or because he was a very talented writer, poet and musician. I don’t even think it was because he had some amazing measure of desire for God. I’d like to argue that it is for this reason: from the hills and sheep pens of his childhood right through to the height of David’s illustrious political career, at heart he was a shepherd. And God likes that because that what He has in His own heart.

Click here for part 4 of this article.