Re-Imagining Your Role
TITLE: Re-Imagining Your Role
PREACHER: Adele Herbert
DATE: 18 May 2012 – Friday PM
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TITLE: Re-Imagining Your Role
PREACHER: Adele Herbert
DATE: 18 May 2012 – Friday PM
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TITLE: Remarkable Women Serve a Remarkable God
PREACHER: Callie Tayler
DATE: 18 May 2012 – Friday AM-2
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TITLE: Cara Walter and Safe & Sound
PREACHER: Coleen Walter
DATE: 18 May 2012 – Friday AM-1
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TITLE: You are a Remarkable Women
PREACHER: Lydia Meshoe
DATE: 17 May 2012 – Thursday PM
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What an amazing turn out for the City Celebration and Gods amazing grace and presence abounding.
An incredible evening and message by Tyrone Daniels, ‘We are in a battle’.
Here are a few points which stood out for me which I would like to share with you:
· Shut our ears to distraction, open our ears to hear Gods voice!
· When doctrine and truth are abandoned and the authority of the church is questioned, you get a whole new religion which attacks the pre-eminence of Christ’s supremacy and the authority of the God head.
· Jesus is our victory (Walk in Victory)!
· Ephesians Ch 6. Vs 10 – 18: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty Power. Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all of this take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
· Power is in the centrality of Jesus Christ.
· The world does not need more of the world.
· Saved people do not become sinners to save sinners.
· His Kingdom is like nothing here on earth.
· God wants to restore the warrior spirit in the church.
· We are the Army of God.
· We need to worship Jesus where he is now, we are not at the foot of the cross anymore.
· Make way for the King He is coming!
The Magnificence of Jesus is the foundation of the Victory of the Church.
Other verses to read:
Colossians 1
Isaiah 6
Isaiah 32 vs. 14
Hope to see you at the All Sites celebration on the 27th May 2012.
In just a week or two we will have an Uptown venue of our very own and we’re looking to kit it out as nicely as we possibly can. So we’re checking to see who might be keen to donate certain kinds of items (all listed below) for the venue.
We want the space to be a blessing to the community of Braamfontein and to provide room for people to meet together, socialise and study: a homely and pleasant place that anyone will feel welcome in.
You can help us do this by donating items which we’re looking for. So why not dig through your garage or storeroom and see if you have anything on our list below which you would be willing to donate? Please only donate items which are in good, working condition – broken or clearly damaged things aren’t likely to be much use to us.
Please also note that if you donate something and we choose not to use it we will dispose of it at our own discretion (unless you clearly indicate that you would like it back). So please let us know if you’d like it back so that we don’t end up throwing away something we shouldn’t!
Thank you all you wonderful people! 🙂 Here’s what we’re looking for:
– Office furniture: desks, filing cabinets, etc.
– Book shelves
– Lounge furniture: couches, chairs, coffee tables, side tables, ottomans
– Good, working computer equipment: laptops, desktops, printers, etc. (shouldn’t be more than three years old)
– Picture frames (without the pictures, all sizes)
– Floor lamps
– Pot plants, pots for pot plants, hanging plants (all sizes)
– Fairy lights (working), not coloured.
– Working kitchen appliances: kettle, toaster, microwave, fridge, gas stove, etc.
– High resolution photos (in digital format) of Johannesburg, Braamfontein, and South African people
– Outdoor and garden furniture: large garden umbrellas (without logos), umbrella stands, garden or outdoor tables, garden or outdoor chairs
– Large chalk boards
– Blank, mounted canvases (all sizes)
– Mirrors
– Good quality Christian books by reputable authors (not fiction), particularly reference: atlases, dictionaries, concordances, commentaries, lexicons, etc.
– Good quality normal reference books: dictionaries, atlases, encyclopedias, guides, university level textbooks, etc.
– Good quality coffee table books
– Clear, plain glass vases and jars
– Old electric appliances (pre-1985), not necessarily working but in good condition; the older, the better – for display purposes only: tv’s, radios, kitchen appliances, tv game consoles, computers, record players, cameras, film projectors, etc.
– Old vinyl records – preferably working, preferably contemporary music from the 50’s – 80’s
– Old photos in projector slide format
– Old bicycles (not modern, bmx, racer or mountain bike) for display only
– Strong, good quality wooden crates (not tomato boxes)
Ok, so you’ve got something to donate?
Simply chat to me (Phil Quinn) or call the office at 011-616-4073, or email, to arrange where / when / how to get the items to us.
TITLE: We Are in a Battle
PREACHER: Tyrone Daniel
DATE: 13 May 2012 – Sunday PM
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TITLE: The Urgency of the Gospel
PREACHER: R.T. Kendall
DATE: 13 May 2012 – Sunday AM
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In partnership with Ukwakha Isizwe Foundation, the Klopper Friday Club community is hosting a fun and lively jumble sale for the Klopper Park area and beyond (including Elandsfontein) on Saturday, 2 June. The idea behind the day is to connect with the community while also selling furniture, clothing and various items for really low prices to raise money for a jungle gym.
It’s going to be a day full of fun with a jumping castle for the kids, lots of music, face painting, and, of course, tea and coffee with balloons!
We are seeing a lot of kids in the Klopper Park area come through to the Friday night group, and this is one way in which we want to connect with the parents of these kids and connect with more families in the area and its surrounds.
If you have clothing, ornaments or anything that can be sold at the jumble sale and would like to donate, please call the Cornerstone office at 011-616-4073 or email
KFC Jumble Sale
Date: Saturday 2nd June 2012
Time: Gates open at 10h00
Place: Cnr Welkom & Murmel St, Klopper Park
Jumble sale – clothes, nic nacks and furniture
Face painting, jumping castles and fun for the kids
This month’s remarkable woman of the Bible was Rahab, and she proves to us that no one is beyond the reach of God. Colette Meeske emphasised that if God can use a women like Rahab they way He did, how much more then can He use us.
Rahab had hope and much love for her family, even under her circumstances and lifestyle choices. Her life teaches us to have faith. Faith comes from hearing and all we need is the word of God.
Rahab also teaches us to fear God more than man. She took a great risk, but she had great faith. James 2: 17 tells us that faith not accompanied by action is dead.
Rahab committed herself, she made a choice, and she chose God. She helped them with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12 –continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
The story of Rahab encourages us to not let the past dictate our futures.
Do not miss Key Women on the 7th June 2012, for encouragement from Deborah, another remarkable woman of the Bible.
This is a wonderful time of fellowship for women and an opportunity to take two hours out of the month to hear and understand the word of God! Bring friends!