Healing and Testimonies

TITLE: Healing & Testimonies
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert and Others
DATE: 25 March 2012 – Sunday pM

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Healing & Impartation

TITLE: Healing & Impartation
PREACHER: Keir Tayler
DATE: 18 March 2012 – Sunday pM

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Divine Healing

TITLE: Divine Healing
PREACHER: Keir Tayler
DATE: 18 March 2012 – Sunday AM

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Key Women Ladies’ Health: A Fabulous Ladies Evening

Written by Justine Engelbrecht

On 9 March, Cornerstone Bedfordview hosted a successful evening on Ladies’ Health, where key issues such as pregnancy, PMS, menopause and puberty were discussed with the main focus being on menopause.

Colette, who organised the event, feels that it’s essential for all women, from teenagers to adults, to understand their bodies.

“As women, our daily lives and the interactions that we have with society are impacted by our hormones. We go through all sorts of changes through our lifetimes. Ladies’ Health was organised to provide women of all ages with the opportunity to gain greater understanding of their bodies and empower them to have greater control over how they cope with day-to-day life,” she says.

Dr Percy Moodley, a well qualified and respected obstetrician and gynaecologist, was the main speaker for the event. His talk was simple and easy to understand as well as being humorous. He included his wealth of knowledge and his experience in the field.

He mapped out the changes in a woman from infant to puberty to menopause and into old age and spoke about what to expect at every stage of your life, the hormonal changes and the health concerns.

Dr Percy was gracious enough to spend a lot of time after his talk answering questions for a whole queue of women; and with aerobics to start and prizes to finish, it was a fun evening.

Adele closed off the evening with a message that no matter what we are facing in life, God wants us to come to Him and he can solve any problem, heal any illness and He wants to be part of our life to help us!

It was a fabulous ladies evening.

Dr Percy Moodley (Mb.ChB) is a well qualified and respected obstetrician and gynaecologist from KwaZulu Natal. Dr Moodley has numerous fellowships and many years in private practice. He is also a husband and the proud father of three children. His special interest lies in the way in which hormones influence women’s health and the way in which women can manage their hormones. Dr Moodley believes that there are a variety of lifestyle adjustments that can be made and treatments available that can enable women of all ages to cope with hormonal changes throughout their lives.

MEN 2012

Men lead. Men take charge. Men pioneer. Men love. Men fight. And we do love our toys.

MEN 2012 will be taking place over four weekends – the Sunday evenings of 15, 22 and 29 April, and 6 May. Each evening will include an expo with cool stuff to see and play with – cars & bikes; health & fitness; outdoor gear; and gadgets & gaming. The expo will include a short, inspirational and challenging talk on being a man and everything that it entails.

Here are the details:

Men 2012
Sunday evenings 15 apr – 6 may
5:30pm • R20 admission to 4 sessions | Register at the Info desk at main meetings or the Church Office during the week
Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Food will be on sale
For more info call 011 616 4073


Kids’ Camp 2012 – What Was it Like?

Written by Justine Engelbrecht

When God’s people come together there is an amazing unity of spirit and the 2012 Kids’ Camp was absolute proof of this. It was a privilege to be included as part of an incredible team of leaders and assistants and to enjoy the benefit of interacting with the children. Under the leadership of Lance the 2012 camp MISSION: HIMPOSSIBLE encouraged the children to be the best agents that they can be, while at all times keeping in contact with God, emphasising the importance of faith, the Holy Spirit, praying to God, reading God’s Word and getting closer to God.

The children were divided into five teams representing five nations that need prayer: Turkey, Indonesia, Iran, Morocco and North Korea. The children rose to the occasion and war cries and camp songs were a highlight during the course of the weekend. In between this time the children enjoyed various challenges and games: Tug of War, obstacle courses, paintball, “spider web”, pole balance in the pool, the climbing wall and smuggling Bibles into China, with a healthy dose of free time for swimming, relaxing and meals.

As qualified field agents the children have been released into the mission field. Here are the missions that you can help them with:

Mission 1: Each child is encouraged to give a packet of chips together with a booklet to a friend and read it with them.
Mission 2: Read James 4:8 – Come near to God and He will come near to you.
Mission 3: Read Romans 8:31 – If God is for us, who can be against us?
Mission 4: Read Psalm 5:3 – In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly.
Mission 5: Read 1 Corinthians 15:41 – The sun has one kind of splendour, the moon another and the stars another, and star differs from star in splendour.
Mission 6: Read Matthew 10:42 – And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is My disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.

Book early for Kids’ Camp 2013…it is a valuable part of your child’s walk with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

More photos to be published soon to the Cornerstone Facebook page

Taking Up Your Calling

TITLE: Taking Up Your Calling
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 4 March 2012 – Sunday PM

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Key Women – 1 March 2012 Report-Back

Written by Justine Engelbrecht

Adele Herbert discussed the journey of Sarah with the ladies that attended Key Women on the 1st March; the emphasis was on being a ‘Woman of Faith’. She encouraged us to live in the world in a supernatural way and to realise that God is in the little things. She also emphasised the importance of putting on the Armour of God every day.

Consider Proverbs 13 vs. 12: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

Sarah’s life is a true example of what the Lord says, happens. We need to have patience knowing that God’s plan is the best plan, God knows best. God sees through our present faults to our future faith. God sees us as women of faith, His love will never dry up, always being a overflowing well; God is merciful.

Despite Sarah’s imperfections, Sarah was a ‘Princess of God’; despite our imperfections we are ‘Princesses of God’. God is always true to His Word and God is faithful and trustworthy.

Read about Sarah in Genesis 11 – 15 and Hebrews 11.

Key women is held on the first Friday of every month and is a must for every woman. Take two hours out of your working month to be inspired by the remarkable Women of the Bible.