Redeemed For An Inheritance

TITLE: Redeemed For An Inheritance
PREACHER: Mark Meeske
DATE: 20 NOVEMBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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Eric Tocknell – What is in your hands?

Written by Anton Tjabring

The Exchange had a very encouraging time with Eric Tocknell on Friday 11 November. The challenge he posed is “What is in your hands ?” Moses had many excuses and reasons as to why God could not use him, but God asked him “What is in your hands?” and STILL used him. The challenge we have is not to look for excuses, but to use what is in our hands.

A little bit of delivery room chaos with three people giving their lives to Jesus, car park running out of space and not enough seating at the tables. Despite this the church was encouraged and built up and Jesus glorified. The ladies in the kitchen provided a wonderful warm breakfast as usual.  Thank you to all involved.

Life Team 2012

Life Team is for young adults, between the age of 18 and 25, who have a call of God upon their lives and would benefit from a year serving in a church. Applicants currently need to be in a local church and their application needs to be approved by their eldership/pastoral teams. When the year is done, each person will return to the local churches from which they were sent.

Please note that Life Team is not a rehabilitation program.

What you can expect

  • Practical serving at Cornerstone Church
  • Training and equipping in various aspects of ministry e.g. Worship, Music and Arts, Children’s Ministry, Preaching, Teaching etc.
  • One-on-one mentoring with the Pastors and church leaders
  • Local ministry trips within South Africa, with a possibility of an international trip
  • Connecting with and serving in other local churches in South Africa


  • Mid-January to early December 2012.
  • Most Monday’s will be a day of rest and there will be a mid-year break of 2 weeks.


The cost for 2011 was R1400 per month

  • Approved applicants will be hosted by Cornerstone families for the year.
  • Overseas applicants will need to cover travel costs to and from South Africa.
  • Life Team participants work and serve on a full time basis which does not allow for any part time work in addition to Life Team commitments.

We do not want the cost be an exclusion factor and are open for discussion on this.

For more information email: or phone: +27 11 616 4073



16 January – 25 December
Ages between 18 – 25 [With a bit of flexibility]
Get hold of Craig for more info
Tel: 011 616 4073

The Church in Ethiopia: Advancing the Kingdom

Written by Waldo Kruger
The Semien Mountains in Ethiopia

The Semien Mountains in Ethiopia

On Wednesday the 2nd of November, Oom Hennie and I flew out to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia to spend some time with two churches. Our first stop, however, was a town called Debre Zeit.

Here we spent two solid days teaching leaders from the area. We then went back to Addis for another two days of teaching.

It was great connecting with the leaders of the two churches and we were very encouraged in how well they are doing. They are really paying the price for the Gospel and are taking the call to the nations seriously. The leaders there were really appreciative of Hennie’s input and we could see that they soaked it all up.

All in all it was a great trip and we bring back a report that the church in Ethiopia is advancing the Kingdom.

The Life Team Travel to Viljoenskroon

Written by Waldo Kruger

Early on 27 October, the Life Team and I left Johannesburg to make our way to Viljoenskroon in the Free State. Roy and Lanny Culverwell lead a church there. They started their own life team at the beginning of this year, so we went to spend some time with them and get involved with what they are doing.

I was so encouraged to hear about all the Viljoenskroon Life Team was doing in the local community. God is really using them there. I then left to come home the Saturday morning while our team stayed on until after the Sunday church service. Our team did a great job and represented God, His Kingdom and our local church really well.

Go! Part 2

TITLE: Go! Part 2
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 13 November 2011 – Sunday AM

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Go! Part 1

TITLE: Go! Part 1
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 6 November 2011 – Sunday AM

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Key Women This Year

Written by Bernie Weeden

Studying the book of Ruth this year in Key Women has reminded us again of the relevance of God’s Word. Women faced hardships then as do many women today. Ruth and Naomi’s situation was changed by their Kinsman-Redeemer, Boaz, and so we too can find our answers by looking to Jesus, our Redeemer.

We have been reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness to His people and His loyal love for His bride.

Key Women meetings have been times of inspiration – many are surprised that it has taken all year to cover the mere four chapters that make up the book of Ruth.

This year, Key Women has also been a time of building friendships and strengthening relationships. I have loved leading the group and been blessed by the many ladies who were excited about teaching the sessions. I am thrilled that they embraced the “space” I made for them with such zeal and enthusiasm. I can honestly say I gleaned as much from their presentations as I did from the few I prepared myself!

Here are a few quotes from the ladies who attended this year and how they enjoyed it:

“Studying the book of Ruth has reminded me once again of how relevant the Bible is to us now – the women faced hardships then as do many women now, but that we can find our answers by looking to our Kinsman-Redeemer just like Ruth did.”

“Didn’t think it would take all year to study 4 chapters! I never knew there was so much in the book of Ruth.”

“Key Women meetings this year have been times of such inspiration, and beautiful opportunities to build friendships with such a variety of stunning women.”

“Ruth is “loyal love. God is faithfully committed to His people even when they are faithless, and it is this grace that transforms us.”

A Prophecy for Women

Written by Kathy van Laren
Women wearing Burqas in the Middle East

Women wearing Burqas in the Middle East

Recently I was reminded of a dream I had about four years ago. I have always seen it as a prophetic word for the women in the Middle East, but I really felt that it is also applicable to some women who were at the Kaleidoscope conference.

In the Middle East the women have to wear head coverings and most are covered from head to toe in black or blue. I call them “shadows” because they almost float around, unnoticed, unheard, and unimportant, in the background of society.

In my dream I saw a lady dressed in black with her head covered and eyes downcast. During the dream she lifted her eyes up and then started to take off her head covering. She then began to dance with it in her hand and, as she did, it changed from a black scarf to a beautiful vibrant colour. As she danced through the dusty streets, other women began to do likewise and there where scarves in the most amazing and vibrant colours.

I feel that there are some women who feel like “shadows”. They are either covered by the words that have been spoken over them in the past, or thoughts they have placed upon themselves. (“Nobody notices or cares”, etc.) I feel that as they lift their eyes to our King He wants to bring such freedom and restore JOY and COLOUR back into their lives and that, in turn, will liberate others they meet.

Isaiah 61:10&11

I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the soil makes the sprout come up, and as a garden causes seed to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.

Great Time at KFC Camp

Written by Lynor van Rooyen



KFC, the Klopperpark group, had a wonderful camp this last weekend. Many would have heard the exciting report-back yesterday morning in our meeting time.

At the KFC camp we had 19 salvations and nine water baptisms. Kabelo, a Kwaito singer, came and gave his testimony.

We had a fantastic weekend with the Lord’s presence evident in all the meetings. In total there were about 110 kids.

Check out the photos for more.