A Prophecy for Women

Written by Kathy van Laren
Women wearing Burqas in the Middle East

Women wearing Burqas in the Middle East

Recently I was reminded of a dream I had about four years ago. I have always seen it as a prophetic word for the women in the Middle East, but I really felt that it is also applicable to some women who were at the Kaleidoscope conference.

In the Middle East the women have to wear head coverings and most are covered from head to toe in black or blue. I call them “shadows” because they almost float around, unnoticed, unheard, and unimportant, in the background of society.

In my dream I saw a lady dressed in black with her head covered and eyes downcast. During the dream she lifted her eyes up and then started to take off her head covering. She then began to dance with it in her hand and, as she did, it changed from a black scarf to a beautiful vibrant colour. As she danced through the dusty streets, other women began to do likewise and there where scarves in the most amazing and vibrant colours.

I feel that there are some women who feel like “shadows”. They are either covered by the words that have been spoken over them in the past, or thoughts they have placed upon themselves. (“Nobody notices or cares”, etc.) I feel that as they lift their eyes to our King He wants to bring such freedom and restore JOY and COLOUR back into their lives and that, in turn, will liberate others they meet.

Isaiah 61:10&11

I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the soil makes the sprout come up, and as a garden causes seed to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.

Great Time at KFC Camp

Written by Lynor van Rooyen



KFC, the Klopperpark group, had a wonderful camp this last weekend. Many would have heard the exciting report-back yesterday morning in our meeting time.

At the KFC camp we had 19 salvations and nine water baptisms. Kabelo, a Kwaito singer, came and gave his testimony.

We had a fantastic weekend with the Lord’s presence evident in all the meetings. In total there were about 110 kids.

Check out the photos for more.

Wonderful Evening at Pebbles Celebration

Written by Daphne van Aardt



Pebbles had their annual concert on Friday 21 October. It was a wonderful night of celebration. The theme was “Children of Destiny” and the focus was on creation, how God made everything with a plan and a purpose.

The key scripture behind the play was Jeremiah 29:11-12. God loves each child, they are special and He has a plan and purpose for each one of their lives, to give them hope and a future.

From the nativity to the songs, rhymes and dances, all that has been learned this year was showcased, giving God glory. The colourful costumes and the children’s enthusiasm made it a very special evening.

Check out the photos for more!

To Halloween or Not to Halloween?

Written by Ryan Strydom
Edward Cullen, Vampire from Twilight

Because Edward Cullen from the "Twilight" Series is the scariest Vampire you could meet.

Earlier this week was Halloween – when kids dress up as monsters and come to the door asking for sweeties. But should Christians be engaging in this whole ordeal? Why do we do it anyway? Does it all matter? And how can the event be used for the Gospel, if at all?

In the occult world, Halloween is one of the two great high days of the year.

Christopher Peppler, a South African theologian (many who have studied theology through SATS would have studied his notes) has written a blog about Halloween. He asks the same questions and provides the background to Halloween.

Halloween has its genesis in an ancient Celtic festival to honour the ‘lord of the dead’ , Samhain. The Celtic year began on the 1st November and on the last day of their year, 31st October, the spirits of the dead were said to return to their homes. To ward off these spirits the Celts used to perform rituals, sacrifice animals and humans and light bonfires on nearby hill tops. It was also a time when practitioners of the magic arts attempted to contact the dead and to divine the future because this day was seen as a ‘conjunction’ of the dark spirit world with our material world.

The early Roman Catholic church tried to ‘Christianise’ this ancient pagan festival by proclaiming 1st November as a festival for honouring the church saints. They called it ‘All saints day’ and referred to the night preceding it as the ‘hallowed eve’; hence the name ‘hallow–een’ was applied to 31st October.

He provides more background on why orange and black are the main theme colours of Halloween (the orange of bonfires and the black of night), where jack-o-lanterns came from and so forth. Here’s how trick-or-treating evolved:

Sometime in the 16th century witches and goblins were added to the mix. The witches were pictured as riding on broom sticks and the goblins were portrayed as black cats. These witches and their tiny companions were believed to move from house to house offering protection from the evil dead in return for favours. If no ‘treat’ was offered they would play a mean ‘trick’ on the house owners.

In the occult world, Halloween is one of the two great high days of the year. Not surprising. The first high day is on 30 April (sorry for those who have their birthday on that date!)

On these nights sacrifices are still made, blood is spilled and devotees walk through the glowing coals of the bone fires.

Peppler asks the question as to whether we want our children to be involved in this sort of thing to any degree. To quote him one last time, this is what he says:

“Some argue that it is just a fun time for the kids and that if one doesn’t believe in it then it can’t do any harm. This, in my opinion, is a very naive view; in the spirit world colours, clothes, occasions and activities have significance and impact. Participation in any way is, by implication, association and carries with it real spiritual danger.”

The attempt of the Roman Catholic Church to Christianise the event is worth discussing. While we don’t venerate saints like the Catholics do, it’s also good to remember those who have gone before us and look at their lives for inspiration and examples we can follow. The week of Halloween could be used to do something like that – get a good biography (the Desiring God website has some great free ebook biographies) and be inspired through those who have given the King their all. In that sense “All Saints Day” can be used for great encouragement.

David Mathis, a blogger at the Desiring God website has a different view to Peppler. Here’s what he says:

“What if spreading a passion for God’s supremacy in all things included Halloween… what if we didn’t overreact to such nonchalance by simply withdrawing? What if Halloween wasn’t a night when Christians retreated in disapproval, but an occasion for storming the gates of hell?

What if we took to the offensive on Halloween?… Wasn’t it a Halloween-like gathering of darkness and demonic festival at Golgotha, the place of the Skull, when the God-man “disarmed the powers and authorities [and] made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them” at the cross (Colossians 2:15)?

What if we saw October 31 not merely as an occasion for asking self-oriented questions about our participation (whether we should or shouldn’t dress the kids up or carve pumpkins), but for pursuing others-oriented acts of love? What if we capitalized on the opportunity to take a step forward in an ongoing process of witnessing to our neighbors, co-workers, and extended families about who Jesus is and what he accomplished at Calvary for the wicked like us?

What if we resolved not to join the darkness by keeping our porch lights off? What if we didn’t deadbolt our doors, but handed out the best treats in the neighborhood as a faint echo of the kind of grace our Father extends to us sinners? [What if we saw] the evening as an opportunity to cultivate relationships with the unbelieving as part of an ongoing process in which we plainly identify with Jesus, get to know them well, and personally speak the good news of our Savior into their lives?”

I think this is also a thought worth following. Could a night that’s all about the undead be used, well, to talk about the undead? For once we have an excuse to make people dwell on their own mortality, something they don’t usually like to talk about. Tonight, for a change, there’s a great excuse, or opportunity, to talk about not only death but what life after death might look like – or more in line with the gospel – life after life after death, since God will create a new heavens and a new earth.

Here’s a great opportunity, perhaps, for our kids and us to let everyone know – in our kids’ conversations or our own with their parents – why we aren’t scared of dying or the undead, why we have hope beyond the grave, how God intends to make all things new and how they can be a part of his Kingdom right now.

What do you think?

Ukwakha Isizwe Barnyard Fundraiser a Lesson in Good Music

written by Michaele Fergusson

The Ukwakha Isizwe Barnyard fundraiser took place on the 20th October at the Cresta Barnyard. It was basically a music show and very enjoyable.

Although we were unsuccessful in selling all the tickets, we managed, with the help of some very dedicated Cornerstone members, to fill the bottom half of the theatre.

The show, Travelling Band with Clint and Co, was an awesome walk down memory lane for those of us over 40. And for the younger generation it was a lesson in good music! The feedback we received was very positive – good food, good show and overall a very enjoyable evening.

Africa Planning: A Privilege, an Inspiration, a Challenge

Written by Mark Meeske and Lance de Ruig

Recently Central Cornerstone hosted Africa Planning, an event where relating NCMI churches report-back on the work being done into Africa and plans are made for future work. It’s not a closed event and all are welcome to attend. Mark Meeske and Lance de Ruig share their experience of this year’s Africa Planning below.

Mark Meeske:

It was a real privilege to sit with men and women who not only talk about reaching and winning Africa for Jesus, but are actually doing it. It’s always inspiring to hear the stories and testimonies of how God is moving in Africa and the amazing doors that He is opening into this great continent.

What has been achieved for the King and His Kingdom in Africa is phenomenal; but it is nothing compared to what God still has in store for the nations in Africa. We surely are living in the most exciting apostolic time in history. The best truly is still to come.

This is certainly not the time to take our foot off the “apostolic accelerator”. There are churches to plant, nations to reach, a continent to change, and God has chosen to use His Church for this great purpose. As the great St. Augustine once said, “If the world is not your parish, then the parish has become your world”. What a tragedy that would be!

The Africa planning time is a wonderful reminder that the Great Commission is still alive and well; and continues to inspire us to “ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession” (Psalm 2:8). What a privilege to see people and nations transformed by the power of the Gospel.

Lance de Ruig:

God is doing incredible things in Africa. From the farthest North to the extremes of West and East, the Spirit is moving across the continent. While there are lots of people doing incredible work in Africa the old adage remains true: “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.”

As we went around the room and discussed the work that God is doing we were all encouraged, but at the same time it was glaringly obvious when looking at the map that Africa is huge and needs a lot more workers.

We have covered good ground, but there is still so much more to do, so many more adventures to go on and so many more people who need to hear about Jesus. If you are interested in getting involved there is no lack of opportunities available.

Having A Caleb Spirit

TITLE: Having A Caleb Spirit
PREACHER: Jim Lamont
DATE: 30 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday AM

Download MP3 message audio
(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Place Your Hope In God

TITLE: Place Your Hope In God
PREACHER: Lance De Ruig
DATE: 23 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday PM

Download MP3 message audio
(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Catch A Wake Up

TITLE: Catch A Wake Up
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 23 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday AM

Download MP3 message audio
(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Kaleidoscope 2011 Report Back

written by Tanya de Ruig

Kalos (the root word of kaleidoscope) in Greek means beautiful; that was the theme of this year’s Kaleidoscope Women’s Conference: She’s beautiful. The women looked beautiful, the hall looked beautiful, but what God did at the conference was beautiful. Women were set free from rejection, jealousy, fear, hopelessness and their value was restored as Jesus revealed himself to all the women. He showed them how beautiful they are inside and out in His eyes. This freedom lead to unabandoned worship and a new revelation that a woman’s call and purpose is to advance God’s kingdom.

Download the recordings of the messages here.


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