Exchange: 7 October – Impacting Those Around Us

Written by Julia Taylor

The Exchange, a forum where business people can be encouraged in the Kingdom and learn how to be more effective in taking the Gospel into the marketplace, takes place every month on the first Friday of the month. This month (which took place on 7 October) saw Llouella Humphrey share and encourage us.

I always look forward to the monthly Exchange meetings, whether there are speakers from within or outside of Cornerstone Church. I always expect to encourage others, to be encouraged and challenged in my way of thinking. The October Exchange did not disappoint.

Llouella said that in order to BE a person of influence you need intimacy with Jesus and allow Him to influence us, as David in the Old Testament did. We are to influence and impact those around us, especially in the marketplace. She quoted Kenneth Meshoe (president of the ACDP): “Always persevere. There are people whose lives are waiting to be effected by what God has placed within you.”

Definitely a word in season, and it was good to be reminded of this again as I write this. It was also a very valuable and meaningful time of fellowship. Thank you to all the organisers!

The next Exchange meets on 4 October at Central Cornerstone. It starts at 6 for 6:30 and ends at 7:30. We usually advertise the event in the notices during our times together or keep your eye / ear on our relevant communication channels.

Four Areas To Grow In Consistently

TITLE: Four Areas To Grow In Consistently
PREACHER: Michael Nicholas
DATE: 16 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday PM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Encouragement For The Bride

TITLE: Encouragement For The Bride
PREACHER: Alison Nicholas
DATE: 16 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Releasing Our God Given Potential

TITLE: Releasing Our God Given Potential
PREACHER: Roseanne Gourlay
DATE: 16 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Saved To Make A Difference

TITLE: Saved To Make A Difference
DATE: 9 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday PM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

Coming To Jesus

TITLE: Coming To Jesus
DATE: 9 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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Reflecting Jesus

TITLE: Reflecting Jesus
PREACHER: Ron Larson
DATE: 2 OCTOBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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(Right Click the link and choose the ‘Save As’ Option)

EQUIP SA 2011: A Wave is Breaking

Written by Ryan Peter



EQUIP South Africa 2011, which took place last week (28 to 30 Sept) at Central Cornerstone, was simply amazing. For three days we were able to absorb the teaching, heart and envisioning of guys on the NCMI team. As in the words of Mpho Ntuli at Cornerstone, something shifted.


A quick word on some resources. Jakes Olivier from Solid Ground church live-blogged each session with notes and so on. Read the blog for more details on each session.

The EQUIP SA Twitter account (@NCMIEquipSA) live-tweeted each session as well. The tweets include some interesting quotes and notes. Read the #EQUIPSA Twitter feed and scroll down to read the quotes.

Recordings of all the sessions are available for download at the website.

My attempt at a summary

Wednesday night, when things kicked off, was a real party as we headed straight into passionate worship to our King. Tyrone Daniel shared later around the central theme for the time, which was “Follow the Life”. What does it mean to follow Jesus? What brings the life of God? What kills the life of God? And what should we focus on? The central theme throughout the week is that it really is all about Jesus – the King and the Kingdom – and when we lose sight of Him, replacing Him with ideas, manuals, and whatever else, we will not bring the life our cities and nations desperately need.

The next morning, Ron Larson from the U.S. reiterated the focus on Jesus, saying we need to become Jesus freaks again. Perhaps the best quote from him was: “we don’t need another manual, we need emmanuel (God with us).” We can get so easily caught up in other things – even good things – that distract us and keep us from Jesus, the very source of life.

The break-out sessions on Thursday morning focused on the prophetic and evangelism. These were much more practical sessions and I attended the prophetic session. Mike provided us some real practical ideas in how we can increase the prophetic in our lives and become more accurate and more sensitive to what God is saying. It was challenging and encouraging.

Thursday night was a real break-through night with a prophetic focus on God wanting to lift off the restrictions of our lives. For many it was a key time as we sang “let it rain” and God challenged deeply. Last night at Central many testimonies were shared on the different things God did over the EQUIP time and Thursday night often came up as the night when chains were really broken and lots of healing took place.

Grant Crawford shared on “Born Again to Live”. His source text was Judges 3:12-30 and he likened how the text can be used to show Jesus and also you and I, how we are to approach the challenges we come up against. The keys here were how your attitude can shape your inheritance, letting God define your inheritance, how God intended for us to work, how we need to live with margin and that we should know that God really does want us to inherit. A key quote for me was, “This is good theology: God is happy.” Profound when you think about it!

On Friday morning, Ashley Bell from NCCB felt it good to share some of the prophetic words for where we are going in our togetherness with the NCMI team and Bruce Benge shared a word about being thirsty. Are we thirsty in our busyness? Are we thirsty for the right things? Are we thirsty for Jesus? A vision will only carry us for so long. We need Jesus. It was deep in its application.

Then there was a kind of question and answer time as Ashley ‘interviewed’ Tyrone and Mike Hanchett around a prophetic word he received over a decade ago around where God wants to take us. There was a lot said and many things clarified. Anyone with questions around NCMI, how we relate to the team, what the team is about and where it’s going will find tremendous value in this session.

The break-out sessions were worship and evangelism. Unfortunately, I had to head off to work at this time but the live-blog link above and the downloads at the EQUIP site will provide all you need there about the session.

Things rounded off really nicely on Friday night as there was a prophetic re-envisioning, especially for older guys – a sense that God was saying there is a huge inheritance for them. Greig G shared a lot around church life – planting, watering, and trusting God to see growth. Many pastors are tired and this was a fantastic encouragement around how it’s God who is building His church, and only God brings life.

To summarise even more

It’s difficult to translate into a few short words everything that actually happened at EQUIP. It was a move of the Spirit, that’s for sure, but that can make it difficult to communicate. Bullet point lists, although helpful, just don’t seem to do the time justice. Talking about prophetic times in a few short sentences really doesn’t convey how God touched, challenged, healed and restored. Mentioning how there was a real sense of unity doesn’t quite convey how relationships were deepened and strengthened.

Perhaps Ephesians 4, which is about how the apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists equip the saints for the work of the ministry, is the best way to summarise what happened at EQUIP. It wasn’t just about giving us knowledge but about deepening our relationship with Jesus and our relationships with each other. Eph 4 says that the equipping of the saints builds “up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of he fullness of Christ… [as we] grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.”

I really did feel a building up in love over this time. And so did plenty others. Just check out some of the awesome testimonies at the #EQUIPSA Twitter feed!

PS: More – and better – photos will be posted soon!

Ukwakha Isizwe’s HArt Day Centre on the Radio

Written by Ryan Strydom

Zelda with the Our Community Voice team on Radio Today

Ukwakha Isizwe’s HArt Day Centre, a home for street children, was recently featured on Radio Today, which broadcasts on 1485AM and nationally across the SADC sub-region on DStv Audio Channel 169. Zelda Cronje, who helps run the home and is also part of the overseeing team of Ukwakha Isizwe, the umbrella organisation that covers a number of social justice initiatives that Cornerstone is involved with, was interviewed.

The interview took place on a show called Our Community Voice and it was hosted by Brendon Burmester and Elaine Thorne from the I Love Kensington Association (ILKA). Our Community Voice broadcasts every Wednesday at 11:30.

It was great getting this coverage for HArt and Ukwakha Isizwe. The podcast for the show can be downloaded at this link (scroll down for the show dated 21 September).

The show aims to encourage a sense of community, raise general issues taking place in communities living in greater Johannesburg.

Pebbles Fun Day Sept 2011 Photos

Written by Ryan Strydom


   A great time was had by parents and kids alike at the Pebbles Fun Day on Saturday 10 September where there was lots of great food, ice creams, candy floss and cake! Plus a ton of fun sports and activities like a fishing stall, jumping castles, face painting, paintball, and the ever-popular friendly farmyard. Above are some photos to show how much fun was had.

This was Pebbles’ main fund raising event for the year. With funds raised at last year’s fun day Pebbles were able to purchase a new microwave, CD players for the classrooms, carpets and many other necessary items. The aim this year is to purchase new equipment for the playground.

Pebbles sends out a big thanks to families who have been so generous with donations. Enjoy the photos!