What Is God Like?

TITLE: What Is God Like?
PREACHER: Bruce Benge
DATE: 25 SEPTEMBER 2011 – Sunday PM

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Partnering With The Apostolic

TITLE: Partnering With The Apostolic
PREACHER: Mark Bouffe
DATE: 25 SEPTEMBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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Flowing In The Gifts

TITLE: Flowing In The Gifts
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 18 SEPTEMBER 2011 – Sunday PM

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Luke 8:40-56 – Power Over Sickness And Death

TITLE: Luke 8:40-56 – Power Over Sickness And Death
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 18 SEPTEMBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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Great Time in Tanzania

Written by Ryan Strydom

Marcus and Craig recently returned from the Tanzania EQUIP time which was very well attended with over 200 leaders from 75 relating churches, some from as far away as Kigoma (the EQUIP time was in Mikumi which is in Central Tanzania whereas Kigoma is in the far western regions).

It was a fruitful time and saw new relationships begin to form. The guys were able to begin connecting with a Maasai pastor who ministers to several churches in the central Tanzanian area and is looking for closer relationship, being quite keen for us to do training in his churches.

Two couples and a single fellow were released onto the East African trans-local NCMI team during the EQUIP time as well.

Some of the ministry highlights include Keir Taylor’s training where he picked up on evangelism and spiritual giftings, while Emanualle Nazzi (a pastor we work with from Tuscany, Italy) ministered excellently on heart issues. There was also some discourse around how churches relate to trans-local teams which was very enlightening for the local guys and quite effective.

After the EQUIP time Marcus and Craig went to Dar es Salaam (Pugu Hills) to join with Martin Ubwe who was facilitating outreach meetings. Martin is a pastor of a church there and is also on Team. It’s a very strong Muslim influenced area so there weren’t many visitors but there were lots of healings, which was encouraging. The major part of the ministry there was focused on boosting the local church (Martin’s church) and it was effective in doing that.

It was a great time of encouraging and strengthening our brothers and sisters in Tanzania! And the food was great!

Farming God’s Way Taught in Maputo

Written by Alan Gardner

A wheat field

Recently a team of us visited a couple at Ricatla Seminary in Maputo (Lee and Margret) who have committed to teaching Farming God’s Way (FGW) there for the next five years. It’s a very exciting venture because they have a captive audience for three years while the students are there studying.

One of the subjects the students are learning is FGW borrowed from the South African Theological Seminary (SATS) and they are rolling it out over a number of years. Of course this year’s third year students won’t have the full teaching but they would have at least planted their own Well Watered Garden before they go back to their respective congregations.

Lee and Margret have also committed to visiting the various students in their home locations once they have graduated to encourage them with their extension into their respective communities. Plus, they are busy planting the first comparative garden which consists of nine Well Watered Gardens each with different inputs and ranging from the African Way through to God’s Way.

They were very encouraged by our visit and our interest and we got to help with the Monday and the Tuesday teaching. Looks like a good platform from which to leapfrog into the various communities, we will be watching them closely.

I’m hoping to visit them again before the end of the year.

Click here to download a free study guide from SATS for Farming God’s Way.

Listening To The Right Voice

TITLE: Listening To The Right Voice
PREACHER: Lance De Ruig
DATE: 11 SEPTEMBER 2011 – Sunday PM

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Resisting The Evil One

TITLE: Resisting The Evil One
PREACHER: Mark Meeske
DATE: 11 SEPTEMBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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Uptown Karaoke Photos

Written by Ryan Strydom

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A few weeks ago it was Karaoke time at Uptown on Friday night and it was a ton of fun. The girls were really showing up the guys in the singing department. Some of the songs sound great when you’re singing them on your own but put yourself behind a microphone and add the pressure of some competition and things change!It was a fantastic and super fun way to spend a Friday evening. Due to popular demand there will be another Karaoke time soon, but in the meantime here are some of the photos that were taken.

Uptown Sundays Going Well

Written by Wendy Herbert

Just over a year after Uptown started in the heart of the Joburg CBD a second meeting time was started. The decision to include a Sunday morning meeting was made in order to accommodate those that are unable to get to the usual Thursday night slot.

Different meeting times allow for more people to be part of our community and continues to establish us in the heart of Braamfontein. Our Thursday night meetings remain a highlight in the life of Uptown and we’re always surprised at how lively and colourful the people are that God has brought in.

Sunday mornings have been going for a month and although they are not as full as our other meetings they have been a wonderful success. We have been grateful for the help Central has provided in getting us kitted out and training us in sound and worship.

Please keep us in your hearts as we live our dreams in the city!

Some photos and a small write-up of Uptown’s Karaoke evening this last Friday will be posted tomorrow.