The South Side Launch

Written by Barrie Knox-Davies


It was a morning packed with excitement and enthusiasm as members of Cornerstone gathered at 8am sharp to set about getting the South Side venue ready for the service that was to start in two hours time.

Never was the saying “many hands make light work” more true than when referring to the venue’s heavy gym artillery – punch bags, mini trampolines and aerobics steps were all shifted and shunted around, partitions were assembled and blinds were raised to create the spaces so familiar to a Cornerstone meeting environment.

Very soon an auditorium took shape with the smell of freshly brewing coffee filling the air. Boards directing potential first timers and existing Cornerstonians were placed on all the right street corners – you wouldn’t have been able to miss the venue even if you were stumbling along the straight and narrow.

As 10am drew nearer so did many cars and people. Laughter filled the air and there was a real buzz. Pizza arrived too along with biscuits, chocolate brownies, cookies and coffee. The fellowship was thick with people easily mingling with strangers, making the most of the occasion to get to know each other.

The meeting got underway at 10:20am with praise and worship having a flavour of its own – something of Cornerstone, but songs and words adapted to suit the South, to much amusement of both the regulars and the fringe.

A prophetic word was shared calling the “valley of dry bones” to arise and mobilise into a great army. Marcus built on this word by emphasising that this work builds on that which existed before Cornerstone saw this prophetic vision, and that Columbine Road is like a river flowing down into the valley, with many different streams flowing into one – symbolic of the rising up of God’s people as one, moving towards the common goal of seeing the lost saved and preparing the Bride of Christ.

Marcus went further by calling all the people over 35 years of age to come forward – and then they prayed for all the younger generation seated / standing in the rows, saying that the older folk were there to raise up this generation to go beyond that which the older generation had achieved so far.

The meeting ended around 11:30am and with continued enthusiasm and fervour a number of people stayed behind to assist with restoring the venue to its former state – that of a gym aerobics / boxing studio.

A Connected Involved Functioning And Healthy Body

TITLE: A Connected Involved Functioning And Healthy Body
PREACHER: Mark Meeske
DATE: 4 SEPTEMBER 2011 – Sunday PM

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Luke 8:26-39 – Power Over The Demonic

TITLE: Luke 8:26-39 – Power Over The Demonic
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 4 SEPTEMBER 2011 – Sunday AM

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Pebbles Family Fun and Sports Day

Saturday, 10 September starting at 10:00

Lots of good food: wors rolls, cold drinks, ice creams, candy floss, popcorn, tea/coffee and cake.
Useful goodies to buy including our very own “Pebbles Family Favourites” Recipe Book.
Loads of Fun for the kids: Fishing stall, friendly farmyard, jumping castles, paintball, face painting.
And SPORTS for the whole family.
Remember to dress your brightest for flamboyance prizes!

Entrance will be R10 each (babies in arms – no charge).
All stalls will operate on a ticket basis; you can pre-purchase R100 ticket books from the Pebbles office from Monday or on the Fun Day.

As this is our main fund raising event for the year, please budget and bring a generous heart and a loaded wallet. With funds raised at last year’s fun day we were able to purchase a new microwave, CD players for the classrooms, carpets and many other necessary items. Our aim this year is to purchase new equipment for the playground.

Thank you to all the families who have been so generous with their donations, just a reminder to those who have not contributed yet, that we would like your prize donations by Friday the 2nd please.

South Side In The News

Relationships Deepened in Kenya

by Ryan Strydom

Recently Marcus, Shaun and Ian spent two weeks in Kenya working with churches there that we have had long-standing partnerships with. Report-backs from the guys have been encouraging and it seems there is wonderful fruit being borne on that side of the world.

In general, there are a number of challenges in Kenya that are quite different to what we experience here in South Africa. The challenges really revolve around there often being a lot of religion but very little genuineness.

For example, Christianity is very popular and it’s not uncommon to see business names like “Holy Spirit Chemist” or “Glory Hallelujah Hairdressers” but the reality of relationships and the depth of faith can often be somewhat shallow. There is also a frequent problem where people are looking for finances more than they’re looking for relationships.

But now something new is happening. We’re starting to see the rising of something greater and a new appreciation of a New Testament reality. Our partnerships with the guys in Kenya, and our love for each other, has become so authentic and real. This is a wonderful encouragement!

The trip started with the annual EQUIP time, a three day affair that also saw five couples released to the NCMI team. This was a fantastic moment and there is a lot of excitement around the partnering that is taking place. There was also such a sweetness and depth of God’s presence there which was truly wonderful.

The EQUIP time had a focus on the King and the Kingdom and guys were very excited about the Gospel and the Gospel alone, keeping the main thing the main thing.

Roger and Tanya Warren also spent some time in Nairobi, creating a base from which we can work from there, while Shaun spent some extra time in Nakuru and Ian spent some time in Mombasa.

Relationships were deepened yet again in both Nakuru and Mombasa. We’ve been working into the places mentioned above as well as Lodwar, Kakuma, Lokichoggio, Awendo and Kitali, all up further north.

At one point Shaun preached on “Walking With the Spirit”, which he also preached last night at Central Cornerstone. You can download that here at the website. Worth a listen!

During the time at Mombasa, Ian and Bernie felt there needed to be a focus on the Priesthood of All Believers – encouraging the guys that everyone needs to be involved, the church is not just about pastors or the few doing the work. You can hear all about that in his challenging preach yesterday morning entitled, “A Fruitful Faith Journey”, which can be downloaded here at the website.

Kenya, along with Tanzania, Zanzibar and Lesotho, is a key area that we as a church are working in. Keep your ear to the ground and your eye on our various communication channels if you would like to join in on the next Kenya trip. These trips have a way of truly blessing those that go in many ways and it’s great to be doing what Jesus commanded us to do: go to the nations with the Gospel.

Russell House

Russell House is a home for abandoned babies.  We run as a transition home (a place of safety) for babies from birth to one year of age.   The babies come to Russell House from the time they are abandoned due to poverty, abuse, or HIV-AIDS.   These children live in a safe, healthy and loving family environment within our family home in Primrose Germiston and are personally cared for by Lindsey with the help of care givers.  They live with at the home until social workers find adoptive or foster homes for the babies.

Russell House is a vision of Dave and Lindsey Peacock who felt the need to make a difference in the community by taking abandoned babies into their care, loving and caring for them, as Jesus would! It is run purely on donations and is a division of Ukwakha Isizwe, a registered NPO and PBO.

Any donations of old clothes or baby necessities, e.g. prams, cots, etc. would be much appreciated.  If you would like to give a love gift/donation please contact Debby 083 229 7667, Dave 082 838 0044 or Lindsey 082 947 6713.

Walking With The Holy Spirit

TITLE: Walking With The Holy Spirit
PREACHER: Shaun Mackay
DATE: 28 AUGUST 2011 – Sunday PM

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A Fruitful Faith Journey

TITLE: A Fruitful Faith Journey
PREACHER: Ian Weeden
DATE: 28 AUGUST 2011 – Sunday AM

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Pedallers on the Way

By Anton Tjarbring

Pedallers on the Way is a group of friends that bike too.

So, if you mountain bike or road bike,
if you’re a beginner or old-hat,
if you do it for fun or for exercise
we’d love you to join us.

When: Saturday, 3 September at 7am

Start: Thornhill Estate Community Centre, Modderfontein

End: Dynamite Coffee Shop for Coffee/Breakfast/Fellowship

For more information: Quentin 083 628 8184 or Anton 074 366 8636