The Transforming Power of the Gospel for Society

Written by Ryan Strydom

Recently Marcus highlighted the new social justice initiative that we as a church are embarking on under the banner of Ukwahka Isizwe (Nation Building.) Read more

Chippy Brand at Exchange

written by Anton Tjarbring

Chippy Brand spoke at the Exchange on friday 5 August, and was throughly enjoyed by all. Just a real testimony of how there are tough times and good times in life and yet through it all God is faithful in building our characters so that we can be used more by Him. Chippy used the analogy of road construction, where the different layers need to be prepared and compacted (through trying times) before the top layer can be placed, which is where the road is used, and is what is visible.

I really enjoyed the humourous stories associated with his upbringing, different projects and even testimony of how God looked after them during his farming experiences. Chippy’s testimonies of the business decisions he made based on his faith are great. The practical aspects of setting up a business, choosing staff, making business choices and much more – just could see how those grey hairs were earned.

Get the audio here.

Get Involved Part 2

TITLE: Get Involved Part 2
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 7 AUGUST 2011 – Sunday AM

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This is my Season

On Saturday, 30 July, we invited our community into our ‘lounge’. This Is My Season 2011 afforded us this wonderful opportunity and privilege.

Pediatrician Dr. Simon Strachan and Dietician Katherine Megaw were our guest speakers. They covered vital issues related to child nutrition and feeding and Katherine ended her time with her own life-story . She told how she suffered from bulimia which was compounded by the grief of loosing her 7 month old daughter. She explained how Jesus changed her obsession with food into her passion as a Peadiatric Dietician. There were two video testimonies of others who have been rescued from bad choices and of healing.

The response was so encouraging, with people admitting that they need a relationship with God and asking about Cornerstone meeting times. Thanks to all those who were involved, and thank you to the Lord for this opportunity.

Check out for audio and notes of the morning.

Ideas for when you host someone in your home

The best kind of hosting does not involve the best décor.  The heart of the ideas in this article is simply to make your guests feel welcome and comfortable.

Ideas of things to include in the room they will stay in:

  • Clean linen and towels, including hand towel and face cloth with a bar of soap.
  • A jug of water and glasses or bottled water.
  • Bin and tissues.
  • Hanging and cupboard space with some hangers.
  • An adapter available in the power point that can take 2 pin plugs.
  • A mirror and chair if possible.
  • A little gift.
  • Simple flowers and snacks.
  • An extra blanket for winter.

Other things to think about:

  • Ask them what they like for breakfast.
  • Show them where stuff is in the kitchen so they can help themselves if necessary.
  • Try to keep times of chatting short so as not to drain your guests.
  • Offer them a spare set of house keys so that can get in if you’re not around.

If you would like to put your name on the list for hosting someone in your home, contact info (011) 616 4073 or


Branded By Grace

TITLE: Branded By Grace
PREACHER: Chippy Brand
DATE: 5 AUGUST 2011 – Friday AM

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TITLE: Worship
PREACHER: Shaun Mackay
DATE: 31 JULY 2011 – Sunday PM

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Get Involved Part 1

TITLE: Get Involved Part 1
PREACHER: Marcus Herbert
DATE: 31 JULY 2011 – Sunday AM

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Table Tennis Tournament

Written by Taryn Herbert


The Table Tennis Tournament on Saturday was lots of fun. Each player could compete in a category that suited them. There was a great vibe in the hall as many came to watch and support. It was such a great excuse to come out on a beautiful Saturday morning. Fun was had by all!

Keeping Up with the Joneses

Written by Alan Jones

Many years ago I was preparing to do something very big, and very foolish.  I had convinced myself that God wanted me to do it but it took the wise words of Leon van Daele to prevent me from making a big mistake. Read more