Cornerstone Church SA Unrest: Love in Action with Generosity and Prayer

Help families and communities effected by the unrest and in desperate need!

The situation, especially in South Africa’s KZN province but also in certain areas of the province of Gauteng, is incredibly dire. Within a few days, those living in certain informal settlements will begin to suffer starvation due to a severe shortage of even the very basics.

However, through our partnerships with churches, you can help out. We’ve worked out how to get relief parcels to people safely and effectively. Check out for details on how you can donate or buy food.

Also, remember to keep praying! We are praying every night online from 6pm. Details for that can also be found at


Acts – Season1 – Peters Sermon At The Portico

Marcus shares with us as we look at the Peters Sermon in Acts 3.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning Live | 11 July | 9:30am | Peter Preaches in Solomon’s Portico [S1 pt 12]

Join us LIVE at 9:30am this Sunday as we worship Jesus together and continue our series in the book of Acts. This Sunday we will be preaching through Acts 3:11-26 – Peter Preaches in Solomon’s Portico.

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Cornerstone Church Encouragement From Marcus In These Difficult Times

Marcus encourages us from Acts 3:2 and talks about the challenges we’re facing – and God in the challenges.

Acts – Season 1 – Lame Beggar Healed

Marcus shares with us on how we have something to give to the world around us as we respond to the call of Jesus. – 04 July 2021

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning Live | 4 July | 9:30am | The Lame Beggar Healed [S1 pt 11]

Join us LIVE at 9:30am this Sunday as we worship Jesus together and continue our series in the book of Acts. This Sunday we will be preaching through Acts 3:1-10 – The Lame Beggar Healed.

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Cornerstone Church Lockdown 4: Reach Out in Love, Stay Connected, and Meetings

Marcus encourages us to stay connected during lockdown level 4, and expounds on devotion and what we believe God is doing behind the scenes.

1. 9:30am Sunday Live Stream at our Youtube channel.
2. Audio of this meeting will be made available on Sunday morning at for Life Groups or those with less internet access.
3. Keep praying!
4. Stay connected! Life Groups – meet online and find ways to stay connected!
5. You can reach out to the elders and the church office on WhatsApp (079-181-1684), call 011-616-4073, email or

Let’s reach out to others with the love of God!

Acts – Season 1 – Devoted to Prayer and Biblical Community

Greg Matarelli Shares with us on living devoted to our relationship with God and how that leads to a biblical lifestyle and community – 27 June 2021

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning Live | 27 June | 9:30am | Devotion and Biblical Community [S1 pt 09 & 10]

Join us LIVE at 9:30am this Sunday as we worship Jesus together and continue our series in the book of Acts. This Sunday we will be preaching through Acts 2:42 – Devotion and Biblical Community.

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