Cornerstone Church Elders Update – Direct from the new West venue!

Exciting times as we take occupation of our new venue for Cornerstone West! Check it out! Here’s also how you can get involved.

Marcus also encourages us to keep praying for people who are finding it very difficult through this season with Covid, and also talks about our prayer and fasting time coming up.

Acts 2 – Season 1 – Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit

Marcus encourages us around what took place when the Holy Spirit was poured out in Acts 2, and why we need the Holy Spirit. – 30 May 2021

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning Live | 30 May | 9:30am | The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit [S1 pt 06]

Join us LIVE at 9:30am this Sunday as we worship Jesus together and continue our exciting series in the book of Acts. This Sunday we will be preaching through Acts 2:1-13 – The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

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Cornerstone Church Sign Language | Sunday Morning Live | 30 May | 8:00am | The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit [S1 pt 06]

Join us at 8:00am this Sunday with Sign Language interpretation as we worship Jesus together and continue our exciting series in the book of Acts. This Sunday we will be preaching through Acts 2:1-13 – The outpouring of the Holy Spirit

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Elders Update – Trust and Trustworthiness

Barry Farr speaks about trust and trustworthiness, and also talks about the possible change in how we meet (and how we can pray) depending on what the president announces tonight. He also updates us on how we can pray for Craig and Taryn.

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Cornerstone Church Elders Update – Trust and Trustworthiness

Barry Farr speaks about trust and trustworthiness, and also talks about the possible change in how we meet (and how we can pray) depending on what the president announces tonight. He also updates us on how we can pray for Craig and Taryn.

Key Women: Zelda Cronje – God use Me

Zelda shares with us on cultivating a desire to have relationship with God and to be used by Him – 22 May 2021

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Acts – Season 1 – Greg Matarelli – Devoted To Prayer In One Accord

Greg shares with us about being devoted to prayer and being with one another in one mind and with one accord. – 23 May 2021

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning Live | 23 May | 9:30am | Devoted to Prayer with One Accord [S1 pt 04 & 05]

Join us LIVE at 9:30am this Sunday as we worship Jesus together and continue our exciting new series in the book of Acts. This Sunday we will be preaching through Acts 1:12-14 – How the disciples were devoted to prayer in one accord and Acts 1:15-26 – Matthias chosen to replace Judas.

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Cornerstone Church Sign Language | Sunday Morning Live | 23 May | 8:00am | Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas [S1 pt 05]

Join us at 8:00am this Sunday with Sign Language interpretation as we worship Jesus together and continue our exciting series in the book of Acts. This Sunday we will be preaching through Acts 1:15-26 – Matthias chosen to replace Judas

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