Cornerstone Church Sign Language – Resurrection Sunday 12 April

Danielle Joubert and Linley Verster interpret our Sunday Morning Online meeting into South African Sign Language.

Cornerstone Church Sign Language – Easter: Good Friday – 10 April 2020

Danielle Joubert interprets our Good Friday meeting into South African Sign Language.

Good Friday 2020

Marcus and Adele lead us in a celebration of Jesus who died for the sins of the whole world.

Cornerstone Church Easter: Good Friday Online – 10 April 2020 – 9:30am

“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 NIV).

Join us as we celebrate the day Jesus died for all of humanity and defeated death! #JesusDiedForAll #GoodFriday #JesusLovesJoburg

Wednesday Night Prayer – 8 April

Gather whoever you can, in your home or digitally, and let’s pray together!

Cornerstone Church Wednesday Prayer – 8 April 2020

Marcus leads us in our Wednesday Night Prayer in our homes right across Johannesburg. Get your family and let’s pray together.

Elders Update – Warfare

We’re in a war fought on many fronts. Here is our weekly encouragement and update from the elders. Craig also tells us how food donations are going. (Audio taken from the video.)

Cornerstone Church Elders Update – Warfare!

We’re in a war fought on many fronts. Here is our weekly encouragement and update from the elders. Craig also tells us how food donations are going. Visit for details on how you can give. Plus, news on our Easter streams this weekend.

Coming Back to Life: Presume on the Love of God

Marcus encourages us to presume on the love of God.

You can stream the video or download the audio below.

Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning Online – 5 April 2020 – 9:30am

Join us on Sunday morning at 9:30am for our Sunday morning meeting online.