Coming Back to Life: Marcus Herbert – LIVE STREAM

Marcus Hebert preaches about our response to fear and how we can continue to seek God and revival in this time – 22 February 2020

This message is available for audio download, alternatively you can watch the message on our Youtube channel.

Coming Back to Life- Gregg Matarelli

Greg Matarelli continues in our Coming Back to Life preaching series – 15 February 2020

Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning Live – 22 March 2020 – 9:30am

Join us on Sunday morning at 9:30am for our Sunday morning meeting livestream.

Cornerstone Live Stream Test


This is an opportunity for the gospel, so let’s use it!

Coming Back to Life: Marcus Herbert

Marcus preaches on Joel 1 and teaches about the redemptive nature of God and shows how we can repent and change our direction. – 8 March 2020

Coming Back to Life: Greg Matarelli

Greg Matarelli continues on Joel Chapter 1 and highlights the danger and destruction that sin brings, but, showing how we can live a life of freedom from sin in Jesus. – 01 March 2020

Keir Tayler: Equipping for Evangelism – 6 of 6

Keir Tayler teaches us on Equipping for evangelism – 01 March 2020

Unfortunately we had an error with our recording system, so the recording was lost.

Key Women: Lynor Van Rooyen

Lynor shares with us at Key Woman on Psalm 24 – 26 February 2020

Click Here for The Shepard Video

Hennie Cronje in Kenya, February 2020

Hennie Cronje is currently in Kenya on an apostolic trip. He is sending us updates. We’re pasting them verbatim here and will be updating this post as new updates become available.

Saturday 15th of February saw us have a joint meeting between the two churches in Mtwapa (Mombasa). There were around 30 people that attended the three sessions. I have been exposed to the “Love Jo’burg” material with Greg Mattarelli on Wednesdays. I decided to teach the congregation on the Gospel and on Evangelism, using this material. I had the opportunity to really involve the congregation in some practical discussions as well. I showed them several ways to do one on one or small group evangelism.

The thing that hinders most people in evangelism is “How to start”. We spent some time to give
practical examples of how to start. The teaching was very well received and several questions
were asked during the presentation. At one point I felt to demonstrate the power of God and asked for anyone who had lower back problems. My intention was to show people how misalignment of the body can cause back pain to occur.

I wanted to show the church how God aligns the body and how He heals the pain by a simple prayer.
A lady responded to the call but when she arrived at the front she indicated that her whole back was in pain from a motor accident, this was not part of the deal. I thought that I was going to demonstrate something totally different but now I have a problem. I almost sent this lady back telling her that I would pray for her later, but I felt Holy Spirit ask me if I didn’t believe He was able to heal the whole back.
For some fun, I asked the lady to touch her toes. She went down very gingerly and coming back up was a massive struggle. After we prayed for her and asked her to do the same thing again she went right down and up with no struggle. How awesome is God? Even in my unbelief He still comes through and does what He does so well.

On Sunday, I preached at one of the churches. The elders had mentioned how people like to move around from church to church, so I felt to share on what Tyrone preached at Cornerstone – Being All In. The elders appreciated it as I could obviously touch some points that they feel hesitant to do. In the evening the elders treated me to an amazing meal at Kisombe’s house.

It is Monday, so today I will spend time building relationships with the two guys who are not employed. Tonight I will hopefully get to bless the elders and their wives with a meal.

I have had an initial meeting with a man called Justus Wanjala. He is a bishop, according to Kenyan terms, and oversees many churches. He didn’t say how many, but when he calls his leaders together there are about 160 people. This probably means in well over 40 churches.

As I was talking to him, I sensed “man of peace”. I already raised the titles debate with him and he is totally on board. I think that often it is the Kenyan form of an Apostolic/Prophetic team. I can’t wait to share the biblical teachings with him and see how he responds. I can actually see him fulfilling a 5-fold
role in this area. He is more Apostolic/Teacher than I have seen thus far. Pray for this relationship please. This is a massive area that we are working into and he could be key.

Friday 21 February
I have just had the most amazing meeting with my new friend, Justus. Thank you for praying for this. When someone talks of a kindred spirit, I think that I now understand the term.

First of all, I totally misrepresented the man. Here is a 64 year old gentleman who has done so much in his 40odd years of ministry. He has championed so many causes for the gospel at very high levels that it would be wrong to try and write it down. What I appreciate is that he doesn’t volunteer all this information so as to sound important, he actually is very comfortable with who he is. Very eager to
learn and quick to acknowledge that he has much to learn.

Justus is an overseer of our 500 churches (this is what I guessed after asking many questions). He works into seven countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, DRC, Burundi and Sudan. About 350 to 400 churches in Kenya and over 100 churches in Tanzania. Their goal is to reach one million souls for Jesus by planting churches every 5 kilometres in the villages.

After we moved the venue for the Equip from Moi’s Bridge to his church in Eldoret, he went onto the NCMI website and downloaded some of Tyrones messages, so that he could get an understanding of who he is allowing into his church. As we spoke he asked me if I would be prepared to do an Equip for all his leaders. According to him, leadership is the biggest area of concern in the church in Kenya. He feels if he can equip his leaders, then the churches that he leads will be stronger too.
He started telling me of some of the things they do.

• His wife will help a pastor’s wife to build a chicken coupe and give her 10 chickens to start with, 1 rooster and 9 hens. After 2 years she wants the same back to give to someone else.
• He will give a pastor 4 goats, 1 male and 3 female. After 2 years he wants 4 goats back to give to another.
• He will give a milk cow, but the first calf has to be raised for 6 months before it is given to someone else.

When I spoke about Oom Bill doing business training and Farming God’s Way, I knew that I had his attention. He says that he will make a 3 bedroom house available and the land to do examples for farming.

The meeting was not only exchanging information. As I spoke about the Apostolic/Prophetic he asked if I could please push this in the Equip. Kenyans don’t understand the need for 5-fold ministry and thus never invite it into their churches. Marcus, I hope you don’t mind that I did this, but I invited
Justus to join us in Dar es Salaam in May.

Sunday morning
I felt a very specific word for the church, after talking with Justus, so I decided to scrap the sermon that I had prepared and start again. I spent most of Friday and all of Saturday preparing for Sunday morning meeting. During worship I received some words of knowledge. A strange thing happened in that the whole new message that I had prepared, was thrown out and we had a healing meeting instead.

These were the words of knowledge. People responded to each one which was very encouraging for me.
• Throat – not flu. Might even be reflux related.
• Left side of back – intermittent pain
• This is an emotional healing – The light is shining in your
life, but you feel as if something is hindering it.
• Headache – constant dull
• Left foot sharp pain

13 people responded. I called them forward and taught the congregation how to pray. Those praying for the sick were taken through step by step, just like Steve Wilson taught us. 11 people out of the 13 got healed as those who have never prayed for healing, lay hands on them and prayed.

I am so stoked with the faithfulness of our King. The congregation could see that this is for today. They could be part of a step by step process of speaking to the mountain in the lives of the sick and see those mountains thrown into the sea.