A Call to Action: Water Baptism (South Side)

As we continue to look at the journey of Israel to learn how to mobilise our faith, Rodney du Croq notes what Paul means in 1 Corinthians 10 about Israel being “baptised into Moses in the cloud and in the sea” (verse 2) and how that pertains to water and Spirit baptism.

A Call to Action: Spirit Baptism

As we continue to look at the journey of Israel to learn how to mobilise our faith, Marcus Herbert notes what Paul means in 1 Corinthians 10 about Israel being “baptised into Moses in the cloud and in the sea” (verse 2) and how that pertains to water and Spirit baptism.

A Call to Action: Water Baptism

As we continue to look at the journey of Israel to learn how to mobilise our faith, Marcus Herbert notes what Paul means in 1 Corinthians 10 about Israel being “baptised into Moses in the cloud and in the sea” (verse 2) and how that pertains to water and Spirit baptism.

A Call to Prayer and Fasting

In light of our prayer and fasting time on 9 – 10 March, Greg Mattarelli looks at the Biblical call to pray and fast.

A Call to Action: Set Free from Slavery by the Blood of the Lamb

As we continue our “Call to Action” series, Greg Mattarelli looks at how Israel was in slavery and saved by God through the Passover, in the book of Exodus, and how this correlates with our Christian salvation and Christian life.

Prayer & Fasting 2020

From 6pm, Tuesday 19 May until 6pm, Wednesday, 20 May we’ll be praying and fasting as a church across the city of Johannesburg.

Key Women – Mary Assad

Mary Assad shares how God writes our story and remains faithful, interweaving this with many testimonies from her own life.

A Call to Action: Act Responsibly with the Gospel

Marcus Herbert speaks about our responsibility with the amazing good news of Jesus Christ.

Saved from Sin into an Inheritance

Greg Mattarelli speaks about how we are not just saved from sin but are also saved into a glorious inheritance.

The Narrative for a Call to Action

Greg Mattarelli introduces us to the Old Testament narrative that serves as a pattern for our Christian lives and a call to action.