Ephesians 1: Our Great God, Our Great Salvation

24 June 2018 at Rosebank. Nathan Gernetzky shares on the glory of the gospel found in Ephesians 1.

Values: Fathers and Fathering

17 June 2018 at Rosebank. Tim Potter and Nathan Gernetzky celebrate fatherhood and share on what it means to be a man and how we as a church can live out this example in our city and South Africa.

Apostolic input: Darren Prosser

Sunday night, 10 June 2018. Darren Prosser from Kingdom Life Church in Australia, and who also serves as part of the NCMI team, shares some prophetic insights for us as a church.

Values: Nameless and Faceless

Sunday morning at Bedfordview, 10 June 2018. Craig Herbert speaks about living for the glory of God – living our value of “nameless” and “faceless”.

Living for God’s Glory in the City

Sunday morning at Rosebank, 10 June 2018. Nathan Gernetzky unpacks how we can live for God’s glory in our city.

Lobola (John Mphaphuli)

Dr. Ntshengedzedi John Mphaphuli chatted to the leaders in Cornerstone city-wide about the practice of lobola.

We live in a multi-cultural society and our church has a diversity of cultures which we need to understand if we are going to lead effectively. Lobola (Zulu) is an age-old African custom, whereby the man pays the family of his fiancé for her hand in marriage. It is a widely practiced custom in various cultures in our city and there are many myths and realities and misunderstandings about this tradition.

Dr John came to help us better understand these myths and realities and how they relate to Kingdom culture.

John is part of the NCMI translocal team and the leadership of New Day Church in Edenvale. He has in-depth knowledge and over 25 years of experience in training entrepreneurial and leadership skills. He also lectures on Cultural Anthropology at the University of South Africa (UNISA) and has specialised in that field.

Kaleidoscope 2018: Saturday morning second session (Dalene)

Dalene encourages us tremendously at Kaleidoscope 2018 (second of two sessions on Saturday morning)

Kaleidoscope 2018: Saturday morning first session (Dalene)

Dalene encourages us tremendously at Kaleidoscope 2018 (first of two sessions on Saturday morning)

Kaleidoscope 2018: Friday Night (Talia)

Talia shares her story and encourages us with God’s word at Kaleidoscope 2018 (Friday night).

Kaleidoscope 2018: Friday morning (Adele)

Adele shares with us at Kaleidoscope 2018 (Friday morning, third session).