by Phil Quinn
In just a week or two we will have an Uptown venue of our very own and we’re looking to kit it out as nicely as we possibly can. So we’re checking to see who might be keen to donate certain kinds of items (all listed below) for the venue.

We want the space to be a blessing to the community of Braamfontein and to provide room for people to meet together, socialise and study: a homely and pleasant place that anyone will feel welcome in.
You can help us do this by donating items which we’re looking for. So why not dig through your garage or storeroom and see if you have anything on our list below which you would be willing to donate? Please only donate items which are in good, working condition – broken or clearly damaged things aren’t likely to be much use to us.
Please also note that if you donate something and we choose not to use it we will dispose of it at our own discretion (unless you clearly indicate that you would like it back). So please let us know if you’d like it back so that we don’t end up throwing away something we shouldn’t!
Thank you all you wonderful people! 🙂 Here’s what we’re looking for:
– Office furniture: desks, filing cabinets, etc.
– Book shelves
– Lounge furniture: couches, chairs, coffee tables, side tables, ottomans
– Good, working computer equipment: laptops, desktops, printers, etc. (shouldn’t be more than three years old)
– Picture frames (without the pictures, all sizes)
– Floor lamps
– Pot plants, pots for pot plants, hanging plants (all sizes)
– Fairy lights (working), not coloured.
– Working kitchen appliances: kettle, toaster, microwave, fridge, gas stove, etc.
– High resolution photos (in digital format) of Johannesburg, Braamfontein, and South African people
– Outdoor and garden furniture: large garden umbrellas (without logos), umbrella stands, garden or outdoor tables, garden or outdoor chairs
– Large chalk boards
– Blank, mounted canvases (all sizes)
– Mirrors
– Good quality Christian books by reputable authors (not fiction), particularly reference: atlases, dictionaries, concordances, commentaries, lexicons, etc.
– Good quality normal reference books: dictionaries, atlases, encyclopedias, guides, university level textbooks, etc.
– Good quality coffee table books
– Clear, plain glass vases and jars
– Old electric appliances (pre-1985), not necessarily working but in good condition; the older, the better – for display purposes only: tv’s, radios, kitchen appliances, tv game consoles, computers, record players, cameras, film projectors, etc.
– Old vinyl records – preferably working, preferably contemporary music from the 50’s – 80’s
– Old photos in projector slide format
– Old bicycles (not modern, bmx, racer or mountain bike) for display only
– Strong, good quality wooden crates (not tomato boxes)
Ok, so you’ve got something to donate?
Simply chat to me (Phil Quinn) or call the office at 011-616-4073, or email, to arrange where / when / how to get the items to us.